If I wanted to show how uneducated you are, I could never have done as good a job as you did by your asking that question.
2007-03-27 06:04:24
answer #1
answered by truth seeker 7
His name is Barack Obama. He is not Muslim these days. He has attended the Trinity United Church of Christ, south side Chicago for many years. It doesn't matter if it is a black running the country either. Many people seem to forget, that we whites were not here first and should not judge. The Indians were here before white settlers came to America, invaded it and then claimed it for our own country. If we didn't intrude, the Indians long ago would have a President of this country and if they took the type of view as we usually do about having a white President throughout history, they would have an Indian President running the country for many centuries and someone in there would be asking them, "Would you dare want to have a white Christian with a boring English name running our country." Think about things, listen to the facts first. Then make your decision.
2007-03-31 04:02:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You poor ignorant soul! You obviously have not been paying attention or done any research before you rant or ask stupid questions. Senator Obama is NOT a Black Muslim. He is a Christian. So what if his name is Hussein.
Perhaps we should call all of the candidates by their full names.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton
Barack Hussein Obama
Johnny Reid Edwards
John Sidney McCain III
Rudolph William Louis Giuliani III
Willard Mitt Romney
Michael Dale Huckabee
Newton Leroy Gingrich
William Blaine Richardson III
Dennis John Kucinich
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
How is that for a list?
2007-03-27 06:57:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i think he would do way better than out President bush who is committing genocide :) what does religion have anything to do...There are people who are Christians who are like the devil and there are Christians who are as sweet as heaven....don't be ignorant once again...you seem to be labeling that any one who is Muslim has to be a terrorist....and how about Bush gives The MUSLIMS THEIR country back and bring back our MEN AND WOMEN :) that would be great. and stop wasting our tax money on a war that has no point and come fix all the ghettos ... I knew he wouldn't be able to lead this country if he couldn't lead Texas alone....pstt imagine a whole country.
2007-03-27 06:59:32
answer #4
answered by patty 2
1. He isn't a Muslim, Fox News and the Washington Times made it up.
2. Even if he was, read your Constitution, there is no religious litmus test in holding office.
3. Ugh, why do you care what his middle name is?
2007-03-27 06:16:21
answer #5
answered by Liberals love America! 6
Since when should color, relegion or even name have anything to do if the person can help this country pull itself up from where it is. You're going to insinuate the current administration is doing a fine job?
2007-03-27 06:07:27
answer #6
answered by katydid 7
These people must not know the first thing about radical Islam or they are one. What diff does it make? Do they want to be forced to convert to Islam or get beheaded-under SHARIA Law? Wow, I can't believe that they would put themselves and their families in such a submissive predicament.
2007-03-27 06:13:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I seriously doubt that the American public would go for a muslim, black man (not racist), so I don't think we have to worry about that for right now...it is another Republican year in the White House!
2007-03-27 06:15:32
answer #8
answered by Jessica :) 2
How are things like his being black, Muslim (which he isn't anyway, by the way), or his name relevant? Care to enlighten us, sport?
2007-03-27 06:06:36
answer #9
answered by David 7
Ummm... you really are an idiot.
Even were your premise correct, are you saying we should have a religion test to qualify someone for public office?
2007-03-27 06:03:57
answer #10
answered by Blackacre 7