you seem to gloss over this part, which im not surprised please explain this instead of the title.
Why, then, does there seem to be a political consensus to save this monstrosity?
Politicians will tell you it's because the American people want it. The polls say so.
And indeed they do. But the fact is taxpayers support this status quo out of fear and not knowledge.
Certainly, no sane individual would buy a program that has the personal investment economics that I just described.
When President Bush proposed changing the program to one of ownership and private accounts, the Democratic Party launched major league into the politics of cynicism. The message that working Americans heard was that they would be kicked off a government program guaranteeing them a payment at retirement in exchange for taking their money and investing it in the stock market.
Is it any wonder that many dived for cover?
I call this the politics of cynicism because there is not a single Democratic senator or congressman who would purchase an insurance policy with the type of legal and economic realities of Social Security. Shut the door and one by one they know the truth.
The Democrats' campaign to "save Social Security" has really been a campaign to save their own butts.
To have endorsed the president's reform would have been an endorsement of a fundamental move away from welfare state politics that has been the bread and butter of the Democratic Party.
Now, playing on fears and not the real interests of working Americans, and the inability of Republicans to stick to and sell their message, the Democrats have won.
The real victims are the low and middle income Americans whose hard earned money is being sucked into this black hole that will only get deeper and blacker. This is happening while Democrats bewail wage and wealth stagnation at the lower end of our income spectrum.
Is a Republican White House, for fear that it will look like it did nothing on Social Security, about to join Democrats in the ranks of the politics of cynicism?
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