The United States is not the United Nations. If you are offended by the American flag, or do not recognize the flag while living in the USA then you need to be deported.
When schools begin to recognize foreign flags, which was unheard of when I was a child, Americans should excercise their freedom of speech by burning those flags. Pile up all foreign flags in this country, douse them in gasoline, and light them.
This is the USA, if you don't want to be an American then you need to crawl back to the rock from where you came. I am so sick and tired of reading this stupid anti-American politically correct crap, and if an American citizen thinks this is a great idea, then you are a traitor, and should be tarred and feathered and sitting in a cell next to the American Taliban.
Unf-ingbelievable. I have guns, and I should stop reading stuff like this, before I wind up serving life sentences in prison.
2007-02-26 08:36:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No! This is their country now, and therefore should not **** on our customs as we would not do so to them in their country. And by the way, kids are not REQUIRED to say the pledge of allegiance; the right to freedom of speech is also the freedom to not speak. Since I started kindergarten in 1980 (at the very least) kids have had the right to sit (doing whatever they want, pray, homework, whatever) for the 2 minutes of the pledge while those who wanted to join in could. There is a level of respect and appreciation that should be shown to those who truly are patriotic, hard working, taxpaying, contributor to their country and public school system. Who has provided these public schools to these immigrant children? That would be AMERICANS. Any AMERICAN immigrant can keep their flag wherever they want out of public areas. (Do people who move from one state to another insist on placing their home states flag in the government buildings of the new state they move to show their home state pride? I don't think so, please let me know if anyone has done this.) If they want to educate their children privately go ahead, but the public AMERICAN schools are not "multi" cultural; they are the AMERICAN culture! The jobs /responsibilities that have been put on the American public school systems is overwhelming. They are now raising our young and are not given enough time, energy, resources, and knowledge to effectively do so. People who suck up public time and funds over frivolous things like putting the Somali flag inside an American school are selfish and ignorant people who have no business sending their kid to public school. One parent wants this, another wants that, well I say become a f***ing teacher and home school, cause one education for all is not going to work no matter how many programs or regulations you put in place. But the one thing that remains true, it is our government that is making education available to people who otherwise would never learn to read and write (which is still happening in our schools, appallingly) so for that, our government established school systems deserve respect just as does each child receiving it. They are not telling kids they can't celebrate their homelands, just to not forget where they are now and to celebrate that as well in the public forum.
2007-02-26 07:51:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
No, we should not fly any Flag but the American Flag! We should not be in the business of trying to appease any immigrant. If they did not believe in America enough to assimilate & follow our ways, then they should not have come here. Let them fly their countries Flag in their home.
There have always been some children who have not said the Pledge of Allegiance during class room recitial because of the use of the word God in the Pledge. This has been allowed. But I can see that forcing someone to say a Pledge that they do not believe in would also be incorrect.
2007-02-26 07:29:23
answer #3
answered by geegee 6
NO, NO, NO and NO again. I am an immigrant (not to America). I left my country for another for personal reasons. I did not take the flag of the country I left with me for obvious reasons. If the country from which I departed was not good enough for me then WHY should I fly their flag?
If the country to which I went was good enough to accept me then it is incumbent on me and my family to embrace that country as home with all their quirks and foibles. It is in fact MY DUTY to take on the flag of the new country. I do not have to worship that flag but I feel very strongly that as an immigrant, the countries flag is sovereign and no other is needed. If the country and it's flag isn't good enough then I should get my useless backside out and back to where it came from, then I can fly the old flag as much as I want.
2007-02-26 07:30:04
answer #4
answered by zeddzardoz 1
There is a difference between recognizing the flag and not saying the national anthem. When I have been in school settings abroad I respectively do not sing the host country's national anthem as it is not my own. If the country had a pledge I would also not recite it as it does not belong to the country of which I retain citizenship.
2007-02-26 08:35:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
This is America, land of immigrants and American Indians. The American flag is the one flag we should be flying except at foreign embassy buildings. If immigrants want to fly their country's flag outside their own home, that's fine. Otherwise, go back to your country of choice and fly your country's flag publically. This whole immigration thing is bullsh*t. We're all of immigrants, unless you're an American Indian.
2007-02-26 07:32:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
No, this is America, one flag, the American Flag and State Flags. The Pledge of Allegiance is our constitutional right and those that want to stop it is stifling AMERICANS freedom of speech.
You have every right to find this appalling because it is. It is a disgrace that it is even thought about.
We can all thank the ACLU and all those politically correct morons for allowing such things to come to light and I will hope that it goes no where!
2007-02-26 07:22:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If a school wants to place flags of other countries in their classrooms, I think that's fine. But let me qualify that statement: I feel it is fine if done from a geographical education stand point. On the other hand, I say absolutely NOT if it is intendended to appease illegal immigrants, or to avoid "offending" someone. I am SO sick and tired of everyone getting offended! The big secret is that nobody can offend somebody else. It is the individual who chooses to find offense with something or someone else.
2007-02-26 07:19:28
answer #8
answered by 180 changes 2
No. In the classroom should be only national flag. What country in the world puts another nations' flags in the school, anyways? I am an immigrant, but as soon as I entered USA and started to eat your bread, folks, I started to pay taxes, follow the rules , speak the language, and honor national flag. If people make choice to live here, they have to give respect to the host.
2007-02-26 07:26:07
answer #9
answered by lenutsa1978 2
The protesting the Pledge of Allegiance has been under fire for a long time from people. Some see it as a violation of both freedom of religion and freedom of speech. People have been winning court cases about it for a few years now.
Putting flags in a classroom as educational material is a great idea. Putting flags in there just to make a group of people happy is not a great idea.
2007-02-26 07:23:12
answer #10
answered by A.Mercer 7