I'm writing to you and let you know how unfair you non-smoking law is.You people want a smoke free world.What about our rights to have a alcohol free and a gambling free world? Some of us would like to go to any ball game,bowling,a company party,fancy Restaurant,gas station,department& food store without seeing and smelling alcohol in the building.I'm also tired of seeing lotto tickets,scratch off,bingo halls and schools having their students selling bake goods,stuff for school function door to door.Kids are at school to learn,writing,math,spelling,history not to sell things to get a prize.Gambling and Alcohol should be outlawed if your going to take our smoking rights away from us those should be stopped as well!!Your only teaching that it's okay to drink,gamble and hussle and smoking is forbidded.You took smoking avertisemants off the TV,magizines,bulltin boards, but you welcome Alcohol avertisement with open arms!!!while it takes millions of peoples lives everyday!!!Just so our Goverment can make a quick buck and the Alcoholics have their right to drink and gamble.We as smokers don't have the right to smoke at all.We work and pay taxes just as well as everyone else does and they get more rights then us.I'm sorry I don't drink.I'd rather be alert then drunk off my *** and kill a person or myself.So many people say that smoking is killing them and it stinks,Well I'm here to tell you that Alcohol is killing me and it stinks and destorys millions of lives.But I guess that's okay,just don't smoke,right? Being hit by a drunk driver,abused(mental & physical),liver transplant,broken homes is all caused by smoking? I think not!!!!! Alcohol is more like it!!!!Banned Alcohol from stores,Ball games,Restaurant,gas station and stop gambling!!!!I vote for a alcohol and gambling free world!!!!!!!!!If you don't plan to give us a alcohol and gambling free world!!Then give us back our rights to smoke!!!!
12 answers
asked by
cathy s
Law & Ethics