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Politics & Government - 26 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

They either ask in a way in which they don't want an answer, just a reaction (i.e. "Chopper Bloke" or "Chi Guy") or ask in such a condescending way. And this is both sides. Don't they realize that insulting the other side doesn't make you look good, or cool, or witty? It just makes you look like an @$$hole.

2007-02-26 07:32:41 · 5 answers · asked by bobbymcshankleby 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-26 07:31:57 · 5 answers · asked by Lisa M 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

When two Israelis soldiers were taken hostage the US supplied Israel with thousands of cluster bombs. What has the US supplied to the Palestinians and the Lebanese for the hundreds of they have had "arrested" by the Israelis?

2007-02-26 07:31:20 · 12 answers · asked by Ajax 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Why, if the fact that you served in Vietnam on you DD214 record, is it necessary to prove to a 30 year old PhD, that what you had seen has come back to haunt you. How can they know what you are experiencing and why? This only occurs if you ask for a disability to help with the costs of medication and therapy so you can continue on with your life not terminaly depressed.

2007-02-26 07:31:01 · 2 answers · asked by Eugene R 1 in Military

Is it legal to make a home movie w/ music from Hollywood film scores that only friends/family will see?

My friends and I made a movie and added music from Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean ext. I burned the movie we made onto a DVD and I am giving it to only close friends and family to watch inside their homes. I added the name of the soundtrack and the composer in the credits. Someone told me to check into if this would violate copyright laws. If I'm just sharing it with friends/family for free to watch only inside their homes... I would not think it would be a problem. Is this legal? Please explain why or why not and if you can give a link to verify your answer that would be great. Thank you very much!

2007-02-26 07:30:06 · 5 answers · asked by Mrs. Travolta 2 in Law & Ethics

At the Oscars, fearmonger and scientific scholar Al Gore said that global warming is "not a political issue, it's a moral issue."
Oh yeah? Then why has he used it as a political weapon to bash the Bush Administration and the previous Republican led Congress for the last several years?
Isn't telling a lie on national television slightly immoral?

2007-02-26 07:28:46 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I am so sick of reading and hearing how we are disrespecting the rights of immigrants regarding our religious and patriotic beliefs.We are constantly having to appease those who don't want to say the Pledge of Allegiance,show the Ten Commandments,or fly our flag in public.Am I wrong to want to say "you are in America."You must adapt to us,not the other way around."?

2007-02-26 07:28:21 · 21 answers · asked by zeus2quincy 3 in Immigration

2007-02-26 07:28:11 · 7 answers · asked by dougp3102000 2 in Elections

I like him to represent the democratic party. He is my favorite capable with integrity and he can direct the country for the right direction. Hilary could be her partner for next elections.

2007-02-26 07:24:49 · 21 answers · asked by ramirpoved 1 in Elections

please tell me why to support your answer

2007-02-26 07:24:45 · 10 answers · asked by more than words 1 in Military

In 49 B.C., Julius Ceasar became Rome's first emperor. Before him, Rome was a Republic and was the most democratic nation of its time. Because of its democracy, government corruption and overspending became a bigger and bigger problem. To solve this, Julis Caesar transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Today, we are increasingly becoming more like Rome. Our Congress spends all its time bickering while spending far too much just as the Roman Senate had. The government is gaining more and more power over our land, as evidenced by the government making more and more rediculous laws and rules which limit our rights such as schools banning the word "Christmas" during the holiday season. This too is eerily similar to the Roman Republic. Our government is spending far too much, as evidenced by the recent construction of the $220,000,000 bridge in Alaska which less than 5,000 people a year use. More and more people are geting weary of the government. Just like Rome. Are we Rome?

2007-02-26 07:22:02 · 13 answers · asked by ender 3 in Government

Why is a suicide bomber on a bus a terrorist but a helicopter pilot who bombs and apartment building not?

2007-02-26 07:21:49 · 15 answers · asked by Ajax 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Liberal children on here (mis)use the word "Neocon"?
Is it blind stupidity?
Or severe misinformation?

Is it a conspiracy?!
Did bush plan this?!
Is bush working with the liberals?!

2007-02-26 07:18:41 · 10 answers · asked by Gottlos 4 in Embassies & Consulates

2007-02-26 07:17:59 · 2 answers · asked by tlatoanihg 1 in Politics

2007-02-26 07:17:58 · 14 answers · asked by A 1 in Law & Ethics

Is it true that whatever you file in the Supreme Court goes to an attorney first and he decides whether a supreme court justice should look at the case? How experienced are these attorneys and can I ask for a supreme court justice to decide on my case instead of the attorney. I know thousands of cases go through every day,, I just do not have any confidence in the attorney, if they do decide whether the justice should look at the case, decide on my well-being. I would rather a supreme court justice decide. What do you think?.

2007-02-26 07:17:36 · 6 answers · asked by sejones1234 1 in Law & Ethics

The Rev. Al Sharptoon wants a DNA test to determine if he is one of Strom Thurmonds long lost kin. Seems like the Rev. Al thinks he is an offspring of Strom Thurmonds great grand daddy.

If this is true can you imagine the next family gathering with the Al The Thug in attendance?

NEW YORK - The Rev. Al Sharpton said he wants a DNA test to determine whether he is related to former segregationist Sen. Strom Thurmond through his great-grandfather, a slave owned by an ancestor of the late senator.

2007-02-26 07:16:48 · 7 answers · asked by mr_methane_gasman 3 in Politics

An old employee of mine is getting out of jail next week and states he is coming for me!!! Three years ago I was this man's sales manager and we were on the road. It got late and him and another co-worker were hungry. They pulled up to a McDonalds at 10:59 (sign said they closed at 11:00) and were refused service. Words were exchanged and the man who is now after me (we'll call him Fred) threw a huge rock right through the window. They came back to the hotel & the next thing you know Fred was involved in a physical may lay with the police that came for him. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison.

He now states it was my sales training that have him such confidence he could have done something like that and get away from it. Furthermore, I did not write or call Fred while he was in jail and he keeps saying "Not one phone call or letter". Further goes on to state he will make an example out of me for selling him down the river. How are his actions POSSIBLY my fault?

2007-02-26 07:16:25 · 13 answers · asked by Brady Boone 1 in Law & Ethics

I think several of the points in the movie "Man of the Year" (starring Robin Williams) were awesome and thought-provoking. Do you think that they will get the American people thinking in time for the Presidential election of 08? Or was it all entertainment and irrelevant to "real life"?

Some of his best points, I thought, were these:

* That because candidates spend so much, they always owe somebody something at some point.
* That we should start picking Congress like a jury
* That we rely to heavily on "Party Politics"

What are your thoughts?

2007-02-26 07:14:45 · 5 answers · asked by ? 3 in Politics

My friends and i grew up with this guy and over the past few years he has become neighbourhood drug dealer and its getting worse his new "friends" come along and cause a lot of crap around like break ins vandalism and fights. Is there any way to tip off police or crimestoppers. I work as a receptionist at the local animal clinic he goes to and his dog has been treated for broken bones and posioning due to drugs almost monthly but we're not allowed to report that unless we can prove he actually hurt the dog. We do have the address and his license plate number, he needs to be stopped or at least taught a lesson

2007-02-26 07:13:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

You can't, because it never happened. If anything, terrorists are now inside our country because of this darn war. There has been evidence of that. The war is NOT keeping us safe!

2007-02-26 07:12:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-26 07:12:07 · 39 answers · asked by favoritson 2 in Government

who do not recognize the American Flag?

Immigrants continue to wave their homeland flag in this country. Is this a part of "Freedom of Speech"? Now they are protesting schools where their children are required to recite The Pledge of Allegiance, claiming that its unconstitutional. I personally find this appalling, so where do we draw the line??

2007-02-26 07:11:53 · 47 answers · asked by panthrchic 4 in Immigration

I thnk it is insulting and disgusting the amt we allow candidates to collect for their campaign couffers! As an American I am completely opposed to this very unrighteous and totally out of line activity. We elect our govt officials to do what is right and in the best interest of the American people. Do youo honestly think 100 million for a presidential election is appropriate?

2007-02-26 07:11:25 · 10 answers · asked by Diane P 1 in Government

2007-02-26 07:10:35 · 16 answers · asked by DARIA. - JOINED MAY 2006 7 in Immigration

After all ,illegals have broken our laws and are obtain employment, social benefits and education at American expense.

2007-02-26 07:10:24 · 17 answers · asked by FENTON1943 1 in Immigration

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