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Politics & Government - 1 April 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I don't understand how someone can be brave enough to send someone else's child to die for a cause, but won't send their own or go themselves. Isn't that like totally hypocritical?

2007-04-01 17:19:51 · 19 answers · asked by Fancy That 6 in Other - Politics & Government

Ok, say the worse happens and Clinton gets in, what would Bill Clinton be called ? First Gentleman does not fit him.

2007-04-01 17:16:10 · 9 answers · asked by Carlene W 5 in Elections

should we get rid of cows (and sadly, yummy hamburgers), since cows are some of the producers of methane, a greenhouse gas?

Ridiculous, I know...

2007-04-01 17:13:55 · 21 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

What proof do they have to show that they are Christians?What it the parents converted to Christianity whilst some kid retained being a Hindu or a Parsi? What happens then?

2007-04-01 17:13:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

For example my grandma died she left the house under my aunts name for her to divide amongs 2 other siblings and herself. it's been 4 years since my grandma died and nothing has been done the house is empty and she won't do anything does anyone know?

2007-04-01 17:09:33 · 2 answers · asked by bee23 1 in Law & Ethics

I don't think Congress is going to back down on this bill and I don't think Pres. Bush will sign it as it is. What might be something they could compromise on to keep the funding for the troops?

2007-04-01 17:08:04 · 9 answers · asked by BekindtoAnimals22 7 in Other - Politics & Government

It sure seems that way. I keep hearing people say that having sex with other women when a man is married is condoned in Mexico. Well I am a Mexican and I can tell you it is not. It is seen as disgraceful and the wife will most likely divorce or get separated from him. Before you make assumptions about a culture, know it first, if you don't, KEEP YOUR F'ING MOUTH SHUT!!!

No wonder other countries hate this nation.

2007-04-01 17:02:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Wasn't abortion a method that was advocated by eugenicists to prevent "unwanted" people like the poor from being born. Many abortionists today use the same logic today, only they twist it to saying they're doing the "unwanted" people a favor by sparing them a hard life to make it sound politically correct. But who are we to judge that someone's life isn't worth living just because they might have a hard childhood. There are many people who had bad childhoods and turned out to be great people. Should we just euthanize people who are depressed or the sick and elderly on the basis that they don't have to face their difficulties anymore. Why don't abortionists just try telling the parents of a child with a birth defect that they were wrong for not aborting their child?

2007-04-01 16:59:31 · 16 answers · asked by Joe S 3 in Politics

my friend goes to washu (washington university at st louis) and her dorm allows drinking for all students regardless of age as long as the door is open. the police are call WUPD b/c they are employed by the university and if youre underage and drunk its ok as long as youre on campus and not driving or anything. the only thing that you can actually get in trouble for is if you have to go to the hospital or something and even then its just a warning. its like mexico but in missouri. is this even legal???

2007-04-01 16:59:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

So why do liberals always want to take things for free?

2007-04-01 16:58:45 · 13 answers · asked by TRUE PATRIOT 6 in Politics

Then can we get corporations to listen to how pissed we are about high gas prices.
What would happen if people didn't go to work for a month and not drive their cars would gas prices go down?

2007-04-01 16:55:50 · 1 answers · asked by Charlooch 5 in Politics

2007-04-01 16:49:30 · 18 answers · asked by lavidasigue40 3 in Immigration

what countrys get invovled etc what types of weapons where it is being fought and how many people are fighting.

2007-04-01 16:47:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Someone told me that they are not given these supplies but it seems like the country would be spending millions of dollars on dental work for these guys if they weren't given toothbrushes.

2007-04-01 16:46:51 · 12 answers · asked by Kristy 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

I've been told by 2 people in the law field that people can't sue when your only income is Social Security. This is my mother's sole income since my father's death and since that's happened it's been hard just to pay what needs to be paid. Now a credit card company is threatening to sue when after bills she barely has $60.00 left a month.

2007-04-01 16:42:54 · 10 answers · asked by Tammy_Suto 5 in Law & Ethics

2007-04-01 16:40:01 · 7 answers · asked by ? 1 in Government

Is this because they think the world is getting cooler, but are too stupid to know up from down?

2007-04-01 16:37:42 · 10 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

In my opinion the Guantanamo base is a camp dedicated to torture people. According to some studies, most of the inmates are not even part of any terrorist association. What do you feel, as an american, about this? Do you agree with this?

2007-04-01 16:33:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

He was bombing a CIVILIAN target in Hanoi.....in other words he is on the same moral level as the 9/11/01 bombers.

Now he wants to defend Bush's War....lets send him back to HANOI

2007-04-01 16:32:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Recently some students from my school were on a choir trip (school organized) they signed permission slips that stated if they drank alcohol they would be sent home... two of the students had a sip of some alcohol and they were sent home (8 hours away driving) via jet, alone, and more importantly at THEIR expense. Does my school have the right to do this?

2007-04-01 16:30:17 · 10 answers · asked by Joel B 1 in Law & Ethics

I need to start now! Global Cooling is inevitable!

2007-04-01 16:20:37 · 4 answers · asked by nicholettejohnson 4 in Politics

What is the current and past laws pertaining to stem cell research and when was it changed to stop gov't funding? Also, what current news has the subject recieved?

2007-04-01 16:19:40 · 2 answers · asked by Avatar206 2 in Law & Ethics

G'night all!
Hugs to you all~~~

Happy April 1st!

2007-04-01 16:19:22 · 10 answers · asked by Lisa the Pooh 7 in Politics

i told my friend (nico) to give my OTHER friend (justin) my skateboard (a pro skateboard costing me $150) to take home over the weekend. i just found out that nico didnt give the board to justin and he is now keeping it to himself. he claims that he kept the board but says it got ran over by a car (i do not believe this). is there anyway that i can sue him? my dad is a lawyer but i dont want to tell him about the incident if theres nothing he can do because i wasnt supposed to be out of the house. (i gave him my skateboard at a nearby school)

i want to know if i can sue him if he:

1.didnt follow my requests of giving my skateboard to somebody else

2.got it ran over by a car

3.kept my it

2007-04-01 16:18:14 · 1 answers · asked by Paolo B 2 in Law & Ethics

We find the charector of police is always cruel.
What are the reasons behind ?
How to change this menality?

2007-04-01 16:18:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

everybody on these message bords are just talking **** about conservatives or liberals, dont you realize that these terms are dumbing down political retoric in America?? people on Y! are spending more time just talking **** about one or the other and not even talking about the issues! i refuse to put a label on myself because they dont mean anything anymore, people are only calling themselves conservative or liberal just so they can feel like they 'belong' with a certian base. am i the only person here whos tired of this pre-school mentality that has dominated political debates for so long now?

2007-04-01 16:17:09 · 2 answers · asked by somedude 2 in Politics

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