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Politics & Government - 13 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Do you think that some people are a little "more equal" than others?

How does your belief on this subject effect your opinion of government services and policies?

Do you think that George W. Bush was born with the same or more opportunities as say, someone born in rural Podunk Mississippi?

2007-03-13 10:04:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-13 10:03:36 · 4 answers · asked by nutterandbolter 1 in Other - Politics & Government

A general in the contintal army
A Mohawk chief
British general
Huron Chief
a british politician

2007-03-13 10:02:49 · 1 answers · asked by Jessica V 1 in Government

I was charged a rescheduling fee of $50.00 for cancelling an appointment with a Dr. for a procedure due to my negligence to prep for the procedure i.e. fasting, etc. I signed no documents agreeing to pay any cancellation fees nor did the nurses inform me that I would be charged a fee if I failed to give adequate notice of cancellation or rescheduling. However, in my prep paperwork, there is a statement regarding these fees and the medical center's cancellation policy. So, I just want to know if this Dr.'s office has a legal right to charge these fees and if I dispute the fees can they send it to collections?

2007-03-13 10:02:21 · 5 answers · asked by Mark C 2 in Law & Ethics

1. USA
2. UK
3. Russia
4. Germany
5. .... dont know

2007-03-13 10:01:49 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

My husband and I got married a month ago, he is a Kenyan Citizen here on an F-1 Student Visa, I am a US citizen. He has a social security card and drivers liscense. We had a consultation with a lawyer about applying for residency and of course he reccommended we use his services but he wants $1,500 and thats a lot of money for us. He told us many horror stories about people applying on their own. My question is should we use a lawyer? Also, if you send a form in and they send it back because of a mistake, do you have to pay the fee again when you send the corrected form back? Is it really that complicated to do this on our own? Thanks for any help or information you can give me.

2007-03-13 10:01:48 · 6 answers · asked by v_rudacille 1 in Immigration

After all the disagreeing I have done here with his policies, I have to give credit where credit is due. I saw some really great things this week in Bush's visits down south and the work he is doing for alternative bio-fuels. I watched him last night talk for a bit about it and he really does sound like he knows what he is doing with the fuels, so, I say, MR. Bush, bring us the biop-fuels! Anybody else think he did a good job this week?

2007-03-13 10:01:05 · 9 answers · asked by dolphinparty13 2 in Politics

i am 16 now and thinking of joining the marine corps. i have had surgery on my elbow a few years back and have a screw in there. i also have had ankle surgery and have stables in there. will these past injuries disqualify me.

2007-03-13 10:00:59 · 10 answers · asked by steph 1 in Military

Too much revisionist history being taught in red state jesus voucher schools or right wing hate radio?

2007-03-13 10:00:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-13 09:56:25 · 29 answers · asked by Lou Dobbs 1 in Immigration

The person who normally knows where it is is not at work today and for some reason no one else in the building knows the answer to my question ......grrrrrrrr!!!

2007-03-13 09:54:57 · 1 answers · asked by power_puph 1 in Law & Ethics

I am doing a research paper on Chinas one child policy. Does anyone know of any good sources that i could go to to get some GOOD informtaion. I have "some" information but i know theres more to it than "the law". What happens to these children? What forces does the government use to stop people from getting pregnant? Is there a time line on this situation? Are there any statitics on the population decrease or increase? What have been the out comes/ Basically all the information that i can get..........Thanks :)

2007-03-13 09:54:21 · 3 answers · asked by sweetness 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Was it the Secret Service, Nannies, perhaps the clergy who turned out to be child molestors, public schools?

2007-03-13 09:53:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2007-03-13 09:53:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I don't know about Constitutional, but I understand his distrust of the government. He didn't want to kill those kids in the building, and he later wrote that killing the kids was his only regret. He watched as the FBI invaded the Davdian headquarters and killed many religious people in Waco, and he was angered, as I was about how the US Marshalls investigated an innocent man named Randy Weaver and assaulted his house, killing his son, wife, and dog. The government has gone too far with many inncent people who they think are dangerous just because they don't trust the government. Mind, I am not thinking about blowing up buildings.

2007-03-13 09:53:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

WASHINGTON - The American Humanist Association applauded Rep. Pete Stark for publicly acknowledging he does not believe in a supreme being. The declaration, it said, makes him the highest-ranking elected official — and first congressman — to proclaim to be an atheist.

Associate director Ron Millar told the Los Angeles Times that the group wanted to highlight the difficulty that politicians have declaring they don't believe in God.

2007-03-13 09:51:50 · 10 answers · asked by ? 5 in Politics

They say the Left is against free speech, but yet the Left are not the ones shutting down the free internet. They are not the ones with the paid for mouth pieces of lies like Hannity and Limbaugh - Fox - EIB

They say the Left tampered with elections, yet the Left were not the ones who approached Clinton Curtis and asked him to create software that would flip votes and fix an election.

They say that the Left does not support the troops, yet they were not the ones who sent the troops in without proper armor. They are the ones who want to bring them home before they blown up by roadside bombs because the Iraqi's are fed up with an unjustified invasion and occupation.

The Right claims the left are hurting the "War on Terror" yet they are the ones who shifted the war into Iraq who had nothing to do with 9/11 or the "War on Terror".

So my question is this: Why is the Right trying so hard to twist the facts and paint the Left in such a bad light?

Is it the fear of 2008?

2007-03-13 09:50:23 · 6 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Was fired for not showing improvement/not being able to handle the workload and i disagree completely due to being provided with a defective pc that my supervisor was aware of and never got it fixed. Because of this i had to enter info. twice into the system.

2007-03-13 09:50:22 · 7 answers · asked by girly 1 in Law & Ethics

should your employment history and what you have contributed in your passed be taken into consideration when you find you have to make a claim.

2007-03-13 09:49:16 · 5 answers · asked by oobedoo 1 in Law & Ethics

Our no tresspassing signs seem to have no affect on them. Last week i was in the shower and looked out, sure enough, there they were again, a whole car load of them. so i stepped out of the shower and answered the door in the buff and told them, come on in...........they ran. havent been back. my husband is mad at me. was i wrong?

2007-03-13 09:49:05 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

.....Concern ourselves with propagating the Human Race and our vested interest in its continued continuation, when clearly, once extintct, we would be back in no time (well,) via evolution.

2007-03-13 09:46:36 · 24 answers · asked by K. Marx iii 5 in Politics

Review his videos and come back here and tell me what you think.




2007-03-13 09:45:21 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Since I have been on Y!A (even as cincywahine prior to being deleted by "those" people) I have always had a pic of a sea turtle that I took while snorling as my avatar...

Why can't I get it up there now? Where did it go? Is anyone else having this problem? Is it the man keeping me down?

2007-03-13 09:44:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

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