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Politics & Government - 18 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

for under $500, and how is it possible being that they ceased to exist and are scrap. (pintos, old stationwagons, old vans, 70's gas guzzlers, the weird part is that theyre not from old people because they barely run and are very bent out of shape

2007-01-18 18:23:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

when police have pulled me over just for walking to the store at 3am in the morning because im a night owl they treat me like a criminal they accuse me of being a drug addict when ive never done drugs they also ask to pat me down at times which i ussually refuse which makes them mad when your innocent you shouldnt be subjected to searches they also pull me over in pairs why dont they pull me over alone they are highly trained government officials im just a civilian.just because im white living in a black area these people think im out to buy or sell drugs correct me if im wrong but that is racial profiling any way im rambling ill end my rambling now

2007-01-18 18:21:41 · 7 answers · asked by wylted 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

My babie's daddy got sentenced to 12 years in prision, he is in US penitentiary, inCalifornia, having illegal weapons in the house, I just checked to see when his release date will be and It is July, 2015. How can he make that lower sentence?

2007-01-18 18:18:25 · 9 answers · asked by ani 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-18 18:18:01 · 22 answers · asked by you_ashken_me? 1 in Immigration

Any Middle Eastern country even thinking about engaging in war against the United States is fooling themselves!!!
If they think our military is insufficient we always have our very own stockpile of WMD's and OBVIOUSLY a president who won't be intimidated!!!
For Iran or ANY country to think they can threaten us ....You have been warned!!
North Korea......Please!! They are what....about the same land mass as......Alabama?

2007-01-18 18:16:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I'm an American citizen in the Navy and currently in Okinawa, Japan. Before coming overseas I married my wonderful fiancee on December 21st, 2006. Well, life isn't so wonderful now. She's an illegal immigrant living in the United States with only a passport, marriage liscense, an expired visa and birth certificate. Her visa expired while she was a minor and wasn't renewed because her parents were deported back to Colombia. She needs a green card in order to be able to return to the USA if she ever left to come stay with me for a period of time.

I really dont even know where to start so she can start getting a green card. I'm hearing something about some sort of petition . . .

2007-01-18 18:16:45 · 9 answers · asked by Jason B 1 in Immigration


Good thing we got that DEA busting those people trying to help the sick. They should be using those FDA approved medicines with the side effects that are worse than your actual sickness. We voted medical marijuana into law in California and now the feds are arresting people. Anybody else for getting rid of the DEA all together?

2007-01-18 18:16:34 · 10 answers · asked by mrlebowski99 6 in Politics

Am a resident of Dadar (E), Dadasaheb Phalke Rd. There is a lot of hawker nuisance on this stretch of road with traffice making matters worse there is no place for pedestrians to walk at all. Right from BMC officials to Bhoiwada police stn all r hand in glove , they take bribes frm these hawkers nd no amt of complains cn stop this menace. Also the foot-over-bridge which connects Dadar (E) to Dadar (W) is full of hawkers on both sides of it nd when u lodge a complaint wid the railway police they say the bridge comes under BMC nd the BMC says it comes under the Rly police. But both the BMC & the Rly office take bribes frm them. Even the new big bridge is also infested wid hawkers nd the rly police staff just turn a blind eye to all this as they get regular haftas. A day or two the hawkers r not there bt then again they come back. Wud suggest the officials shd just confiscate their goods nd auction it off nd not fine them nd give them back their goods. Pls help me in stopping this menace.

2007-01-18 18:15:33 · 4 answers · asked by DAWSON 1 in Civic Participation

Why can't people just answer a question without reading into it? Why all of these word games with the questions & the answers? What happened to people who could think & respond in a helpful manner, rather than condem every person who mentions ABORTION in a positive light? I'm not anti-religious, but if you don't understand an issue, why would you attack a person for their views. I would think you would want to learn through sharing in their pain & have respect for the mere fact that it is a sensitive issue. The power of creation knows no hatred, but some of you humans sure do. Why must you attack every question with the word ABORTION in it?

2007-01-18 18:14:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I see tons of Bush lovers on yahoo answers, but I never see any known Republicans talk about Bush in public anymore. Also, I don't see any of those Bush bumper stickers on their cars anymore. Are they afraid of being tarred and feathered; rotten fruit thrown at them? Are all Republicans just closet Yahoo posters now?

2007-01-18 18:13:40 · 11 answers · asked by Gemini 5 in Politics

doesn't that mean the planet is getting warmer? That would be good would it not? I think you people worry way too much. I think you people take Al Gore way too seriously.

I think you hippies out there just like to ***** about cool things like global warming, nuclear power, suvs, hunting, extinction of endengered species.

2007-01-18 18:08:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

can anyone help me find out information on my grandfathers service in the balck watch 1st battalion,8th army 1939 - 1945. i have contacted the black watch wed site but can't get any info on where he actualy served in,all i know is that he went from denmark,morocoo,tunisia,sicily,italy then germany where i have a photo of a victory parade thro berhaven but i'm looking for pecific details,any ideas???

2007-01-18 18:08:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-01-18 18:08:15 · 17 answers · asked by Colt Seavers 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Steps, requirements, and qualifications on the way of becoming a senator.

2007-01-18 18:07:25 · 2 answers · asked by sinceredollars2005 1 in Government

2007-01-18 17:58:05 · 27 answers · asked by Marie 1 in Politics

They seemed to have a pretty strong government started up over there. Now the Taliban has come back strong with our attention sidetracked. Should we at least finished up in Afghanistan before shifting our focus into Iraq?

2007-01-18 17:56:34 · 8 answers · asked by mrlebowski99 6 in Politics


The Dream Vision 2020, i.e, to make INDIA, the 'Super Power', as set forth by Our Honourable Noble Peoples' President Dr.APJ Abdul Kalamji, who is simply Known as 'First Peoples' President of Democratic Republic of 'Free India', who has thrown open the Annals of 'Rashtra Pathi Bhavan to a Common Man / Woman ?

2007-01-18 17:56:27 · 2 answers · asked by Somu Ji 1 in Government

runner in the behind .Now he has a law suite aginest the US .

They were only trying to keep our borders safe from illegals crossing it . Is this anyway to treat our American officers doing their job?
Bush wants to give amnesty to the illegals , why not our own US citizens . is Bush for America or Mexico ?

2007-01-18 17:54:41 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

So, much money would it take to buy your support if you were in a position of power/in the government/congress/senate/President/The Administration?

What is your price to send young men and women to their deaths, or to kill people for nothing more than lies stacked on top of lies?

What is your price? Every man has his price, right?

2007-01-18 17:53:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

He created the massive debt we live with today.

2007-01-18 17:50:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

its estimated that in five years this will rise to 50% Good or bad?

2007-01-18 17:43:23 · 15 answers · asked by ? 1 in Military

If not, how do these people get off criticizing his commitment to peace?

2007-01-18 17:41:59 · 11 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

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