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Politics & Government - 5 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Many of us cheered when Saddam Hassien was overthrown and captured later on. Thousands cheered when his statue was toppled in Bagdad.

We cheered when our fathers and brothers sisters and mothers, U.S. soilders one and all helped to birth this new found government. With the help of millions of Iraqi's why are we so quick to "fund and run?".

No one would leave a new born baby and abandon it to the elements or to enemies to destroy it. Why should we surrender protecting this new born country of freedom to the elements that want to enslave it again?

2007-02-05 12:41:48 · 6 answers · asked by Uncle Remus 54 7 in Military

I know there's a way where a petition preparer can legally avoid disclosing his social security number on bankruptcy forms, but how?

2007-02-05 12:41:13 · 1 answers · asked by meditative scion 2 in Law & Ethics

I am concerned about the smoking gun becoming a mushroom cloud...

2007-02-05 12:40:58 · 1 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

Clearly, they are hoping for death and destruction to come to themselves and their families, right?

2007-02-05 12:39:14 · 16 answers · asked by Handsome Boy Modeling School 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I mean, we are spending lives and money to capture Osama in Baghdad right?

2007-02-05 12:35:43 · 16 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

If so, do courts really have time to worry about an ex girlfriend and an ex boyfriend feuding over a he said she said battle of who did what to whos car?

2007-02-05 12:34:50 · 24 answers · asked by meh? 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

a) Conquer Iraq
b) Conquer Iran
c) Conquer Syria
d) Conquer the USA/liberals

2007-02-05 12:30:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-02-05 12:30:21 · 12 answers · asked by short minivan 1 in Politics

There is a vacant lot next to our property where someone appears to be living in a small camper. I want to report him because he has a generator running all day and it's loud as hell. Plus he could be snooping at our home with binoculars.

To whom should I report him to?

This is California.

2007-02-05 12:30:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Isn't it ironic how the majority is against the Us's actions right now? I mean its own citizens and yet somewhow in this magical, ironic,world the majority or being blamed by the minority once again?

2007-02-05 12:29:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

No name calling. I want thought out and reasoning in the writing. Give examples of people and policy. If possible give links to back up your writing. This isn't homework for me or you, folks. I'm tired of the simplistic name calling on all sides and want more thought out writing to really push Yahoo answers to a higher forum if possible. I've been out of school for a very long time, so this isn't homework for me. I'm just wanting people's real perceptions, not what they hear on the radio or t.v. But I want it thought out and reasoned.

2007-02-05 12:28:57 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I can see the downside of this, where only the rich would get the organs, but what if it went into a blood bank type thing. Then it would be distributed by the hospital to the next person on the list?

And like the blood, it would be screened and tested for diseases.

2007-02-05 12:28:54 · 8 answers · asked by Dennis D 2 in Law & Ethics

i was on a road going 35 which was the speed limit, i initiated a left lane merge, i signaled and checked my blind spot. when i got halfway into the left lane i contacted my back left fender with his front right fender at the wheel base. the damage on my car is non-existant and on his there is a ding 1 inch by 2 inches and a half inch deep. he is now suing me for $1350.00 and claiming that i am at fault. there was no police report and no insurance on my side but he didnt call his insurance at all. we had an agreement that i would fix his car but he flaked and we had a settlement price but he flaked... i dont know my next move, ive been surved

2007-02-05 12:28:36 · 11 answers · asked by Daniel W 1 in Law & Ethics

Don't they believe that the president will tell us what we need to know?
Why can't the Dems just shut up and support the president however he chooses to use the troops?
Aren't they his troops to use as he sees fit?

2007-02-05 12:27:24 · 15 answers · asked by Handsome Boy Modeling School 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I have read here how the muslims or Iraq hate us and like to see us come home in defeat. That Bush is in it for the oil and he might be. But what about the troops? Their not? They are there because they think they are protecting women and children from Muslims extremists for hurting and killing them. They are not going to make money off the war. Chances are they are going to die. Is that sacrifice appreciated by Islamic religion?
Never heard that said on here. Never one muslim said, your friend didn't die in vain. He died protecting a school.
He had balls sent over to give to the kids. Showed them how to play ball. I felt our sacrifices were appreciated. That is a joke.
We are hated by both sides and for what. When they die does anyone appreciate what they have done. NO!
I just sent two more friends back to the gulf to fight the insurgents to make Iraq safe for the people who live there. That was their black hearted motive. Liver lips really messed me up with his qu

2007-02-05 12:27:09 · 7 answers · asked by Steven 6 in Military

It seems that for any ideology, such as religious, national or political, there is an extreme point where killing people becomes justified. I would say that ideological environmentalism is not fundamentally different; there must, therefore, be a point where human damage to the environment could be taken by extremists as justification for mass murder. So, what is it going to take for people to be driven to cull the oil executives and SUV drivers?

(Please don't take this the wrong way. It should not be taken that this is something that I want to happen, nor should it be taken that I wholly reject environmentalism. It is merely the case that I reject its extemes.)

2007-02-05 12:25:37 · 8 answers · asked by Ape Ape Man 4 in Politics

Do you find people make remarks to you about where you're from? Not jokingly, but seriously thinking that they really know what they're talking about? Do you find it hard to change their minds and get frustrated by their ignorance? I married an American, and it was better for us to be here than my country. Easier for him here. Anyway, if I had never met him, I probably wouldn't be living here. There's no place like home - for us all. But I wish people would be more accepting and willing to learn about other countries and cultures. Americans tend to not be. Just my opinion. Do you agree, disagree - why, why not?!

2007-02-05 12:24:25 · 6 answers · asked by daff73 5 in Immigration

what is the term for a prime mininster in England? Is it four years? Are they limited in the amount of terms they can serve?

2007-02-05 12:21:50 · 6 answers · asked by Lirela 2 in Government

2007-02-05 12:21:50 · 12 answers · asked by wc29714 1 in Government

Give me 2 intersting facts about Niger. It can't be something that is going on in the country. Like government, everybody have goverment in their own country. They don't have the same government as Niger, but still you can't have the government. It can be anything like sports or anything. It doesn't matter

2007-02-05 12:21:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I go to school in Nevada (Las Vegas) and I have something like 7 unexcused abscences. I have had two truancy warnings this year and I know my third one is coming. Can I still be declared a habitual truant even though I'm 18? Or is this just a matter for juvenile court? I was thinking since I'm legally an adult now I should be able to not go to school, but I'm worried I might get my Drivers Liscence suspended. Does anyone know the truancy laws pretaining to age in Las Vegas? Or anywhere?

2007-02-05 12:19:41 · 1 answers · asked by I Really Hate You 2 in Law & Ethics

ok we have been going on at this for years ,, over 3000 american soliders have been killed since this war has been going on and now bush is pushing for some odd 30,000 more troops to be sent here im in iraq now and its a freaking mess here you dont know who the enamy is and how many of you could say you could really kill a child im talking about a 5 or 6 year old who knows no better who is just doing what daddy is telling him or her to do we are not fighting an army no more we are fighting the people but we are not starting troble but just us being here makes us just that much more of a target i have yet to be faced with haveing to kill a child i dont know what i would do i know that if that child shots at me i WILL have to return fire and i shoot to kill but would you be able to do it hell would i even be able to do it even knowing that i might be killed if i dont. i really need your imput on this one

2007-02-05 12:19:12 · 11 answers · asked by PROPHET_83 1 in Military

If you are no longer going to school and have your GED, a job, a place to live, and a car, then would you be able to just move out or would you be considered a run-away at 16?

2007-02-05 12:18:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

The Missouri pizza delivery man that kidnapped and raped those little boys. How long after he is inprisoned will it be before the other inmates snuff him out?

2007-02-05 12:17:53 · 6 answers · asked by Enigma 6 in Law & Ethics

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