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Politics & Government - 11 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Did he cash in and take off to Key West like a typical liberal?

2007-01-11 03:17:15 · 8 answers · asked by Gary 2 in Politics

I am at a loss my daughter was arrested last week for stealing $789 from her work, and when she was arrested she volunteered she had pot on her, so they got her on both. She spent the nite in jail (my choice for her mistake) and now we have to deal with this, i did find $500 in her car that day and brought it back to the cops, they said it helped by doing that. I have called the DA and they said someone would call me about a diversify program they have, and it will help i just dont know any details yet. Her court date is in march, this is her first arrest, and i am putting her in counseling NOW before the first arrainment, i am at a lost i know nothing, cant afford a lawyer, so i am hoping working with the DA;s office will help. I just dont know what to do, what this will do to her, and they mentioned on the phone we might can do an espongement later? any advice to calm down this worried mother would be appreciated. SHE Was wrong and did admit to it and i know she has to pay the price.

2007-01-11 03:16:56 · 18 answers · asked by Bubbles 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-11 03:15:36 · 9 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Military

Regarding attempts to substitute guardianship.

2007-01-11 03:14:38 · 2 answers · asked by ? 1 in Law & Ethics

I think the one statement that almost everyone would agree on, given what has happened over the last four years, is that it is difficult, if not impossible, for America to go to war if the American people do not see a threat.

I'm not asking whether the war was right or wrong - the polls are what they are, whether history will judge this war as advisable or not.

Also, do you think pre-emption would ever be a accepted as a justification by a substantial portion of the American public? If not, how do we prevent possible attacks?

Is the choice now to attack every rogue regime trying to get nukes? Or some other strategy, which includes "accepting" a nuclear armed Iran, North Korea, etc.?

Also, would people really have favored the Iraq war if we had found WMDs? Wouldn't he have used them? People predicted 10,000 dead the first month - would people have said "we should have left him alone!"

If the war ended in 2004 would people have complained, even if no WMDs were found?

2007-01-11 03:14:19 · 5 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Military

unleash millions of angry Iraqi (Shiites) on every Sunni city, town, province & neighborhood in Iraq?

1) 100% of all the terrorists responsible for 9/11 were Sunni Muslims.
2) 100% of Al Qaeda terorists are Sunni.
3) Most, if not all, of the Iraqi insurgents & terrorists are Sunni.
4) Bin Laden is a Sunni
5) 90% of the world's radical Muslims are Sunni
6) Tens of 1000s of Sunnis were cheering in the streets after hearing about 9/11.
7) Why should any American feel any pity on any Sunni especially the ones blowing up US troops in Iraq?
8) Let the Iraqi Democratic Shiites take care of the Iraqi terrorists/insurgents Sunnis & the war on terror in Iraq, the civil war in Iraq & the overall war in Iraq will be over very quickly & w/o any US causalities .

2007-01-11 03:14:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

It's obviously not Bush, he's way too stupid.
Do you think it's Cheney, or Bush's daddy who actually makes the decisions?
Or is it a group thing, an evil cabal of the greed-and-power zombies who make up today's GOP?

2007-01-11 03:13:49 · 5 answers · asked by ? 2 in Military

I don't smoke, but going into a bar that does not have smoke hanging in the air does not give you the full bar experience. People have been smoking in bars forever. Is it not a violation of their rights to take away a privelege that they have always had. Smoking in restaurants needed to go, but smoking in bars is an American tradition.

2007-01-11 03:11:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Iran is the big winner in the war in Iraq. Its influence has expanded vastly. It's weapons programs have moved along unopposed. This is an Axis of Evil nation. They are not our friends.

We have to consider America less safe as Iran has become more pwerful and more bold. Iraq will now be under the influence of Iran, as the government already is.

The leader of Iraq is currently a Shiite spiritual leader that is a protege of Iranian Shiite leaders.

What have we done?!

2007-01-11 03:10:08 · 10 answers · asked by Murphy 3 in Other - Politics & Government

Let me explain this president does not have one bad thing to say about anyone he basically turns the other cheek. What is the results! he gets attack every day people takes potshots at him on a continual basis so liberals you have to admit turning the other cheek and being nice does not seem to work it only seems intensifies the attacks (almost like terrorism). Should he be more aggresive like Clinton and lash back at his enemies, in my opinion being nice does not seem to work well.

2007-01-11 03:07:44 · 11 answers · asked by Ynot! 6 in Government

It has just be unvieled! 92,000 more troops to be sent to Iraq on top of the 21,000 currently ask for by Bush! That is a total of 113,000 more troops to Iraq! They also listed the expected engagement period! 5 YEARS more! AT THE LEAST!

I am totally totally against this! What do you think?

2007-01-11 03:07:37 · 13 answers · asked by MrKnowItAll 6 in Military

can anyone clearly define a budget and how governments prepare national budgets?

2007-01-11 03:07:03 · 7 answers · asked by frederick h 1 in Government

Why are men who have been in the army so violent? I hear so many stories of army men who have beaten up or murdered their partners and wives. Is army life toxic?

2007-01-11 03:04:57 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

you find out that the that the person you are taking to court also talked to an atourney from that office but didnt hire them. Would that be a conflict of interest? Can I stay with my attorney or do I have to hire another one.

2007-01-11 03:03:36 · 2 answers · asked by Spinning Times LLC 3 in Law & Ethics

I'm from Puerto Rico (u.s. citizen) and getting married to my fiance who is costa rican. it is a serious relationship, it is NOT for papers. We're getting married in march but he's staying in costa rica until he's done with his masters degree in september. What petition do i need to file and how long does it last? we want to be together as soon as he's done with his master's in september and i want him to come already with his residency or at least work permit. i need help!! what do i need do? i dont have money for an attorney, enough spending with traveling back and forth every time we visit each other. I also want to know how long will it take for me to have my work permit in costa rica?

2007-01-11 03:02:42 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I'm from Puerto Rico (u.s. citizen) and getting married to my fiance who is costa rican. it is a serious relationship, it is NOT for papers. We're getting married in march but he's staying in costa rica until he's done with his masters degree in september. What petition do i need to file and how long does it last? we want to be together as soon as he's done with his master's in september and i want him to come already with his residency or at least work permit. i need help!! what do i need do? i dont have money for an attorney, enough spending with traveling back and forth every time we visit each other

2007-01-11 03:01:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

To start, I am not a liberal. I am a moderate and a fiscal conservative.
Social Conservatives believe the government should control morality either by edict or gunpoint, as in Iraq. Bush, a Social Conservative, has led this country into a quagmire in Iraq, increased deficit spending, divided the population, turned world opinion against the U.S., and has strained our military to the breaking point.
Is it time to admit Social Conservatism is a failure.

2007-01-11 02:59:18 · 19 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6 in Politics

2007-01-11 02:55:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Was it that Saddam had WMD's, was it the lie about never hearing about terrorists using planes to hit buildings on a massive scale, was it mission accomplished, that the Patriot act was only for terrorists or something else. Or are you of the view that the Bush administration has never lied to the people of our nation

2007-01-11 02:53:31 · 21 answers · asked by sscam2001 3 in Politics

Here are a few things I/ve learned in the Army
A. Warrior Ethos
1. I will always place the mission 1st.= So, you can't take care of your comrades, inocents or your own life? That's silly, I'm not a robot and when something is wrong I don't have why to do it, I have a brain of my own
2.I will never accept defeat=I will never accept it if some body is attacking my country, How the goverment accepted the defeat in Vietnam, Corea and Somalia? We, the soldiers weren't defeated, it was them, the goverment, take a look of Black Hawk Down just as a referal when stupid orders make us die in the field.
3. I will never quit= I wouldn't quit when I'm fighting for my country, What would you do when you are far away and you don't even have the support of the people who sent you there, isn't qiuting, is no more killing.
4. I will nevr leave a fallen comrade behind.=Do you think Bush will be there for you? I don/t think so. He wasnt there when I was hurt or when my cousin died.

2007-01-11 02:53:12 · 5 answers · asked by Javy 7 in Military


2007-01-11 02:52:50 · 11 answers · asked by Uno 2 in Politics

Look, the mad-man wants to escalate the war in Iraq. He wants to escalate the war in Afghanistan. He wants to escalate the war in Serbia. He wants to start war in Venezuela.

War is Bush's answer to everything.

Diplomacy was lost with the Clinton Administration.

Bush plans on defying Congress just as he has been defying the American people for the last 6 years.

America fought the Revolutionary war to get rid of Mad King George.

What must America do, now, to get rid of Mad President George?

2007-01-11 02:51:39 · 19 answers · asked by Brotherhood 7 in Government

Would you be legally entitled to walk around your own garden naked even if you were clearly visible to your neighbours for example?

Could you legally have sex in your own back garden or anywhere outdoors on your private land? What if it was your own front lawn and people were walking past on the other side of a small fence and you were in full view of them?

What if you were on other private land like a privately owned car park? Could you just have sex on the bonnet of your car?

Also what if you're in your own house and are naked or commiting an indecent act in a room and can be seen by people on the street? Are you breaking the law even though you're in your own house, or are they breaking the law for watching you without your permission?

2007-01-11 02:49:53 · 5 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Law & Ethics

Where do you think he has gone..??

2007-01-11 02:49:01 · 10 answers · asked by Jessica Q 1 in Politics

in nj if you arent chosen for a trial ,is thier a certain amount of time the gov has to wait before you can be chosen for jury duty again??

2007-01-11 02:48:25 · 5 answers · asked by brianlr2000 2 in Civic Participation

I need answers PRONTO!

2007-01-11 02:47:59 · 18 answers · asked by chezplz 2 in Military

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