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Politics & Government - 27 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

ok..did she like cut her wrists..how did she learn..me and my friend (Amber) are wondering..lol. were laughing trying to find out how..so please help..

2007-03-27 06:18:30 · 5 answers · asked by Brooke 2 in Elections

If so, why? Is this not tantamount to allowing a search? For what other reason would an officer ask you to exit a vehicle? Also, is allowing an officer to frisk you not a consent to search your person? What happens if you refuse?

2007-03-27 06:18:26 · 21 answers · asked by Sgt Slaughter 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I've been hearing this a lot and this comes because of the crisis in Iraq and Afghanistan. Word is that they might go to the world tribunals at The Hague (Netherlands) based on accusations of genocide. What do you think about this? I have to say that I think the current military efforts in the Mid East are a waste of human lives, both on the Iraqis/Afghans and the US/UK troops.

2007-03-27 06:13:41 · 22 answers · asked by zaxxon 3 in Politics

if so, we need petitions to somehow boycott nafta. anyone have any ideas on how to go about this?

2007-03-27 06:12:09 · 4 answers · asked by pennieduster 1 in Government

Doesn't that make their hiring for political reasons?

Isn't that a perk to being the Preisdent, you can appoint to whom you feel represents what you believe?

2007-03-27 06:11:31 · 15 answers · asked by John 5 in Politics

Do you believe we have radical muslims, living right here in our country, that will someday start their crap here ! Example, : Suicide bombs, dirty bombs, attacks from within! Why or why not? I think our government is too navie, so I do believe we have "ticking time bombs" living among us!

2007-03-27 06:10:24 · 15 answers · asked by hot_rican_4_ju 3 in Military

I also assume that liberals will mostly side with the Iranians that they were in Iranian waters..... So whats the story Liberals before it gets out of hand. Which side are you on and how quick will you change your minds. Since you are so liberal??

2007-03-27 06:07:05 · 15 answers · asked by Barack O Bankrupt 4 in Other - Politics & Government

I asked a question here three times.
Please quote, (as in "in quotation marks') a lie by a current democrat politician, blogger media person...you name 'em...Pelosi.... Michael Moore...Boxer...NY Times...up to you...

I got about 60 answers from the GOPs and neocons..
But not one quote of a lie as asked. Not one.

About 50 of them were childish stupid attempts to insult me or call me names.

The other 10 were the same oft-repeated accusations that the Democrats liberals etc. are liars...without credible evidence or foundation...which is precisely why I asked in the first place.

But not one answered the question. Not one

I must admit that a few (three or four) quoted Democrats who made incorrect predictions (such as the housing crash) or incorrect statements (Saddam has WMDs quoted from several years ago), But these were not lies but what the person quoted believed to be true or what (s)he thought might happen.
There is a difference between being wrong and lying.

2007-03-27 06:06:11 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

We spend outrageously on military, Wars are driving up national debt, yet retards are still in the Reagan era going on about some starving children on welfare.

Why would you rather police the world with tax dollars, than put tax money to good use for true american citizens since Iraq posed no imminent threat to the US whatsoever and you know it.
(and Bush is a liar, he said we wouldn't be doing world policing and since Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11, why the fk are we there anyway)

2007-03-27 06:06:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I'm serious, I get flagged more for answering a question than I do for being a smart a**. What gives? Why bothering answering a question if it's just going to get flagged? Maybe I should be a flagaholic too and flag any answer I don't like. Isn't that what flagaholics like to do. Flag people who don't give the answer they were hoping for?

2007-03-27 06:05:27 · 8 answers · asked by Groovy 6 in Other - Politics & Government

It has just been reported that his cancer has spread to his liver.
Please send your prayers and best intentions to him and his family. Tony is the President's press secretary.

2007-03-27 06:05:03 · 12 answers · asked by Jacob W 7 in Politics

What would be one word to summerize the above???

2007-03-27 06:04:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What interest groups, lobbyist, etc. is he supported by?

2007-03-27 06:02:55 · 9 answers · asked by April 1 in Politics

It just strikes me as odd that a warship presumably with binoculars and radar on board would let this happen and either be unaware of what was going on or would deliberately let members of their crew get captured. Surely they have the clout to stop small boats.

2007-03-27 06:02:05 · 10 answers · asked by orurt 1 in Military

I would like a general opinion on who would win this upcoming election. I don't want to know why, just an answer on who is going to win...thanks a lot...I preferably don't want Hilary Clinton to win because we would all die if she was President...go Giuliani!

2007-03-27 06:01:44 · 12 answers · asked by Jessica :) 2 in Elections

2007-03-27 06:01:35 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

.. to the extent that crime becomes so bad - that citizens are forced to take the law into their own hands .. in the event that said "joe citizen" is prosecuted for their vigilanteism - who in tunr counter sues the government for failure to maintain public safety and decorum.

2007-03-27 06:01:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Everyone seems to say that we want to control what you do with your body, but that is so untrue. We just want protection for the bodies of the unborn, which everyone knows is a completely differnt from the mother's, due to the fact that they can have differing blood types, be a different sex from the mother ect.

We simply want protection for the body of the unborn.

Abortion has very little to do with the body of the mother in comparing the mutilation of the child who is often torn apart limb by limb.

I want to put that myth to rest for you all.

2007-03-27 05:59:47 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

He will not close the borders from a foreign invasion he needs to be removed now for treason, along with all of congress.Bush needs to go now.

2007-03-27 05:57:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

The dream conservative has been a nightmare for America.

2007-03-27 05:54:32 · 34 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

Half a million immigrant women from Eastern Europe are bringing the NHS Maternity care to the brink of collapse.

If all our public services have to be open to immigrants, should it not be the EU who pick up the bill and not the British taxpayer?

2007-03-27 05:53:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

The country is divided between us and them...it doesn't make sense. What ever happened to Government BY the people and FOR the people? I don't care if you are Democrat OR Republican...We used to all be AMERICANS who listened to one another, what happened?

2007-03-27 05:52:27 · 21 answers · asked by hera 4 in Government

I guess that's the Libs first step to giving the country over to the Muslims.

2007-03-27 05:52:26 · 11 answers · asked by Let's Go Muddin' 1 in Politics

i was wondering if there are any marines out their that are past gymnasts. i am a level 9 gymnastat and am wondering how you would compare your workouts as a gymnast to the PT in boot camp.

2007-03-27 05:52:07 · 2 answers · asked by steph 1 in Military

The recent turn out at anti-war protests fell well short of projections. Clearly, there is a dire need in the USA-hating activist community for more "boots on the ground".

Why are there so many liberals sitting at their computers bashing the war and the USA, instead of signing up at their local A.N.S.W.E.R. chapter?

Sure, they just want to send young, impressionable college students off to do their protesting for them. They would never risk arrest/imprisonment themselves.

2007-03-27 05:51:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Har har har, let's blow things up. But they've never ever been shot at or shot someone (except Cheney has shot someone before)

2007-03-27 05:49:05 · 9 answers · asked by trer 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Which candidate do you support at this time?
Rudy Giuliani (r)
Hillary Clinton (d)
Ron Paul (r)
Barack Obama (d)
John McCain (r)
Bill Richardson (d)
Mitt Romney (r)
John Edwards (d)
Sam Brownback (r)
Gene Chapman (L)
Fred Thompson (r)
Jim Gilmore (r)
Tom Tancredo (r)
Tommy Thompson (r)
Duncan Hunter (r)
Mike Huckabee (r)
Mike Gravel (d)
Dennis Kucinich (d)
Joe Biden (d)
Wes Clark (d)
Chris Dodd (d)
P. Dale Thompson (c)
Elaine Brown (g)
Kat Swift (g)
Doug Stanhope (L)
Wayne Allyn Root (L)
Dave Hollist (L)
George Philliies (L)
Alden Link (L)
Jim Burns (L)
Gene Amondson (Prohibition)
Johnathan "The Impaler" Sharkey (Vampires and WItches)
John Taylor Bowles (American Nazi Party)
Stephen Adams (Ind)
Cris Ericson (Marijuana Party)
Dan Imperato (Reform)
Arthur Regan (Ind)
Lanakila Washington (Humanist)
Bob Hargis (Ind)
"Tee" Barkdull (New American)
Orion Karl Daley (Balanced Party)
Vinnie Ferrari (Ind)
Robert Milnes (Progressive Ind)

2007-03-27 05:48:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

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