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Politics & Government - 7 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

for H1b...Do I need a Visa Screen? I have checked out the internet and this VS seems to be to check that foreign trained healthworkers are eligible for Licensure... I am already licensed and working.

2007-03-07 00:42:23 · 2 answers · asked by yeahokinalittlewhile 2 in Immigration

And secondly who is the most likely to invade another country?

2007-03-07 00:34:18 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

what would happen if an illegal alien played the lottery and won? lets say the jackpot is over 150 mil. all the money of the legals going straight to a guy who hopped a fence. will a liberal government managing the lottery allow him to keep it, or will it continue the game until a legal resident wins? what if hugo chavez were to spend 1$ on an american lottery ticket and won over 150 mil?

2007-03-07 00:33:45 · 10 answers · asked by j 1 in Politics

What does this say about humanity if a group of people funded and spent years working on the production of something capable of inflicting gruesome deaths to millions of people?

2007-03-07 00:33:15 · 17 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4 in Other - Politics & Government

That illegall immigrants in the UK are getting text messages telling them to "Go Home" !!!!!!!!! What do you think?

2007-03-07 00:32:06 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Put on your thinking caps. I will give you a couple of hints. The opposite of being alive is being ? April 15 is when these forms are to be mailed out every year,. The 2 Guarantees in each American'

2007-03-07 00:31:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

his involvement so that we can impeach the SOB?

2007-03-07 00:28:57 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Hi there I just wanted general info about patents (copyrites)

I have an idea that i want to get off the ground but it involves using someone else's idea which they have patented . I was think about obviously summiting my idea to them to get their permission to use their idea. But I am worried that they might say no but steal my idea instead.

So am I right in thinking that I should patent my idea too (which involves their idea) so that they don't steal my idea if that makes sense? ...really sorry if it doesn't but thats the best I can explain it

2007-03-07 00:27:15 · 6 answers · asked by j m 1 in Law & Ethics

" Stats are from 1980 to 2005 "

They give children birth control , teen pregnancy is up 487%

They teach oral sex as a alternative,Teen STD's including oral and genital herepes and genital warts is up 769%.
74% of teen girls 14 years old have had oral sex over 20 times with average of 5 different partners, and don't consider it sex.

They teach that abortion is a great alternative to responsability and has no mental repercustions, 235 teen girls commited suicide last year within 2 weeks of takeing their unborn childs life. over 1,150,000 are in intense therapy suffering from depression and suisidel tendencies, that we know of. child slaughter has gone from 275,00 in the US. in 1985 to 2,750,000+ in 2005.( a virtial holocaust.)

The divorce rate is up by 174%

Unmarried couples with children in up by 645%

ect. ect. check your census info at us.gov and us.gov/archives/national statistics. SCARY AS HELL!!

2007-03-07 00:25:35 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I have noticed that Anne Coulter says a lot of stuff that is taken right from Rush Limbaugh's training guide.
In addition I think they have a physical resemblance.
Anne Coulter has a very prominent adams apple.

2007-03-07 00:21:55 · 4 answers · asked by telwidit 5 in Politics

Anyone else think he's taking the fall to cover up for "other" higher-ups? And do you think the Idiot King will keep his word about dealing harshly with the GUILTY?

2007-03-07 00:20:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-03-07 00:20:11 · 8 answers · asked by anime15luv 1 in Military

2007-03-07 00:11:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

people in all walks of life can be nice to each other and stop criticizing, talk harmful words i'm so tired of reading insults,hatred and all that depressing attitudes...

2007-03-07 00:08:56 · 9 answers · asked by james 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I live in Florida, my ex lived in Ohio with our kids, in August I filed papers to get custody of the children. One hearing was in Feb. but he didnt show up. I found out he had a warrant for his arrest for probabtion violation. He has recently packed up the kids and moved to washington, is there something I can do to get the kids back in OHio until the final decision is made?

2007-03-07 00:08:20 · 4 answers · asked by mysjess11 1 in Law & Ethics

is there anything i can do, broke down in scotland over xmas and my work took pay off me, now they want to disaplin me for having time off when car broke down?? is there anythin i can say in my defence, i have the AA reports and repair invoice, cost me over £1600 to repair, lost work pay, please help

2007-03-07 00:07:51 · 7 answers · asked by robbo1974 3 in Law & Ethics

I have just seen a job spec, and amongst the requirements it says you should have a full clean driving licence.

Can they legally advertise such a thing? As it is a barrier to even applying for the role?

Also, if you do not get a company car, and this is not pertinent to you role, for example if you worked in a cave and never needed to drive for business purposes is this not unfair and prejudicial to people who may have just gone 3 miles over the speed limit?

Does this contravene human rights?

2007-03-07 00:07:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Why are abortions paid for but not fertility treatments? I am pro choice but wondering about others views.

2007-03-07 00:06:23 · 3 answers · asked by Cherry_Blossom 5 in Law & Ethics

Surely the pressure of being the worst president in history must be getting to him.

2007-03-07 00:05:45 · 13 answers · asked by Blessed 1 in Politics

I have been watching these posts for a long time. For the record, most people in the U.S. are not against immigration or immigrants in general. We are against ILLEGAL immigration. Why do people think that is the same thing? If you are here legally, welcome. If not, you should be gone. Why is it o.k. for someone to come here illegally then yell that I owe them assistance, education, then tell me I have to assist them in their native tounge? I don't understand it at all. This HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. So for all of those who are going to go into their racist rants, you can stop right there. I don't care if you are purple with yellow stripes, don't come here illegally.

2007-03-07 00:04:55 · 16 answers · asked by Natterjack9 5 in Immigration

Lets fight fire with fire and send the best suicide freedom fighters over there and let the kill the damn ayrabs for what they did on 9/11. Fight fire with fire !!

God Bless America and Our Freeeeeeeeedddddddooommm!

2007-03-07 00:04:39 · 9 answers · asked by Armchair Warrior 2 in Politics

He is now a convicted Felon-The jurors determined he was guilty BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT-by all accounts the jurors felt all the top members of the Bush adm. were involved-but they realized they weren't charged with anything-sometimes convictions themselves are not important-I beleive the majority of Americans believe there is more to the story than just Libby-it will just be a matter of time before the whole story breaks-and it will be neo-con hell.

2007-03-07 00:02:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I have a very good friend of mine who is a attorney in the State of WV. He has been convicted of 2nd degree manslaugter charges from a unfortunate incident while driving. My question is, can he still practice law, or does he lose his licence as well? He still remains one of my most trusted friends both as a person, and a business associate,and is a specialized attorney in real estate and corporate law. I still retain him as our attorney. While incarcerated, can he write legal briefs for us, and are they binding? Any information would be helpful to me. Thanks.

2007-03-07 00:01:05 · 2 answers · asked by Kevin T 2 in Law & Ethics

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