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Politics & Government - 14 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

He died gaim luking his enemees in the is. This is mor dan I cun sae for u traiturus drapht doging singl moms!

2007-01-14 06:35:07 · 15 answers · asked by marinecorejewbuster 1 in Politics

I then asked, what about having a bunch of friends comming to your house and playing poker for money, they said that was probably illegal too. If it is illegal, how would something like that be enforced.

2007-01-14 06:34:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I ask the question because I understand that french people believe they are...

2007-01-14 06:34:50 · 8 answers · asked by Hello 3 in Military

This country was brutally attacked on nine eleven. It was a cowardly, unproved attack on American values by suicidal religious fanatics. Period.
It had nothing to do with US foreign policy, 'imperialism' or other liberal nonsense.
Yet now, the USA, supposedly the strongest country on Earth, is hamstrung in a crippling war against cave dwelling savages.
We are apparently 'helping' Iraq. What happened to self defense, retribution for nine eleven?

2007-01-14 06:34:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How is it that the Dems crucified Mark Foley for sending disquesting e-mails to a minor and SANDY BERGER was given a pass for stealing and destroying national security documents.

I sure would like to know what the Clinton Administration was attempting to hide in this traitorous act. But I guess probation, a $50,000 fine and losing his National Clearance for THREE YEARS is not essential to investigating something that could endanger us all.

To ever give him national security again is the most appalling thing I can imagine.

2007-01-14 06:33:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Critics won't halt Iraq surge, Bush says By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - President Bush, facing opposition from both parties over his plan to send more troops to Iraq, said he has the authority to act no matter what Congress wants.

"I fully understand they could try to stop me from doing it. But I've made my decision. And we're going forward," Bush told CBS' "60 Minutes" in an interview to air Sunday night.

Vice President Dick Cheney asserted that lawmakers' criticism will not influence Bush's plans and he dismissed any effort to "run a war by committee."

"The president is the commander in chief. He's the one who has to make these tough decisions," Cheney said.

*So I ask all Americans. Why Vote if the Government won't listen to the people of the land? 70% of Americans are agaist the war. Why doesn't the USA Government listen to the people?

2007-01-14 06:30:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

Come on, really what the hell is wrong here......And don't reply that crap of "show me a source" just read between the lines.....not fox news......For example how many surges do we need to have before you guys think our President is correct?

2007-01-14 06:29:50 · 19 answers · asked by periacs 2 in Government

Can someone sue you for more than he paid for his car..No insurance is involved. My brother was in an accident and was willing to pay the total amount the person bought the car for..$800.00 which was a deal. The car is worth approx. $2500.00, according to Kelly Blue Book. Again, can a person sue for more than they paid for the vehicle??

2007-01-14 06:29:32 · 5 answers · asked by Sandra S. 7 in Law & Ethics

Nationalism and religion has caused nothing but pure misery around the world for centuries. To even contemplate 'seperation' means to segregate yourself from others and become inward , backward and insular thinking. I'm a working class Scot and have no quams about my British [UK] status. Gordon Brown is exactly right when he says that the 'nationalists' are opportunists with no track record that must be guarded against. One saving grace is that the way the voting system is set up in Scotland , no-one gets overall control. The 'nationalists' say they are socialists too , where have I heard that before [National Socialist Party of Germany].... Nazi Germany. Look at the bigger picture and oust the idea straight away.

2007-01-14 06:23:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

death squads in training and will use our soldiers as target practice?

2007-01-14 06:22:51 · 9 answers · asked by Gettin_by 3 in Other - Politics & Government

The IDF has been flying training missions to Gibraltar in order to get ready for a long flight. Everyone knows that Israel doesn't care what the world community whines about when it comes to matters of national security. The Iranians have been yapping about wiping Israel off the map. Do you feel Israel would be justified in taking out the Iranian nuclear program?

2007-01-14 06:22:23 · 24 answers · asked by Rick N 3 in Politics

Retired cop heard a few.

2007-01-14 06:21:14 · 24 answers · asked by Sgt 524 5 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-14 06:20:26 · 3 answers · asked by ramo 2 in Law & Ethics

care what they say he is still going forward. Is this not a slap in the face for all of us who voted for a change?

2007-01-14 06:20:03 · 11 answers · asked by Gettin_by 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Now don't be angry with me...
Listen to what I have to say

Saddam was indeed our friend

Here is the proof (don't forget to see the video)

2007-01-14 06:16:58 · 40 answers · asked by Don 2 in Politics

Why? There were no weapons of mass destructions- so why?

2007-01-14 06:15:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

cival war,and getting worse...or do you think its dubyas time for glory? speak it,,,,,,,,

2007-01-14 06:14:38 · 8 answers · asked by CIVILIAN 4 in Politics

yes you dum republicans

2007-01-14 06:13:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i think it will be a disaster .

2007-01-14 06:13:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Here's a link that will explain some of the changes to the U.S. military draft. Don't think there will be a draft? Think again.

at http://www.nodraftnoway.org/about.shtml

How the Draft has Changed Since Vietnam
If a draft were held today, it would be dramatically different from the one held during the Vietnam War. A series of reforms during the latter part of the Vietnam conflict changed the way the draft operated to make it more fair and equitable. If a draft were held today, there would be fewer reasons to excuse a man from service.

Before Congress made improvements to the draft in 1971, a man could qualify for a student deferment if he could show he was a full-time student making satisfactory progress toward a degree.

Under the current draft law, a college student can have his induction postponed only until the end of the current semester. A senior can be postponed until the end of the academic year.

2007-01-14 06:12:20 · 7 answers · asked by Yinzer from Sixburgh 7 in Military

In 1922, Benito Mussolini seized control of the Italian government. Roman
Catholicism was named the state religion. Labor unions were abolished,
strikes were forbidden, and political opponents were silenced. Mussolini
gave free rein to big business and reduced workers' wages.

Mussolini's rule is an example of what type of government?

A. Anarchy

B. Dictatorship

C. Monarchy

(and why)
D. Democracy

2007-01-14 06:12:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

He is saying that he just wants to come home and not even graduate. Can he do this without reprocussion? What is the best way for him to pursue this? Please only reply if you know for certain about your answer. Thanks!

2007-01-14 06:11:04 · 14 answers · asked by aliefornal 1 in Military

I have noticed they delete/warn when the answer is not to the liberal slant.

2007-01-14 06:08:07 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

How many cluster bombs can a B-52 carry at a time. Also, how does the molten copper work. Does it melt on tanks and explode or does it just explode on impact?

2007-01-14 06:07:59 · 3 answers · asked by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5 in Military



In the past week nearly 5,000 members of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) have downloaded special “megaphone” software that alerts them to anti-Israeli chatrooms or internet polls to enable them to post contrary viewpoints. A student team in Jerusalem combs the web in a host of different languages to flag the sites so that those who have signed up can influence an opinion survey or the course of a debate.

Jonny Cline, of the international student group, said that Jewish students and youth groups with their understanding of the web environment were ideally placed to present another side to the debate.“We’re saying to these people that if Israel is being bashed, don’t ignore it, change it,” Mr Cline said.“A poll like CNN’s takes just a few seconto vote in, but if thousands take part the outcome will be changed. What’s vital is that the international face of the conflict is balanced.”

Doron Barkat, 29, in Jerusalem, spends long nights trawling the web to try to swing the debate Israel’s way.“When I see internet polls for or against Israel I send out a mailing list to vote for Israel,” he said.“It can be that after 15 minutes there will be 400 votes for Israel.“It’s very satisfying. There are also forums where Lebanese and Israelis talk.”


2007-01-14 06:06:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

snow they are buried in?

2007-01-14 06:05:01 · 8 answers · asked by my name is call me ishamael 1 in Politics

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