This is an article from one non-English language newspaper I've found. Read it and tell your opinion. Sorry for the bad English translation (that isn't my fault).
Above the White house the phantom of the Vietnamese accident At Georges Bush new large problems soars. Some days back authoritative medical magazine «Lancet «have published an estimation of losses among civilians of Iraq, prepared by group of the American experts. On their data, after «a victory of democracy» over Iraq over April, 2003 there was lost a violent death of 650 thousand people (at the population in 24 million). Including more than 180 thousand are destroyed by the American militaries.
What turns out? Slobodan Milosevic was accused of genocide of Kosovan Albanians. Thus even false western propagation and not less false western politicians named figure of the lost Albanians of no more 10 thousand person. After occupation of Kosovo any traces of mass punishments by armies of NATO there it was revealed not. Nevertheless charge in a genocide up to the end hung above S.Miloshevich. Now the Hague inquisition searches for general Ratko Mladich to whom charge with destruction of 6 thousand inhabitants Srebrenica. There too it is a lot of unclear. However the general ten years is on underground position. Saddam Hussein is being judged that ostensibly under its order 180 inhabitants of one of villages have been killed. Besides it accuse of destruction of 6 thousand Kurds from gas attack during the Iran vs Iraq war. That is people, on which "fault" (nobody proved) was lost 6 thousand person, accuse of war crimes. And the figure which consequence of orders became destruction a hundred times greater number of people of 650 thousand still is considered a stronghold of the world and human rights. Moreover, Bush has just signed the law allowing special services of the USA to torture suspected. The president of the USA former considers itself what country democratic and what is not present has the right to be the arbitrator. However recently it has received the strongest impact from the unexpected party. (From own special services). Endurances from the confidential report on a condition of struggle against the international terrorism have filtered into the American press. There it is marked, that Intrusion of the USA into Iraq has led to rapid growth of terrorism and that continuation of war in this country as that another is stimulated with extremism all over the world. The publication of endurances from the confidential report has added oils in and without that fire of criticism storming in the USA to address of Bush and its "hawks". America bears enormous burden of charges on war in Iraq. Every week the USA spends up to 2 billion dollars for Iraq. But an output from deadlock it is not visible and in the remote prospect. Even Madeleine Olbrajt was the state secretary of the USA, not concerning in any way to number of " pigeons of the world " (it is guilty of aggression of NATO against Yugoslavia and creation of the Hague court), with considerable alarm approves, that consequences of war in Iraq can be heavier, rather than adventures in Vietnam, rendered destructive influence on economy and stability of the USA. America licked wounds of that war some decades. Bush's decision on intrusion into Iraq just also meant, that the USA have overcome «the Vietnamese syndrome» and now (for the lack of Soviet Union) presume to itself all that want. From here, from conviction in infinity of the opportunities, also resulted all over again aggression against Yugoslavia, then lead to intrusion into Afghanistan and as the culmination intervention in Iraq. What has turned out? As speak in the certain circles, облом. A situation in Iraq is really catastrophic. This country at present is a place, the least suitable on the Earth for a normal life. Explosions of bombs daily carry away lives of tens people, let alone hundreds wounded men and mutilated. And explosions are distributed, as a rule, in the most crowded places, in particular in the markets and at stops of public transport. It means that, simply having left on street, the simple inhabitant of Iraq subjects itself to danger of death. Last months one more terrible tendency was outlined. Almost every day in streets, in court yard of houses, on dumps and among the destroyed buildings find bodies of people with the connected hands and traces of monstrous tortures. In Iraq «squadrons of death " operate. And what is it? Display of barbarity of the local contradictory parties? No. Under the statement of one of the western newspapers, «squadrons of death « are this generation of the American special services and the Pentagon. They, having lost hope to stop growth of emancipating struggle, have gone on the most terrible crimes. And this all refers to as «democratization of the Big Near East "? Americans have provoked civil war in which many parties participate in Iraq. They are Kurds in the north which aspires to be separated and create the independent state. It Shiites in the south which any more are not content with the broadest autonomy, and apply (Shiites are 60% of population) for the control over all state. There are Sunnites in the central part of the country which long since operated Iraq and which are not measured to reconcile to the subordinated position. To this raging boiler constant intervention of external forces is added. It is, certainly, occupational armies of the USA and England against which, as a matter of fact, emancipating war also is conducted. It is Israel which special services have old strong positions in the Kurdish north (the Jewish state used aspiration of Kurds to not dependences to weaken one of the main enemies of Israel of Saddam Hussein). It is Turkey which is extremely concerned by an opportunity of independence of the Iraq Kurds that will immediately cause the most powerful flash of emancipating struggle of Kurds in Turkey where they, by some estimations, make up to third of population of the country (Turkey in this case disintegration) threatens. These are the nearby countries of Persian Gulf (where the version of an Islam prevails Sunnites) which aspire to not admit that Iraq has passed under the control of Shiites. It, at last, Iran which, on the contrary, is interested in strengthening positions of the coreligionists Shiites in Iraq. Here such fatal ball was tightened on a throat of Iraq people. As result of intrusion of the USA and England with the purpose of «overthrow of a dictatorial mode of Hussein «and» restoration of democracy «Iraqis have received monstrous destruction of all and all. 650 thousand victims for three years! «Democratization «in an American way has made this country practically unsuitable for a normal life. And if in the first weeks after "victory" the USA in war against Iraq about each explosion of bombs informed as a sensation, nowadays the world press only resembling fixes the fact of destruction of the next dozen of Iraqis. Any flash of «the bird's flu " causes immeasurably more interest. Hundred thousand victims in Iraq do not cause special interest even at professional «fighters for human rights ". The Iraq which has got under the control of the USA nowadays is outside of a human civilization. However, as it is found out, all is possible for America far not. Its material resources and invincible, apparently, armed forces overworked. Now in Iraq there are about 140 thousand military men of the USA. This army is exhausted. At them not draft system, and contract. And so wishing to serve begins ever less and less. Infantry there are a strong shortage in army and even in sea. There are no fools to substitute a head under bullets of insurgents even on «very quite good conditions ". And here still near by so hopeless war in Afghanistan against mythical Al-Qaeda and quite real "Taliban". For today losses of army of the USA in Iraq and Afghan have exceeded number of victims of acts of terrorism on September, 11th, 2001. Three with superfluous year of war in Iraq were carried away with lives of 2697 American military men, 278 more soldier was lost in Afghanistan. 2974 persons. On September, 11th, 2001 as a result of attacks of terrorists 2973 persons were lost. It to a question that only adventurers of type Saakashvilli can hope still that Americans will be involved in the conflict on Caucasus for satisfaction of colonial ambitions. America now is on the lam from Iraq and Afghanistan. As if to Mr. Bush his song, in essence, it is already sung. It in fact «a lame duck «the president finishing the second term and leaving from the post. However, hardly it strongly excites this gentleman who till now has not been noticed in propensity to experiences. The smile of complacency constantly wanders. And here as to its Republican party it on the future presidential elections, most likely, is waited with heavy defeat. Democrats have seized Bush not from excessive pacifism (in fact aggression against Yugoslavia was untied by democrat B.Klinton). It is important to them to get rid of republicans. And they will do about the same to try to keep behind themselves Iraq and as a whole the Near East (though and a little bit other methods). The policy of America is dictated with interests of its monopolies. And they, these interests, depend on color of the party membership card of the gentleman sitting in the White house a little.
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