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Politics & Government - 17 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Why is it that when Saddam ordered the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqis, it's a crime and he's executed, but when Bush does it, it's collateral damage?

I mean, if we're arguing semantics, doesn't Saddam have more of a right to kill his own people than Bush does?

Now, I would never call for the painful, public and brutal execution of George W. Bush, but if anyone else wants to......

2007-01-17 04:34:15 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2007-01-17 04:34:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

His detailed battle strategies and plans are incredible! Their outlined in scematics and charts that he displays every chance he gets.

2007-01-17 04:33:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

There is a article in Chinese saying that in California, even you are an adult, you have to make sure no one can see your TV screen from outside the house when you are watching the porns. Is that true? If yes, could you help to list the related law terms? Thanks.

2007-01-17 04:32:37 · 2 answers · asked by Phil_joe 1 in Law & Ethics

oppressed and helpless at the hands of dictators? How do you justify that America with all her might stands by and watches and does nothing? How do you justify the blood in the streets and say we can not win? Why do we not say we will win, we will never quit while others are repressed and subjugated?

2007-01-17 04:32:25 · 9 answers · asked by ? 6 in Politics

I can not believe that they censored this posting. What is this, Nazi censorship? There is no adult content in this posting…. I’ll dare them. This is clearly a violation of my 1st amendment civil rights. It is called free speech..

2007-01-17 04:31:56 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Dear Michael:
I need your help to blast CNN. Please have us on your program....

As parents of fallen soldier, Sgt Patrick Tainsh, my husband and I allowed CNN to come to our home on Wednesday night to interview us after the President's speech. (We also met with President Bush at Ft Benning on Thursday) My husband, USMC Sgt Maj (ret) and I support our President and understand the importance of winning this war.

Upon his preparing to leave, although we knew the answer, my husband ask the reporter.,Bob Franken, why more negative than positive was shouted by the media (which is causing lack of understanding to the public of why we must win this war)...Franken, standing near our son's folded flag and Silver Star said " Where no house is on fire, there is no news, Where it bleeds it leads."

And when I replied to the reporter, "you mean you're willing to report negativity that feeds the insurgency which emboldens them and causes death to our troops and can cause death to us," he said

"Not our problem, we just report the fires. It's a democracy."

Well, Michael, now I'm reporting this soulless idiot to you.

I hope if Franken and all media persons who "feed death" are ever allowed into heaven, Patrick and all our other fallen give them all a good "... kicking" since it is the soldier that gives the media rights they take carelessly to the danger zone. And all the negative that is reported is adding enormous weight to the grief our military families carry.

Deborah Tainsh

Gold Star Mom, grief peer mentor, speaker, author : Heart of a Hawk: One family's sacrifice and journey toward healing

Midland, Georgia

(20 miles from Ft. Benning)

2007-01-17 04:31:23 · 11 answers · asked by CaptainObvious 7 in Politics


Do they just refuse to see the truth, or are they just so pathetically lazy, they choose to believe anything their neolib hero's tell them without looking to validate it?

2007-01-17 04:30:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

for allowing politicians on both sides of the political 'battlefield' divide us? Aren't we only listening to our 'heros' bash the other side? Let's do each other a favor and listen carefully to both sides and hear what they are actually saying. Let's keep up with how many times our candidate or a member of our chosen party uses the opposing party to make a point. Is it possible that the only leg our chosen party is standing on is the fact that he/she can make us hate the other side?

2007-01-17 04:25:50 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6 in Government

Turkey had enough with EU and should continue without EU pressure. Anyone agree with better explanation in this direction? As Turkey known with rich mines and huge young population. It is time to move on for TURKEY.

2007-01-17 04:25:47 · 5 answers · asked by Berker 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Usually when straight guys are that interested in gay culture, it's because of their insecurity of their own curiosity.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin............

2007-01-17 04:25:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2007-01-17 04:24:53 · 17 answers · asked by subbaiah j 1 in Civic Participation

Looking for a Lawyer to do a simple Will, and what can I expect to pay?

2007-01-17 04:24:02 · 9 answers · asked by Alan B 1 in Law & Ethics

well if u saw this u most likely thought in mexicans...if not tell me of what race and why?

2007-01-17 04:22:07 · 21 answers · asked by el.wetback 2 in Immigration

and since the sunnis are the side that Al Quida has alligned with in this war. does that mean that we will go after george bushes best friends in saudi arabia for supplying Al Quida. which was excuse number 2 for why we went to Iraq??

2007-01-17 04:22:05 · 7 answers · asked by Unfrozen Caveman 6 in Politics

if you are on immgration control and have a child with a british birth certficate why is that you can not claim benefits. As an asylum seeker and still wating for a dicsion to be made why is it you can not work or claim benefits how are you supposed to survive especialy with a under 2years old baby

2007-01-17 04:21:54 · 4 answers · asked by peacok 1 in Immigration

Because the only answer I can get from the Bush administration is "Uhhh, because we're gonna win this time."

Would you like some fairydust with that bedtime story?

2007-01-17 04:21:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I joined the U.S. Army in March of 03. That was the heat of the war. It took three days to march into Baghdad. At that time Americans where all about the war and unified on the war effort and had high hopes, but now that we have lost some soldiers. 3000 in three years, as in comparison to the 100,000 plus Iraqies that lost their lives. Now all of the sudden everyone wants to give up and go home. Well it's too late now. If America doesn't stick this thing out, then the rest of world will see us as a bunch of unresolved puss&*$. The sad part is we will have earned it. Every terrorist will know that if things don't go our way, it won't take long and we will turn and run like scalded dogs. The last thing I want to do is go back to Iraq, or to Afgahnistan, but if that's what it takes to keep my kids safe then so be it.

2007-01-17 04:20:46 · 11 answers · asked by Bull 2 in Government

What did the poor hampsters do to deserve that kind of treatment...some one should alert PETA! We should not indulge in pleasure at some poor animals expense...this is just wrong wrong wrong!
I thought the lefties cared about animals?

2007-01-17 04:20:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I want to know where can I find the actual polls on politics and on the candidates for the presidency.

2007-01-17 04:19:47 · 4 answers · asked by tattaglia2001 2 in Elections

At one point, the interviewer pointed out that Bush wasn't very popular with America.

W's response "No, I guess not."

The interviewer then asked Bush if he cared.

The presidents response "No. Not really."

Might I suggets a follow-up question for W: "What in the hell is wrong with you!!??"

2007-01-17 04:18:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I have been told my ex husband owes several thousands of pounds, nearly two years ago and have not received a penny from the CSA and someone told me it has gone busted, I could not get hold of my ex husband, he moved away dont know his address, I have sent CSA emails asking them what is happening but no reply from them since 6 months ago, anyone got any ideas or know all about CSA? any suggestions gratefully appriecated.

2007-01-17 04:18:34 · 2 answers · asked by pussycat 2 in Law & Ethics

2007-01-17 04:18:23 · 24 answers · asked by LongJohns 7 in Other - Politics & Government

How can we continue to operate the way we do without a future of DOOM ?

2007-01-17 04:17:27 · 14 answers · asked by astro 2 in Government

Can there be a reasonable explanation for this ??

2007-01-17 04:15:02 · 5 answers · asked by astro 2 in Law & Ethics

however, a pregnant woman won't qualify as a carpool?

how can a fetus be considered a legal life in one instance and not another? shouldn't it be standard across the board?

2007-01-17 04:14:56 · 16 answers · asked by bilko_ca 5 in Law & Ethics

What do you think of the Soviet Union's old friend France opposing the iraqi war? The French basically left NATO in the middle of it and demanded NATO troops leave France in 1966. Both before and after that, French policies were unhelpful towards the USA at best, actually harmful at worst. It is more reasonable to consider France an ally of the USSR during the Cold War than of the USA.
thoughts, opinions?

2007-01-17 04:12:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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