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Politics & Government - 19 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Also...why is it libs are so eager to start these things but never want to finish. This can be blamed on Bush over and over, but over 80% of all Libs were for it when we went. Its not going as planned so they want to tuck their tails and run....how usual.

2007-03-19 15:47:05 · 9 answers · asked by Promethius 2 in Politics

I hear you get to select job preference In bootcamp and not during MEPS. is that true? and I also heard the marines don't guarantee you a job in what you want. so for instance if you select admin they might make you be a grunt? any truth to that?

2007-03-19 15:46:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

has the US presidency become a puppet satelite system of the skull and bones or the buildaburger or the Controlling powers of secret society of the dragon?

2007-03-19 15:46:37 · 7 answers · asked by Priestcalling 3 in Government

I think I might want to run for president in 2024. However last fall I dated someone who I thought was a girl but it turned out they were really a dude. I was shocked. I immediatly ended the relationship. Would this incident haunt me if I decided to run for president someday??????

2007-03-19 15:46:21 · 23 answers · asked by J 2 in Politics

I worked for this company for nearly 6 years, they just terminated my employment on the 6th of this month. I have been sexual harassed by my supervisor and another employee that I was team leader over. I reported the harassment to my supervisors immediate boss (which is the manager of the warehouse) I told him on 2 different occasions about each persons harassment. I have documentation, but he didn't want to see it and he dismissed me like I was making it up. I later got fired talking to another employee (who I was team leader of also) about work. They dismissed me telling me my talking was a bad example to the other employees. I have had no prior problems with this issue and have never been written up for it or anything else for that matter. I have filed with the EEOC, what do you think my chances are in court?

2007-03-19 15:46:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I contend that todays military is just that military they advised against.
At same time I see no way to move back from it and only more increases of interferences into and over civilain matters.
That it will still answer somewhat to a civilian leadership, not under but part of an equal partnership, with control over foreign and domestic matters becomes more daily evident: some examples such as torture, partnership Federalizing of local police forces, elimination of Possee Commitatus, and the laws governing the civilian population by deletion of rights under constitution to be more in line with " Uniform Code of MilitaryJustice" in their stead."
Not saying dangerous to population or sinister because a population has right to form such a new Union if they want.
That within the military and those who support how it is used today want such a society is the true division of US.
We have a dual society, the mass who react in predictable ways, and manipulators.
Realist over fantasy!

2007-03-19 15:45:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Did one word jumble up your mind? So a word with an answer mispelled do not stop you hold you back to the answer the question since you are saying women are not as smart as men. Is that all you can complain about? You spent more time addrressing the issue than the question. Siervoc come you are old enough to get over a word mispelled. Be fair , be honest answer questions. You are in what the 8th or 9th grade every person on earth will misspell but not you. You are prefect

2007-03-19 15:45:29 · 6 answers · asked by Zoe 3 in Immigration

Does the Vatican have a seat on the General Assembly of the UN like any other member nation?

2007-03-19 15:45:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

What does the sponsor need? Please list A-Z what I need to prepare....affidavit of support, letter of invitation, proof of citizenship, bank statements, plans, pay-stubs, WHAT ELSE?

Is it bad that I am her boyfriend? Should we let them know?

She has property and all her family is in Mexico, will they grant her a B2 Visa???
ANY TIPS??????????????

2007-03-19 15:44:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I have a friend who is 18 and wants to move out but says that her parents have the ability to pull her back into there custody to where she can't leave. Is that really possible. Please site a case if you can this is real important to me.

2007-03-19 15:44:12 · 2 answers · asked by underscore 1 in Law & Ethics

Hmmm... No guns?

2007-03-19 15:43:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I was in an auto accident a couple years ago and didn't have insurance, so now I have been served with "must appear" court documents. It's a civil suit between me and his insurance company...there is no way for me to do time for that, is there?

2007-03-19 15:42:47 · 8 answers · asked by beerengine3 1 in Law & Ethics

What did The Sacco and Vanzetti laywer use to get a new trial or their verdict overturned?(for Social Studies)

2007-03-19 15:42:46 · 2 answers · asked by trouble 1 in Law & Ethics

My birth certificate and naturalization certificate is lost and I am going on a cruise in two months. I was born in South Korea while my dad was stationed there. Does anyone know who I need to contact or a website I can use to obtain proof of citizenship? Thank you.

2007-03-19 15:42:25 · 9 answers · asked by vik25love 2 in Immigration

Black Knuckles and Short minivan hated me and Michelle had a crush on me. Whatever happened to them??????

2007-03-19 15:40:19 · 5 answers · asked by J 2 in Politics

Where do you go to get answers on labor laws concerning employees who service the MRDD Community. The house I was working with, brought in a whole new staff. What are my rights?

2007-03-19 15:40:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Muslims that come to the US, knowing what kind of society we have, and that many things we do here are against their religion. Yet they come here and b*tch and complain about our lifestyles and try to change us!! For example, in MN, muslim store cashiers are refusing to serve customers that are buying pork products; and there are muslims refusing people cab rides because they have alcohol in their possession or have a seeing eye dog with them!!! WTF!! I would never go to another country and try to tell their citizens that their society is wrong and should change for me, a foreigner. I'd be beheaded if I did this in an Islamic country.

Is our society so afraid of being label politically incorrect bigots, that we ignore the fact they are changing us and this country for the worse??!! Political correctness is nothing but bullsh*t! If they don't agree with our lifestyles, why don't they just go back to their wonderfully peaceful Islamic run nations?

2007-03-19 15:39:01 · 1 answers · asked by Bunz 5 in Politics

. . .because I would like to share my collection but I don't want to go to jail or anything. lol

2007-03-19 15:37:07 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Has the BCRA(2002) solved the problem in this country when it comes to elections?

2007-03-19 15:36:15 · 5 answers · asked by veramente_indipendente 1 in Other - Politics & Government

They dont realize that this is what happened then...the hippies protested until we left prematurely. Libs even look back at Vietnam and say..."we should have stayed" yet they are so eager to make it happen again.

2007-03-19 15:35:21 · 24 answers · asked by Promethius 2 in Politics

2007-03-19 15:34:43 · 1 answers · asked by Advicer 2 in Politics

I was arrested for brech o peace and a protective order was brought against me that neither me nor my wife wanted. Once the protective order was in place we may or may not have continued to live together. One day while my wife was yelling for the kids to get ready neighbors called police thinking she was yelling at me. We explained to police nothing happened but they later found out I wasnt supposed to be there and now want to get a warrant for violation of protective order. The day after I "violated" my original breech of peace was nollied and the charges and protective order dropped. So what will the bond be if there is one and what is the likely hood the judge will even sign this given one day later everything was dropped?

2007-03-19 15:33:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

is it possible and if so how do i go about filing a class action lawsuit against the governer of my state?

2007-03-19 15:32:59 · 8 answers · asked by wseedorff 1 in Law & Ethics

has prez bush lied to us? what do you believe? has operation relief any chance of succeding?

2007-03-19 15:31:17 · 7 answers · asked by frank h 2 in Military

Hey they hung Sadam saying he commited war crimes against innocent civilians so why not hang Bush? Our troops have killed over 30,000 people in Iraq in less then five years so who is the war criminal? Sounds like good old boy Bush should ne hung too if you apply the same reasoning to this crime he has commited and still is commiting doesn't it?

2007-03-19 15:31:08 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I have a friend that wants to come to the US from Largo Nigeria. I know that he needs a visa but do i need to know if i need to file any papers on my end for him to come to the US?

2007-03-19 15:30:53 · 4 answers · asked by Meka 1 in Embassies & Consulates

To me i think it is.
I mean... The person is there because he/she murdered someone.. The person they murdered had to suffer through pain... But the death penalty is painless (or some says)
And even if it is painful.. They deserve it.. They're the one who killed a person..

A life for a life...
but that soulds like. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind...

What do you believe in?

2007-03-19 15:30:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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