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after katrina debackle
open borders
exxon gas gouge
out sourcing jobs
masssive layoffs
wire tapping americans
increased priosn abuse....muslims naked party

2007-02-24 09:55:05 · 30 answers · asked by impeachbushnoww 1 in Politics & Government Politics

30 answers

How could we be safer????? Iraq was not a threat. There are terrorists in this world that are a threat for us. However, Bush has started a war with Iraq and taken away the resources needed to fight terror. That doesn't make us safer.

2007-02-24 10:01:26 · answer #1 · answered by truth seeker 7 · 4 7

The answer to your question is a resounding "Yes!"
The Katrina debacle? Let me get this straight. The mayor runs and hides, the governor has to get a phone call from the Prez asking if either she or the mayor are going to declare an emergency, order an evacuation and are going to need federal help... The mayor and gov are both dimwits, err, I meant, democrats... State's rights VS federal... Interesting concept.
Open borders? What about the shift in policy about needing passports? And who's always whining about "racial profiling?"
Exxon. Not that I'm happy about the exorbitant prices at the pumps, but would you like more of big brother butting his nose in or less? Kind of falls back to te Katrina thing and state's rights VS federal...
Outsourcing?!!! Are you high? It was Billy boy who pushed NAFTA and the other trade "agreements" down our throats! Moron.
Massive layoffs? Uh, hello?! The country is doing better now economically than it's ever done before. Meaning, more people are working and more people are spending money... The Dow, the NASDAQ, record levels. You should pay more attention to legitemate news sources...
Wire Tapping "Americans" The only ones getting "tapped" are the ones who've offered up probable cause ie: terrorist affiliations...
And lastly, increased "priosn" abuse...muslims naked party (?) You REALLY should try and keep up. That was several years ago. The commanding general was relieved, another has since been relieved (for lack of performance, having nothing to do with any so-called priosn (man I love that!) abuse. And, "muslims" should be capitalized... You're a hoot! Thanks for the laugh. Love visiting your flawed paradigm, but wouldn't want to stay. Maybe someday, you'd like to join the rest of us in the real world?

2007-02-24 18:16:56 · answer #2 · answered by Doc 7 · 0 1

No, just fooled everyone into thinking he has. Not only has he done the things you have mentioned, but this man and his legislation has turned this country into more of a police state. With the passing of the Patriot Act that allows the FBI to get things such as library records without a warrant or probable cause. They just need a National Security letter, and they do not need probable cause to get one. This is in complete violation of the fourth amendment. The library can't tell you that you are under investigation. How many sneak and peak searches like this have they done? Locked innocent people up for no reason shortly after 9/11. In his eyes your guilty until proven innocent. Started fabricating charges, just ask Jose Padilla. The Military Commissions Act of 2006 allows Bush, or any other President, to define torture even lock anyone up as a so called enemy combatant indefinitely. This violates the fifth and sixth amendment. The Real ID Act that creates a national ID card. And the John Warner Defense Act of 2006 that allows Bush, or any other President, to take full control of the National Guard without the Governor's consent. Thus, making it a whole lot easier to declare martial law. Finalizing the creation of the North American Union. That pretty much violates this Nation's sovereignty. He has kept America safe alright by turning it into a police state, because civil liberties and the Constitution is a minor inconvience. So, he ignores them. The man needs out of office before he does anymore damage.

2007-02-24 19:07:03 · answer #3 · answered by j 4 · 1 1

Wear your heart on your sleeve much? Yes, America is safer!

Katrina - local government screwed the pooch on that one.

Open Borders - Just as open as under Billy Boy.

Exxon Gas Gouge - You got me there, they are all blood sucking vampires and have been for years.

Out Sourcing Jobs - Global Economy, keep up or die. There was outsourcing before Bush as well.

Massive Layoffs - Where? Automakers? That would be the Union that created that debacle. Layoffs happen, but they are only a small part of the overall jobless rate.

Wire Tapping Americans - Hell Yeah! The "Americans" that were calling terrorists!

Prison Abuse? Abu Grabe (sic) is the liberal cry for freedom! You need to get over it. It was an isolated incident and the parties involved were investigated and prosecuted and imprisoned. Move on.

2007-02-24 18:03:51 · answer #4 · answered by Amer-I-Can 4 · 3 4

Has a bomb blown up in your backyard? If no, then YES we are safer.

Yeah like Bush or any human for that matter had the power to create or stop a natural disaster?

Lib institutes like Columbia U claim there is no such thing as an illegal human being. So they suppress the free speech and attack an invited guess to their campus. Good job!

If Bush owns all oil companies and the Middle East hates him then why in the heck they would help him make more money? Wisdom doesn't run strong in the Left does it?

With the amount of restrictions and guidlines companies have to follow in able to meet more rules they are forced to cut back on jobs for americans and send them out to other countries to meet the demands of the US.

Wire tapping individuals that plan to harm us is OK by me!

At least the prisoners are still alive and provide valueable info. Unlike our guys they capture and put in graves.

Thanks for playing 2 points!

2007-02-24 18:08:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Maybe, but then again so did I...it's subjective. Here's what's really going on, since Pres Bush Sr. was directly involved in the murder of JFK, everything has gone down hill since then. Now that there is another Bush in office, the New World Order plan is coming to fruition at a speedy rate. When the President writes Executive Orders without the American people voting on the process, with built in checks and balances, this is starting to look like the 3rd Reich. CPS has taken parents constitutional rights away, our government is totally corrupt and scandalous, the American people have absolutely no say so in anything, we are becoming a police state, and it's all part of the plan.

First we take Iraq under false pretenses, we did it in Cuba in the 60's, now we are trying to take over the middle east by faking WMD's, nuclear weapons threats, and by claiming that Iran has dissed us, all so we can go in and Bush can take the oil for himself while our Marines die to make this happen. The new world order which will be one government for all is very much a reality, and totally negates our Constitution, and is very bad news for sure. I am all for us getting along, but at the price so many paid for 9-11, I shudder to think our government needed to commit such atrocities like the WTC attacks, just to rally the American people behind a war based on lies. We are so screwed, it isn't funny folks. OPEN YOUR EYES EVERYONE!!!. Stop being naive! Bush Jr. is a dictator at heart, he even said so much. Bush is ProLife, but paid for an old girlfriend to get a back alley abortion pre-Roe vs. Wade. He's a hypocrite We are so screwed because everyone just can't believe this would happen here. Well I'm here to tell you folks that it makes more sense what I'm saying than the events that have robbed us of our sons, daughters, prisoners, mothers, and mostly our rights as Americans. The very thread that has held the fabric of this country together is slowly being unraveled by an entity who operates above the law. CPS is an evil arm of the government. If you love your children, don't EVER open the door to them. The best way to control people is to imprison them. Why do you think the foster care system is set up to fail the kids, because the kids end up on the street without anything to help them survive, so they end up in prison. So all the young adults are not helping to pay for their share of the Social Security Fund, and CPS has their hands in that pot all the way up to their elbows taking whatever they want, based on headcount, and no accountability (the more the merrier you know.) And we are going to find ourselves with id chips in our hands and we won't be able to do anything without the system controlling us. Oh, and BTW~ there is no gold in Ft. Knox folks. We are screwed screwed screwed. I am going to stop now, but please don't dismiss everything I say because odds are I am right about something. You figure it out.

2007-02-24 18:10:25 · answer #6 · answered by Mysteri O 3 · 1 2

THE TRUTH? YES HE HAS... BETTER THAN ANYONE would have under the circumstances. Given the grand issues involved, we can only GUESS who could have done a better job. Hate for the President, or the JOB he has done, or botched (in your opinion) has nothing to do with your hate for the man. Only the history going forward will tell the true tale of the war and the war on terror. I know during 9/11 I would have gone further then just Bush did.

2007-02-24 18:11:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Of all the things that you mentioned, the only thing that applies to America's safety is "open borders." What kind of an effin idiot are you?

He's badly messed up border patrol, but otherwise, there have been precisely ZERO attacks on U.S soil since America was woken up on 9-11.

Let me address everything else you mentioned:

"after katrina debackle"-yeah, right, and Ray Nagin has done EVERYTHING to help the cause!

"exxon gas gouge"-its called supply and demand, a term foreign to communists like you! Besides, why do you think he still has our troops fighting in Iraq? Freedom? ITS ALL ABOUT THE OIL!

"out sourcing jobs
massive layoffs"-the unemployment rate is at 4.3%, the lowest that it's been in 30 years. Or do you live in Michigan, where Grantholm and her ridiculously high taxes are destroying the state economy?

"wire tapping americans"-the 1919 law "Schenk Vs. United States" allows civil liberties to be curtailed in a time of war. If you don't believe that we are at war, you are living in a fantasy world!

"increased priosn abuse....muslims naked party"-POW's don't GET to be treated "nicely," even though they ARE being treated nicely ANYWAYS!

2007-02-24 18:16:24 · answer #8 · answered by godlyteengirl 3 · 1 4

Yes, if you believe the paranoid hogwash they've been selling the public... with the constant interference in our daily lives to scare the public with the supposed threats, and the breach of our Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties (illegal searches, spying on us, wiretaps, etc)... they show a lot of military presence standing around with armed weapons, they search us... to show us how much they're donig for us when in truth it's all a big show, and an excuse to chip away at our Constitution and a diversion from the real crooks who are over-billing and overcharging the government (who does not oversee or question the ridiculous profiteering by Crook Cheney's cronies). Our Democratic Republic (actually, a Plutocratic Republic) is no different in practice and actions from those countries that we considered our enemies years before... the question now becomes, Who Protects Us From Bush, Cheney and Their Goons & Cronies?

2007-02-24 18:03:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

Absolutely. He is doing the best he can to insure that the United States of America is a country that is protected from Harm and Evil and is doing more than Bill Clinton who FAILED to keep America safe from Harm and Evil.

2007-02-24 18:05:28 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. Knowledgeable VI 7 · 2 3

No not with the 25 million illegals that walked across the Southern boarders during Bush's watch. The war on drugs is non-existent, and the drug trafficking has doubled while Bush has been President.

2007-02-24 18:06:13 · answer #11 · answered by leonard bruce 6 · 0 4

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