I was forced into retirement by the IRS in retaliation for having made complaints to my elected representatives of
certain abusive and illegal practices being used to attempt to
force me to pay a tax debt owed by my wifes former spouse.
My health has been destroyed, and I am now terminally ill with
a degenerative heart condition, resulting from 6 years of this
callous, unrelenting harassment. I was told that unless I paid,
I could lose my job, or I could have my wages garnished.
Despite filing chapter 7 in which my spouses student loans
were also listed and discharged, the government has now
seized my tax refund as well as my SSDI payment. As a result,
I face eviction from my home due to inability to pay rent, as well
as inability to buy medication that I need to live, among a list
of other consequences too long to list.
If there is a law firm out there who could help, or if anyone has any ideas at all, I am truly desparate.
3 answers
asked by
Jeffrey V
Law & Ethics