I am a army veteran, and army brat , and I have spent 10 yrs off and on in Europe, The difference I see in Europe and America is
1.Americans are arragant, selfish, and not very bright
2.America has far more poverty and ghetto's then europe
3.Americans who make under 100,000 dollars a year recieve third world health care
4.Americans believe any thing their govermant tells them
5.American Republicans are more barbaric than Hitlers Nazis
6.Europe ended slavery almost 100 yrs before america
7.America has more crime and poverty in Washington DC, than Baghdad, or even in Somalia
These acusations are more to the far right that consider themselves Christian Conservative Republicans, they should be called Satanic Jihadist Nazis and replace their elephant with a snake or swastika
8.The Democrats, and all third party candidates must come together, and elect Clinton or obama and give the repubs a one way ticket, with their citizen ship out of here
18 answers
asked by
Prey R