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Politics & Government - 10 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

My kids have always lived with me. Their biological father and I were never married or living together, and he only sees them a couple of times a year. He makes no effort to see them..his family does. But he'll defend to the death his "rights" as a parent. It's all about control.
To be frank, I don't think he deserves any rights, and I want them taken away. I know he smokes marijuana and drinks. When I knew him he used to steal things from the local store. And right now he's in jail for 30 days for not paying child support.
My question is, if I was going to try to have ALL his rights taken away, would the prison sentence alone be enough to make him "unfit" in a judge's eyes? Or would I have to hire a PI to prove the drug use and other things as well?

2007-01-10 04:34:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-10 04:32:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What do you need or where do you go to be invoved in international affairs What type of education do you need to become either an ambassador, translator or a negotiator for the united nations?

2007-01-10 04:30:34 · 3 answers · asked by red_klinik 2 in Embassies & Consulates

And you are never paid nor could you afford to hire a lawyer to go up against the State regarding money that I have never recieved from child support and they claim that the tax intercept does not exist from the HRS and their has been three audits on my case and all three are wrong and they claim they owe me nothing,and that the intercept does not exist ,when in fact if it didnt exist then How is it that I have the proof ,and through the years we have had to do without because of their screw ups.I just wonder how many other single parents have they done this too here in the United States.This is in regards of an injured spousal claim! Thank you for taking the time to read this.

2007-01-10 04:27:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2007-01-10 04:26:51 · 9 answers · asked by jessica 1 in Military

He's from my home town so i'm naturally a fan of that. I'm neither republican or democrat...I'm a non-voter and I have mixed feelings on George Bush. I know a lot of the things he (Michael Moore) said in Fahrenheit 911 were heresay...I know he stretched the truth and said a lot of things that were probably just gossip, not facts. But nonetheless, i found that movie to be awesome...entertaining, informative, etc. I have a lot of republican friends who actually refuse to watch the movie...do you think it's becuase it would change their mind on Bush? What do you think of his movie? Becuase I couldnt believe a lot of the things that he said....if even 1/2 were true that's just sad. Also, have you seen his other movie, Roger & Me?

2007-01-10 04:25:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government


2007-01-10 04:24:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

people are liberals growing up
but when theey do grow up they become conservatives

2007-01-10 04:23:18 · 13 answers · asked by short minivan 1 in Politics

I leave for Ft. Benning in a month or so to go to basic training (11B). I would greatly appreciate any help with suggestions, tips and things specific to Benning and also things that I should memorize (like a code, creed or song for Benning). I am scared like crazy and could really use some help, thanks.

PS. Certain sites say I should memorize the soldiers creed (I am a warrior and a member of a team etc..) and others say the soldiers code (a protector of the greatest nation on earth sworn to uphold, etc...). Which one (or both) is necessary?

2007-01-10 04:22:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Are there more people(illigal immigrents) coming to Britain than other european countrys?

Its a good thing that we are not connected to mainland europe then we would well and truly be fuked with immigrents finding it ever so easy to cross the boarders!

2007-01-10 04:21:46 · 23 answers · asked by Blink-Monkey-Blink 2 in Immigration

i know it's not the most pleasant thing to see, but could you get arrested for doing it?

2007-01-10 04:21:36 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Not that I think they are mutually exclusive.

Also I may not necesarily share your definition of Terrorist

2007-01-10 04:20:31 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Is Deporting all the Liberals the only solution?

2007-01-10 04:19:26 · 15 answers · asked by Sicko 1 in Politics

Go to google.com. Type in "failure" in the search field. Click on I'm Feeling Lucky button.....

2007-01-10 04:18:51 · 6 answers · asked by Manda 3 in Government

The problem is that a lot of people have to understand what hapend with people that are iligal in the USA, First they are braking the law YES, and the law they are braking is simple, just the for crosing the border iligaly, the word says it all, they just broked one law, after they broke the law of crosing the border they can brake some other laws, like geting iligal documents, and a lot of other crimes that anyone comit in this country, a lot of them just brake the first one, corsing the border iligaly, you can not make it general to all of them that they all brake tha same laws, just like any resident or citizen of the USA, they can brake any law too, does not mean that i'm Ok with it, all i say is that not all of us do that right?, so you can not make it general!.

Another problem that people have to know is the untill this goverment. The USA, make some cain of new law that iligal people can use on they favor to become residents, there will be iligal aliens all the time.

2007-01-10 04:18:27 · 7 answers · asked by javierporras1983 3 in Immigration

people say plead guilty! im not a fool! im only a fool for putting my self in this postion. if any of you thought you could get out of trouble, wouldnt you try to get out of it if you could? the fact of the matter is if for example: if you dont do your job right. what happens? you get into trouble . so if you get into truoble with the law, why shouldnt the people in law enforcement have to follow there own guidelines? if the the people in law follow the guidelines set fourth, then people wouldnt need lawyers to get them out of trouble to begin with.they have jobs that require them to follow certian guidelines as well. if they mess up, you can damm well count on most people fighting back.no one is gonna just lie there and say im guilty. if you do then you are a fool.

2007-01-10 04:16:10 · 4 answers · asked by tommyhawk 2 in Law & Ethics

I am a RN working in a hospital. During overnight duty, my colleague had adminstered a dangerous drug while I was away, which supposed to have 2 RN's signature. When I came back, my colleague just asked me to sign. Unfortunately it was found later that he had given the wrong drug. The patient is fine and not going for lawsuit. It turned out that we both will be given written warning from the hospital and will be filed in our personel record. It's unfair coz I wasn't there and he could have find me to check with him. How and what points should I bring about my appeal case?

2007-01-10 04:14:50 · 5 answers · asked by Pradagal 1 in Law & Ethics

i was wondering if there are some females who are in the marines and tell me wut it was like at basic training, how u like it and wutever else, plz

2007-01-10 04:14:50 · 5 answers · asked by Syd 2 in Military

2007-01-10 04:13:55 · 18 answers · asked by Sicko 1 in Politics

All of the money that you put up for bond is that gone or once you appear for court date do you get that back--especially if you are found not quilty?

2007-01-10 04:13:28 · 3 answers · asked by deeb 1 in Law & Ethics

How many actually grasp the Concept "Global War On Terror" Do you think you will just wake up one day, and it will all be over? I am not saying there will be a Military Draft, but with the so called GWOT it may not be needed today, but mabe tommorow, and you surley would not wait until its to late to get recruits trained.

2007-01-10 04:12:45 · 16 answers · asked by AD 3 in Politics

Because I find it outrageous who has been allowed in this country historically, and don't get me wrong I'm for immigration because if it wasn't around no one would be here, but I don't understand why we allowed the lowest criminals from Italy to come here and start ther gangs. Do other countries have organized gangs like this?

2007-01-10 04:12:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Hot or Not?
Personally, I think she is...

2007-01-10 04:11:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

it certainly wasnt fire. It certainly wasn't "underground faults" due to the twins falling down because another building between wtc7 and the twins seemed to hold up fine. It certainly wasnt a "plane", because a plane didnt hit it.

explain away...wait, let me get my popcorn...okay, i'm ready.

2007-01-10 04:11:32 · 16 answers · asked by dude s 2 in Government

Kennedy should be serving his life sentence even today, if His Lying, theievig brothers had not been President and Attorney General he would be in a cell instead of out here poluting the Political processes like all kennedy's have done!

2007-01-10 04:09:02 · 13 answers · asked by Sicko 1 in Politics


2007-01-10 04:08:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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