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Politics & Government - 29 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Did you hear about the Texas police officer that pulled over a car and as he was standing next to it the driver turned the wheels toward the officer and pulled off nearly hitting the officer. The officer shot at the tires and hit and lady in the jaw because she was jammed in the trunks corner. The officer was sentenced I think for 6-12 months.

How about the two border patrol agents sentenced to 10 years for shooting a drug smuggler fleeing back to Mexico. (He was shot in the buttocks)

Are these good things? Bad? What do you think???

2007-03-29 12:43:37 · 1 answers · asked by Jasmine 5 in Immigration

I was involved in an auto accident. Another driver was attempting to pass 3 cars behind me and then decided to try to pass me as I was in the process of making a left hand turn. The other driver stated to police that he did not notice i was turning even though I did have my signal on and the other cars behind me were slowing down to allow me to make the turn. The other car T-boned my drivers side door and front wheel well causing me to skid completely across the road. He hit me at approximately 50-60 MPH. I have been to 4 doctors and my official diagnosis is displacement of a thoracic intervertabral disc and a cervical vertabral disc and a bilateral IVD. I am suffering severe headaches and pains in my neck, between my shoulderblades and into my lower back as well as tingling and numbness in my fingers and toes.I cannot return to my regular work duties.Only light duty. I have one of the best attorneys and doctors in Texas working my case. What kind of monetary settlement can I expect?

2007-03-29 12:43:28 · 2 answers · asked by 100% Chance of Pain 3 in Law & Ethics

Someone told me they are in the country illegally. Can I make a citizen's arrest with this information ?

2007-03-29 12:42:03 · 12 answers · asked by Lou Dobbs 1 in Immigration

Tax & Spend, Again
Democrats send a same-old budget to the floor.

By Stephen Spruiell

If there’s one thing the Democrats’ budget resolution makes clear, it’s that they didn’t get the message voters tried to send to Washington last November. They’re acting as if the American electorate, which voted against the Republicans, meant to say, “We liked the GOP’s incontinent spending and head-in-the-sand approach to entitlements, but we need someone who will do those things and raise our taxes.”

The budget resolution, which the Democrats sent to the House floor for debate Wednesday night, does nothing to mitigate America’s skyrocketing entitlement costs. It increases discretionary spending on a wide range of domestic programs, and it foresees the expiration of all the Bush tax cuts, which would bring about the largest tax increase in American history. Yet when Republicans confronted Democrats with each of these problems, their only answer was: Look who’s talking. After winning Congress by campaigning against the GOP, the Democrats can’t seem to shift gears and govern.

Not that the Republicans don’t deserve to be held accountable for the six years during which they enacted a prescription-drug entitlement that worsened America’s fiscal condition and presided over the largest increase in discretionary spending since the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson. Many Republicans admit that they lost Congress largely because voters were tired of their fiscal incompetence. At a House Republican Conference event for bloggers at the Capitol on Wednesday, House Budget Committee ranking member Paul Ryan’s (R., Wis.) first words were: “I would argue that one of the reasons we lost our majority is that we weren’t the people we said we were.”

At first glance, the Democrats appear to be at least avoiding that mistake. After all, what’s more true to form than a Democrat raising taxes and increasing spending? But one does wonder what happened to the Democrats who organized their 2006 campaigns on pledges of fiscal responsibility. For instance, here’s Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) on CNBC’s Kudlow & Company last October: “And I know that [Democrats] made it very clear to everyone that we are committed to no new deficit spending, pay as you go, cut these deficits. And fiscal responsibility is a key component of our agenda.”

And during a radio address last April, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D., Md.) said, “Fiscal responsibility is a foundation for our national security... Democrats urge our Republican friends to join us in a bipartisan consensus to restore our nation's fiscal health.” Was “fiscal responsibility” just a code word for “higher taxes”? If so, don’t tell the Kansans who voted for Nancy Boyda (D., Kan.) or the Arizonans who voted for Harry Mitchell (D., Ariz.), two freshmen Democrats who beat Republicans in 2006 after campaigning on fiscally conservative platforms.

The Democrats’ prescription for fiscal health, according to the budget they’ve put forward, is to do nothing about entitlements, increase spending and raise taxes. In other words, they’re offering the discredited GOP governing strategy they replaced, plus higher taxes — $900 billion higher, according to the Heritage Foundation.

The Democrats argue that even though their budget assumes the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, they’re not committing Congress to raising taxes. Instead, they suggest that the extra revenue could come from more aggressive tax collection. The political calculus here eludes me. Even assuming that “closing the tax gap” between what is owed and what is paid could offset all of the Democrats’ new spending (which is doubtful), more audits might be the only thing less popular than tax hikes.

House Republicans see the Democrats’ missteps as an opportunity to reach out to disillusioned conservatives and rehabilitate their brand as the party of fiscal integrity. Speaking to the assembled bloggers on Wednesday, House Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R., Mo.) said, “We have an opportunity here over the next several months to define who we are in a clear way to the American people, and the Democrats are helping by defining who they are.”

What Blunt means is that since they took power, the Democrats’ signature achievements have been a short-lived ban on earmarks and an increase in the minimum wage. Aside from that, they’ve demonstrated their fealty to big labor by voting to do away with secret-ballot unionizing elections and to let Transportation Security Administration employees participate in collective bargaining. They drafted a war funding bill that both liberals and conservatives despised and loaded it with pork in order to get it passed. And now they’ve concocted a budget resolution that calls for the biggest tax increase in American history.

America voted for change. It got the same old Democrats.

2007-03-29 12:40:30 · 18 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1 in Politics

Love these videos. proves every thing I say.
( I know, no bodys perfect. but people follow him like sheep.

2007-03-29 12:39:41 · 3 answers · asked by Doctor Pain 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Are you ready to cut-and-run in Iraq?
Are you ready to get pushed around by Iran and North Korea?
Are you ready to pay more taxes in your paycheck?

2007-03-29 12:39:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Tony Blair says he will not bend to Iran. Whether or not it is true they were in Iranian waters can't the Brits take the high road and avoid more conflict for the sake of their men and women held captive.

2007-03-29 12:38:05 · 18 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Politics

Do you suppose part of the "mission" may be to protect the over one hundred thousand civilian workers in country?

2007-03-29 12:37:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

what law would u add to or change......i need just the law cuz i need some idea for this uber gay 5 paragraph essay...thanx a bunch for helping

2007-03-29 12:36:47 · 4 answers · asked by C B 1 in Law & Ethics

My boyfriend was riding in a car with his friend today when they were pulled over for having no tag. The officers searched the car and found nothing. They asked my boyfriend his name and he gave them a different last name (his adoptive parents last name) which isn't what is on his license or birth certificate. He explained this to them but they arrested him for giving a false name. I thought it was only illegal to give a false name if you were covering up for something illegal not just because a cop asked you your name. We really need advice on this because he is on probation and this charge could cause his probation to be revoked.

2007-03-29 12:35:23 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

My boyfriend was the unfortunate victim of a 419 Nigerian scam. When he took the checks in to cash them, the store called the police. They held him for four hours questioning him. Now, because we go out sometimes, my boyfriend had my license in his wallet because I don't take a purse to the club. When they started questioning him about my last name and for information about me, he answered honestly that I was married and was in the process of getting a divorce. They called him a "homewrecker". That was completely uncalled for and inappropriate. Is there anything that we can do about this situation? They were rude to him and were not at all understanding about the situation. I think it has to do with him being hispanic/latino and some of his roommates who had problems with the law before (although he has a clean record, as do I). What can we do?

2007-03-29 12:34:17 · 6 answers · asked by Rachel A 2 in Law & Ethics

Give reasons with good explanations, I need to understand this for a Political Class and need more explanations than what the book is providing, thanks :)

2007-03-29 12:33:00 · 3 answers · asked by mj58 2 in Politics

Simple question, wondering everyones views.
Should there be a law to restrict them?
Are they protected under freedom of speech?
**Also, see my other discussion on the reduction of credit.

2007-03-29 12:32:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Before going into epileptic seizures of anger and propoganda....
Let me ask a question and keep an open mind.

Say in the next presidential election Obama doesn't win,
He has the NAACP on his side.
NAACP has been known to think that America is a big huge racist Country, when they don't have the audicity to make that statement. (Ignorant and stupid people can be racist, but it is wrong to classify the whole mass of America is) Do you think they will go on a spree of saying, that America hasn't come around and will not allow for a black president???
Rather than political views? I think i see it coming... Your thoughts?

2007-03-29 12:32:27 · 10 answers · asked by gsxr650 3 in Elections

Maude: What kind of flower would you like to be?
Harold: I don't know. One of these, maybe.(points to a huge bed of daisies)
Maude: Why do you say that?
Harold: Because they're all alike.
Maude: Oh, but they're NOT! Look. See, some are smaller; some are
fatter; some grow to the left, some to the right; some even have lost
some petals. All kinds of observable differences! You see, Harold, I
feel that much of the world's sorrow comes from people who are *this*,(points to one daisy)
yet allow themselves to be treated as *that*. (points to the huge bed of daisies)

From the best movie Harold and Maude

2007-03-29 12:31:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Any politicians-- federal, state, local, etc.

2007-03-29 12:30:47 · 6 answers · asked by nicole_b_2003 4 in Other - Politics & Government

"Thou shalt not kill"
why does He allow wars to go on and on and on?
...and please don't tell me to read the Book of Revelations because I already have and it's nothing more than something written by the writers of the first five books of the bible in order to scare people. And don't tell me that this is the wrong category because YOUR president has already made it perfectly clear that he thinks he's God..and since he does I now know why I do not believe in the bible and I certainly do not believe this man who told us early on that :

"God told [me] that it was all right to attack Iraq"..


2007-03-29 12:30:07 · 19 answers · asked by rare2findd 6 in Politics

I invite you all to read this article and refute- (make sure you read the sources) anything there. I see all of these ppl saying to read this report, it explains everything, it does not. Just to let you know Popular Mechanics is owned by hearst Publishing- look that up in your encyclopedia and you will find that the first thing it says is that they were the originators of YELLOW JOURNALISM. Many of you will say that this is not a credible site, that is irellevant because the article is well sourced.

2007-03-29 12:28:12 · 4 answers · asked by Luke F 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Inmates? Not really resourceful.

2007-03-29 12:25:33 · 23 answers · asked by AG74 1 in Immigration

When the British female hostage is made to appear on video in a scarf and Islamic wardrobe, am I the only one who wonders why no one seems to speak out against this sort of behavior. When we provide a prison for terrorist detainees that is actually more accommodating than our own here in the U.S., but the watchdogs still complain of human rights violations...I just don't get it. Not that I believe in going to their level of savageness, but why those watchdogs say nothing about this behavior is beyond me. If we made the detainees wear a cross or a star of David, it would be all over the news how insensitive we are. Heck, our tax dollars go to buy them Kurans and prayer mats. I'm close to making serious my plan to organize a protest against terrorism. It would be nice to see a protest of the actual problem for once.

2007-03-29 12:23:48 · 9 answers · asked by Whootziedude 4 in Politics

2007-03-29 12:21:50 · 14 answers · asked by Bethany A 2 in Politics

I'm confused. Liberals seem to be on such a guard against rising fundamentalist Christian forces in the U.S., but openingly support actions abroad that would create even more theocracies?

For instance, they constantly apologize for Iran's actions and opening support the premature withdrawl of American forces from Iraq. Withdrawl that will most certainly create a Shi'ite theocracy in Iraq that would murder millions of Sunni Muslims.

Whats the deal libs? Why the support for the fundamentalists?

2007-03-29 12:20:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

A. a dispute between two texas residents over ownership of a ranch.
B. prosecution of a cruise line for dumping hazardous waste in Chesepeake Bay
C. an antitrust case to stop the merger of two large banks
D. a lawsuit against the FAA brought by airplane crash victims families

2007-03-29 12:19:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

and wants to speak with her. She does not want me to tell anyone (even husband) that she is not there so I tell them she is not available at the moment. He gets angry with me for not answering his questions. I have informed him that I do not want to be involved in their marital problems but he seems bent on involving myself and another employee. He went to his wifes apartment today and called from there and asked for his wife. She was not at work she was at her apartment and he knew she was there. When I told him she was not available at the moment he said I know she is here with me. Any way to make a long story short is there any law that forbids people from annoying you at your place of work? I am seeking other employment but until then is there anything I can do?

2007-03-29 12:18:42 · 4 answers · asked by jennagg 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I hear him talk a lot about his Black relatives (who didn't raise him, by the way), but I have yet to hear him say anything about his white relatives.

2007-03-29 12:17:48 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

A. Award only monetary damages
B. compel action or force cessation of action
C. proclaim rights and duties and enforce them
D. compel someone to follow the common law

2007-03-29 12:16:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

A. What would have happened at the trial.
B. How he is treated in prison.
C. Almost nothing, if in his plea bargain he signed away his right to appeal.
D. The prejudice against him of the officer who investigated the case.

2007-03-29 12:14:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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