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Politics & Government - 24 February 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

You don't have to run any of this by a government - you're in total charge. So what taxes would you reduce (or hopefully kick out of the door), what policies would you make, what would you do about the war in Iraq, about crime and punishment, about terrorism and religious extremists?
Come on, YOU'RE IN CHARGE!!! So tell us what you'd do!

2007-02-24 10:06:40 · 20 answers · asked by gorgeousfluffpot 5 in Other - Politics & Government

Do you think allowing credit card for people here illegally will run the US deeper in debt from them defaulting and then returning to their home country or assuming another identity like they do around here all the time, buy another fake social security number etc.? Do you think people here illegally should be allowed to have credit cards and bank accounts in the US?
Can you believe that Bank America announced publicly that they are going to give credit cards to illegals?Isn't Bank America giving credit cards to illegal aliens aiding and albeiting illegal aliens thus illegal?
What is going on with our government going after individuals who are not guilty of terrorism such as citizens who marry foriegners and not big business like Bank America who has been blatantly breaking laws by giving bank accounts to people here in the US illegally who do not have visas to be here or social security numbers.
Bank America has been giving illegals bank accounts and credit cards I know some who have them but at the time I did not know they were here illegally nor that there were so many illegally and that Bank America doing so was aiding and albeiting illegals.

2007-02-24 10:05:21 · 4 answers · asked by Faerieeeiren 4 in Law & Ethics

She is supposed to dress like her, and she can take a "prop." I can't think of a thing. Any ideas?

2007-02-24 10:04:47 · 21 answers · asked by bibliophile31 6 in Politics

2007-02-24 10:01:14 · 9 answers · asked by Arthur P 1 in Military

The 50 megaton nuclear device dropped by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. What would be the effects of a 100 megton device? How does this compare to the hydrogen bomb from our arsenal?

2007-02-24 10:01:11 · 3 answers · asked by Zeek 3 in Military

2007-02-24 10:01:10 · 13 answers · asked by heatherhall337 1 in Law & Ethics

Is this really worthy of a governor's mandate?
I do believe we should encourage all parents to have their girls vaccinated but outright ordered to???
Isn't this another non-funded government mandate?

2007-02-24 09:58:50 · 10 answers · asked by Bad M 4 in Government

2.Male / Female
3.Where were you born?
4.Are you or your parents immigrants to Australia? From what country?
5.What is a war crime?
6.Who do you believe was responsible for the outbreak of World War Two?
7.The Axis nations were more heavily tried and convicted of war crimes at the end of the Second World War than the Allies. Do you believe that the Allies should have also been put under the same scrutiny?
8.The United States of America was widely criticised for its participation in the Vietnam War. What is your opinion of their (or Australia’s) involvement in this conflict?
9.Many people have suggested that Iraq repeats the ‘mistakes’ of the Vietnam war-your opinion?
10.With the trial and execution of Saddam Hussein, much of the media suggested George W. Bush should have been put on trial also - your opinion?
11.Do you believe that an unbiased War Tribunal is achievable?
12.It has often been said that Only the winners decide what were war crimes - agree/disagree?

2007-02-24 09:55:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Self explanitory.

2007-02-24 09:55:30 · 7 answers · asked by box778899 2 in Military

after katrina debackle
open borders
exxon gas gouge
out sourcing jobs
masssive layoffs
wire tapping americans
increased priosn abuse....muslims naked party

2007-02-24 09:55:05 · 30 answers · asked by impeachbushnoww 1 in Politics

It is like the neo-cons so flatly deny that Bush lied to get us into the war in Iraq, and the anti-war libs do not look at the fact that it was the Intel collected during the Clinton years, that got us into this war. And how come, the neo-cons flatly denied that Iraq was a threat during the Clinton administration, yet they were ready to get on their knees and pray that we would get into war with Iraq when Bush wanted to go to war?

2007-02-24 09:54:12 · 9 answers · asked by ProLife Liberal 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaattttteeeeeee my ffffuuuuccccckkkkkiiinnnggggg generation, dont get me wrong there are alot of good men and women but.....in the grand view of things a generation that watches laguna beach (is it just me or due they look drained of any and all energy), and protest's in washington just because they are bored. if u fit into the laguna beach watching, anti-millitary/anti-war group of my generation AND personally marched in washington with that evil whore jane fonda FFFUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK U

2007-02-24 09:52:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I'm speaking about the politics, do you feel the same?

2007-02-24 09:51:56 · 9 answers · asked by missy 4 in Military

2007-02-24 09:51:45 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i know someone who claims they are banned from going to the usa becasue they were caught with drugs is it true that you can be banned from the usa

2007-02-24 09:51:19 · 6 answers · asked by baldyhugsblues 5 in Law & Ethics

Joining the navy just wondering what medical things can hold you back from joining.

2007-02-24 09:51:09 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is this possible from a logistical and practical standpoint being that there are 2-3 million american gun owners compared to 1.5 million active duty military personnel (even though total armed forces are about 2.5 million)? You couuld also look at like this: private citizens- 297.5 million, military 2.5 million. Would the people have the tactical advantage being that they are all spread out and so much more numerous or would the government have the advantage with their superior firepower even though it only takes a single 22 caliber bullet or kitchen knife to kill someone?

2007-02-24 09:50:23 · 23 answers · asked by John D 1 in Military

or was it just his own doing W and the repukes denail of
any common sense

2007-02-24 09:50:04 · 22 answers · asked by impeachbushnoww 1 in Politics

Based on the position of the gun lobby, the logic seems solid. In doing so, you effectively protect each country so armed from attacks by other countries and thereby ensure a more peaceful world community.

Nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people.

2007-02-24 09:49:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If Hillary wins the nomination would she pick Obama for VP. IF Obama wins would he pick Hillary and would she accept VP

2007-02-24 09:48:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

2007-02-24 09:47:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

come on repukes war mungers
we all know you love death and hate muslims

2007-02-24 09:46:30 · 17 answers · asked by impeachbushnoww 1 in Politics

I was charged with misdemeanor posession of stolen property in GA recently. I was sentenced to 24 months probation.

Rather than serve the probation in the state, I fled. I moved back to my home state of Kansas.

Recently, I was arrested yet again for posession of stolen property, in Kansas. I am currently out on bail. When I was arrested they didn't mention Georgia to me at all.

Would the prosecutors or investigators find out that I am on probation, and if so, return me to Georgia for a violation hearing and jailtime? Especially if the stolen property were traced to Georgia, where my ex wife stole it to begin with?

2007-02-24 09:45:51 · 6 answers · asked by Mr. Curious 1 in Law & Ethics

It seems that the cost of the Olympics in London has risen to £9,000,000, almost FOUR times the figure we were given when the government decided to waste our money bidding for them.
To pay for this, money will have to be withdrawn from other, more legitimate and more vital services such as the NHS.
Make no mistake these games will cost hundreds of lives and this is the true cost of the games.
The government should resign over this and people like Lord Coe should hang their heads in shame. What do you think?

2007-02-24 09:43:37 · 13 answers · asked by Barrie G 3 in Government

My boyfriend is deployed for six months, which isnt really that long, but feels like forever. So to cheer both of us up, I want to make a list of something that takes six months to do... for example.... My next teeth cleaning appointment wont be until hes back, I bought a bottle of juice that wont expire until after he comes back... LOL I know its cheesy, but little things like that make it seem so much eaiser to deal with.... anyother ideas to add??

2007-02-24 09:43:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

On the one hand, by adequately arming them, we will keep other countries from attacking or taking advantage of them.

And at the same time, doesn't everyone agree that "Nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people."?

2007-02-24 09:43:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

nazi munster of all misleading information
come on repukes ITS HIS JOB TO GET the information RIGHT
WMD lies

2007-02-24 09:43:02 · 6 answers · asked by WMD LIEr W 1 in Politics

come on repukes IRAQ war is a total FAILURE
going on 4 years now
someone need to be FIRED.....W

2007-02-24 09:40:39 · 16 answers · asked by WMD LIEr W 1 in Politics

in the early 1900s

2007-02-24 09:40:09 · 4 answers · asked by BreannaG 1 in Government

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