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Politics & Government - 20 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2007-01-20 14:42:32 · 34 answers · asked by Knuckledragger 4 in Military

1. Explain the electoral process and distinguish between primaries and the general election.
2. Explain a Governors legislative power.
3. Discuss nonpartisan in relation to local elections.
4. Explain the function and services provided by the State and City.

2007-01-20 14:42:06 · 2 answers · asked by avalentin911 2 in Government

a friend of mine was stabbed 5 times....punctuating his liver,about how much time will he serve in jail/prison??

2007-01-20 14:41:52 · 14 answers · asked by LoVeLy 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

We miss ya Bill. Come back. That's right folks. Bill is back. Clinton in '08!!

2007-01-20 14:36:58 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

me and my exhusband have been seperated for 20 months, we have been divorced for 7. (yes, that is how long it took me to serve him) he has not paid one dime in child support, his amount was determined 17 months ago by the courts. i was supposed to get every even year for income taxes unless he did not pay child support. MY REAL QUESTION IS, if he files for income taxes and claims our child, can he receive the child deduction and get money for her, if i have already claimed her??? that does not seem right that he should get money for claiming a child that he has never paid child support on. please help, thanks

2007-01-20 14:32:25 · 13 answers · asked by MARY M 3 in Law & Ethics

Like everytime you turn on the news you see another kid kidnapped and murdered then the perp goes to jail for a few years then gets a slap on the wrist and told dont do it again. What do you think should happen to these people to stop this stupid crap. Honest answers please...

2007-01-20 14:32:15 · 12 answers · asked by anonymous 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

i keep finding pay sites

2007-01-20 14:27:36 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Someone was shot in Baltimore City. Nobody has answers as to where or how. A police officer was called and victum was transfered to Shock Trama, I want to know where it happened and what he was doing there.

2007-01-20 14:25:53 · 1 answers · asked by knrc1953 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

The ICC system is built on anomolies and by the rite of law, because you are actually paying "$$" for that service that service should be candid and fair to all who pay !

2007-01-20 14:25:49 · 4 answers · asked by DON 1 in Law & Ethics

Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez said that American citizens do not have any protection under Habeas Corpus.

Gonzalez said there is nothing in the constitution giving citizens the protection of HB, and that the only mention of HB is the two conditions under which it can be suspended, invasion and revolution.

This logic left even the Republicans on the committee wide-eyed and stammerring. Sen Arlen Specter (R-PA) asked the AG if he was saying the government can take something away they dont have. Gonzalez repeated that there is no mention of citizens being protected bt HB, only when it can be taken away.

HB is the oldest concept in western law, going back to the Magna Carta. It prevents the govt. from picking you up, throwing you in jail, and keeping you as long as they want and not having to explain it. It prevents a dictatorship. And this guy says it doesn't exist.

At least he's showing us what Republicans are about.

2007-01-20 14:25:45 · 20 answers · asked by bettysdad 5 in Politics

It would be interesting to know how many of these were Sunni and Shiite repraisal killings were actually targeting each other's millitants.

2007-01-20 14:25:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

They sign up to kill on demand...is not their deaths, each and every one of them, a HUGE reason to rejoice???

2007-01-20 14:25:01 · 12 answers · asked by jaybeefromhiscastle 1 in Military

Once you register to vote, but you don't show up on the election day. Is it a crime?

2007-01-20 14:24:52 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

did you know that 1100 building projects are going on in iraq right now? .they include 364 schools,67 public clinics,15 hospitals,83 railroad stations,22 oil facilities , 93 water facilities,and 69 electrical facilites. THANK A SOLIDER,,, i know there are some people in here will make fun of these facts,,, these are facts from the defense dept..
i would encourage you to go to the defense department.gov website,,, they have some great information,,,,, you will not hear about these things i mention here on your 6 o'clock news,,, because the news media will not report it,,, they do not want you to know about this.......



2007-01-20 14:23:10 · 15 answers · asked by RED WHITE AND BLUE 4 in Military

Todays's toll was the third-highest of any single day since the war began in March 2003, eclipsed only by 37 U.S. deaths on Jan. 26, 2005, and 28 on the third day of the U.S. invasion. U.S. authorities also announced two additional American combat deaths from Friday.

2007-01-20 14:21:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I dont see a difference they are murdering terrorists does anyone have a different opinion?

2007-01-20 14:20:34 · 15 answers · asked by molly 7 in Politics

I think that if Americans can stop being so ignorent and dumb. They would relize that they voted for the worst president of all time. He will history as worst. With a Democrat in lead america will rise to a more poweful and smart country. There will less conflict over oil and global warming. All Bush wants to belive is his thoughts and not cold hard facts. Thats why we need a good leader like Hillary Clinton or Obama in office. This country is taking a giant step backward with the (R) in the Excutive Branch. People need to think about how bad this country came since Bush took office. There is more murders in the U.S. than any other country. Think about all the import there is in America. Everything practiclly made in China, Pakistan, Indoneisa, Korea. Instead it needs to be MADE IN AMERICA. There can't be any overseas. There needs to factorys. If the wealthy could just forget about all save a buck crap. They would feel 100x better and make more money. I hope this inspired&changed many.

2007-01-20 14:19:08 · 4 answers · asked by RED VIPER 1 in Politics

And will it be Obama or Clinton leading the charge?

2007-01-20 14:18:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Why is that? if a black person ran for president, he/she would get assassinated by a racist? A example is Dr. Martin Luther King.

2007-01-20 14:17:22 · 11 answers · asked by ¡El lobo del norte del fuego! 1 in Politics

Free speech! Say really what you think.

2007-01-20 14:12:15 · 4 answers · asked by Berker 1 in Other - Politics & Government

And when will the American people hold him responsible for such deceptions as our commander in chief?

He is lying and people are dying.

With insurgency warfare like the kind Iraqis have figured out and used against us, we are ******, we need to leave and try a political solution to the insurgency...

Otherwise we have to kill all Iraqis. That is the choice and no American leadership has the gump to try the latter option.

DO you want Vietnam Pt. 2 or do you want to recognize that the enemy is our foolish, misguided, lying, frat-boy cheerleader from Yale, rich kid who in a spoiled and self centered way (because he is out of touch with reality entirely) ****** over our military and the country?

Get em out... Halliburton, Cheney, Baker III, Wolfowitz, Perle, CONDIE! HILLARY!!! all of these liars.

Save your kid, save your neighbor.

its over people. deal with it.

2007-01-20 14:07:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

are really different. remember when bush said social security was in trouble and all the democrats said... no way, bush is just exagerrating, now hillary is saying it. this whole 2 party system is just so stupid.they pretend to be different, for their own glory, because they know how stupid the average american is.

2007-01-20 14:07:27 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How much say does the US Congress have in policy?

2007-01-20 14:05:31 · 8 answers · asked by Shawn V 1 in Government

2007-01-20 14:03:24 · 22 answers · asked by Millo 3 in Politics

ok so the goverment is the one that prints out the money and destroys the money when it's to worn out and can't be used anymore. Why can't the goverment print out extra money to get out of debt, and to help the poor and help more with health care and shelters for the people who need it? I think that a perfect society would be one that everyone has a house paid for by the goverment( with the money that they can print out) and everyone pays their extra bills. Instead of raising the taxes and having use pay for hospitals and other health care iteams why can't the goverment print money to pay for it and get out of debt? I was just wondering if anyone knows the answer please let me know?? is there logic to this?

2007-01-20 14:00:38 · 6 answers · asked by ♠ melisa ♠ 2 in Other - Politics & Government

2007-01-20 14:00:14 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I've made a 150% profit on my orignal investment and with Bush tax cuts I get to keep even more of it. I hope we stay in Iraq for a long time.

2007-01-20 13:58:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How big is the border? How do you recognize an insurgent? How many insurgents are from Iraq? You can't even secure the border between Mexico and Texas. You can't even keep out drugs and people from Cuba, Dominican Republic etc. You are now casing the Canadian border with drone planes as if that would any hinderance IF insurgents would attempt this route.

2007-01-20 13:58:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-01-20 13:57:32 · 8 answers · asked by stephyrose87 3 in Military

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