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Politics & Government - 7 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Not negatively targetting conservatives, rather desire to know conservative's real opinion on the matter.

I believe it is a step in the right direction. Your thoughts please.

2007-03-07 11:44:11 · 10 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

Who is responsible to pay the court reporter fee in depositions?
Plaintiff or defendent? Or is it common to share the costs?
What do I do if defendent refuses to share the costs?
Can I force him to pay his side of the depositions?
Is the plaintiff also responasible to schdule the court reporter for both his and defndent depositions?

2007-03-07 11:43:56 · 5 answers · asked by Programmer 1 in Law & Ethics

and why is Lincolns profile facing the other way than the rest of the presidents?

2007-03-07 11:43:49 · 12 answers · asked by first.ladywrench 1 in Other - Politics & Government

What do you think? honest people in circumstances that makes only minimum wage work available. Working up to 40+ hrs a week and barely able to pay for basic utilty bills( gas water elecric ect)
then the rent. then the basic food and household things and childrens needs.
So basically caught in a circle of work sleep work. working all the time but still struggling to get by in Britian today. What is your honest view on this?

2007-03-07 11:41:52 · 20 answers · asked by paul h 3 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-03-07 11:41:01 · 4 answers · asked by rovenranger1 2 in Military

My friend wants to join, shes 17 and i dont want her to go to war, what do they do?

2007-03-07 11:40:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I am not going to knock either side. I'm an Independent thinker. I was just wondering if PC is truly a left-wing idea or a conservative myth.

2007-03-07 11:32:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Thank you for looking. I have a couple questions on becoming a lawyer. I currently only have my g.e.d. what would be the best route to take if I want to become a lawyer? I am currently in community college majoring in business, should I change my major to pre-law? Are there any good law schools here in C.A.? Are there any law schools that will accept an online degree? Please post your comments, all are appreciated. Thank you

2007-03-07 11:31:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I have noticed that very few politicians of any stature that are white (caucasian) have brown eyes, How many US presidents, British and Canadian PMs, Royalty, French, German Leaders have brown eyes, very very few if any. Why should that be? Aren't brown eyes supposed to be dominant?

2007-03-07 11:30:44 · 6 answers · asked by manofkent88 1 in Politics

2007-03-07 11:29:16 · 10 answers · asked by theressia l 1 in Law & Ethics

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe Bush deserves to be impeached. But after hearing about how over 30 towns in Vermont voted in favor for impeachment hearings for Bush, I wonder if it's too late. There's just not enough time, and if it was going to be done, it should have started no later than february.

So do you think it's too late and impeachment should just be dropped?

2007-03-07 11:29:01 · 11 answers · asked by Rosebee 4 in Other - Politics & Government

He was released from prison in 2003 but went back b/c he violated parole in that same year. He was charged while in prison for being a fugitive and not paying the fines. He owes over $5,500 in fines and has to pay them but he says he only has $300 that he can spare right now and he says he faces 15 years for it.
I looked online and checked it out myself and it's true.
Can they do that even though he wasn't free when they made the charge and b/c he has his criminal history and they will lock him up?
How can he get any real help?

2007-03-07 11:27:24 · 5 answers · asked by ♦ Phoenix Rising♦ 6 in Law & Ethics

What do you think of Edwards choice words for America on behalf of Jesus?


2007-03-07 11:27:20 · 6 answers · asked by sowerword 1 in Elections

The conditions at Walter Reed are only one symptom of a completely diseased Military/Political system that has absolute contempt for American servicemen.
The death toll in Iraq for American servicemen is closer to 10,000 than the 3,000 claimed by our government . The disparity between the two figures exists because the military will not count you as a KIA if they can get you out of country before you die .
If you suffer a severe injury and are unable to complete your terms of service , any signing bonus you received must be repaid .
The use of depleted uranium munitions are resulting in Gulf War Syndrome 2 . As always the military denies , denies , denies .
If you are wounded and forced into hospitalization , you must pay for your meals yourself .
Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch were treated as nothing more than human resources to be used as propaganda tools for the militaries public relations . The dignity of Tillman and Lynch was less important than the militaries image .

2007-03-07 11:26:22 · 7 answers · asked by Parapet 3 in Military

2007-03-07 11:25:30 · 3 answers · asked by Victoria 1 in Government

You can research it if you dont believe me. Find one US President that wasnt.

Is it coincedence that this applys to 43 outa 43 Presidents or not? Just wondering.

2007-03-07 11:25:29 · 10 answers · asked by Jim K 2 in Politics

I grew up selling door to door. 2 months ago I was hired at Verizon as a sales Rep. My first week I sold 34 contracts by going door to door and posting ads in the local paper asking people to call to come into the store ask for me so I could sign them up. My manager didn't think this was appropriate and asked me not to do this. I continued doing this and bought a bus stop park bench with my name and wireless number. On the sign it said "Your friendly Verizon Representitive" For the month I sold 318 contracts, not to bad for someone that never sold a tech gadget in there life. Well, I walked into work 5 minutes early and was fired. Is this fair. Do other wireless, cellular mobile reps sell phones like this? My manager just wasn't bringing in the wireless customers through the door so I had to bring them in for him.

2007-03-07 11:25:28 · 3 answers · asked by PrettyEskimo 4 in Law & Ethics

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 1/2 years. About six weeks ago we got an apartment together. I have bad credit and so his name went on the lease as a tenant and I was listed as an occupant. An application fee is required for occupants as well as a criminal background check, but they forgo the credit check. He promised to pay the entire rent and all the bills so that I could pay off my debt. He also promised to help pay off my debt once he had a job. A few days ago, he suddenly tells me he wants me out ASAP. I'm broke since I'm repaying my debt, but I managed to pay our move-in costs. Under NC Law, do I have any rights as an occupant? I have no money and nowhere to go. Can he force me out? I think he met someone else and used me to cover his moving costs since he'd have to wait 3 weeks for his first paycheck. He's doing everything in his power to make the living situation uncomfortable, but I have nowhere to go and he owes me a lot of money. What should I do?

2007-03-07 11:24:40 · 4 answers · asked by Beth 1 in Law & Ethics

2007-03-07 11:21:24 · 19 answers · asked by tasia 2 in Politics

I've heard that arrests from a person's minor years become sealed or unaccessible, but I'm not sure if it's true. Is it? Is this anything before the 18th birthday? What if the arrest was at 17 and the court date was a month or two after the 18th birthday? Does it vary state to state? Or by offense?
Also, I've seen a background check and the offense did not show on it, but I'm wondering if different background checks yield different results. Are there different types or different levels of depth?
I'd appreciate links to official sites. Nothing personal, but I'd just like to see it for myself and can't seem to find it. If you don't have links, some search terms might be helpful. Either way, you get your two points in the least. Thanks, in advance.

2007-03-07 11:18:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

will his works around the world serve as wakeup call for the government and other wealthy people to invest in human beings and pay more attention to situations like in dafur? where the population is almost completely starved to death?

2007-03-07 11:16:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What is the democratic plan for bringing our troops home other than just pulling out and surrendering?

2007-03-07 11:15:14 · 17 answers · asked by infobrokernate 6 in Other - Politics & Government

For starters, bury him up to his neck and run over his head with a lawn mower.

Any other suggestions?

2007-03-07 11:12:00 · 10 answers · asked by DNCsucks 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

It's recently discovered that the ancestors of Senator Barack Obama's white mother were likely to be slave owners. In other words they owned black slaves, the ancestors of today's African Americans.

Will that discovery hurt the senator's chances for the presidential nomination at all, especially among African Americans? Or will it make the senator more human as we all have ancestors who did something that might have been acceptable way back when but it's no longer acceptable by today's standards?

Also, do you think if he's nomonated that the Republican side will use this as propaganda to smear him among minority voters?

2007-03-07 11:11:13 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

...In advance?

2007-03-07 11:11:01 · 23 answers · asked by Middy S 2 in Other - Politics & Government

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