The problem is that a lot of people have to understand what hapend with people that are iligal in the USA, First they are braking the law YES, and the law they are braking is simple, just the for crosing the border iligaly, the word says it all, they just broked one law, after they broke the law of crosing the border they can brake some other laws, like geting iligal documents, and a lot of other crimes that anyone comit in this country, a lot of them just brake the first one, corsing the border iligaly, you can not make it general to all of them that they all brake tha same laws, just like any resident or citizen of the USA, they can brake any law too, does not mean that i'm Ok with it, all i say is that not all of us do that right?, so you can not make it general!.
Another problem that people have to know is the untill this goverment. The USA, make some cain of new law that iligal people can use on they favor to become residents, there will be iligal aliens all the time.
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