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Politics & Government - 17 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

2006-10-17 07:53:45 · 4 answers · asked by Jamie O 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I figured out how to get N. Korea to stop their nuke program! Give them a big hug and tell them we forgive them!

Now, will you liberals vote for me?

2006-10-17 07:53:21 · 9 answers · asked by Just a guy 2 in Other - Politics & Government

There're 1st world countries (USA, Europe, Japan) and 3rd world contries (Africa, South America, India)
Wich are the 2nd world countries?

2006-10-17 07:53:15 · 9 answers · asked by hibu 1 in Other - Politics & Government

All I hear anymore is the "I'm gonna report you" crap. I fought for my country not for oil but for for what America stands for. If the idiots on Yahoo are a representative sample of our nation then I fought for absolutely nothing. Go ahead - report me!

2006-10-17 07:52:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I have to do a research paper on an issue of the Drug War. Some people are doing something like legalizing weed, and other drugs. I'm just not sure what subject I want to narrow it down to; it would have to have a lot of info, and I need some educational, real, web sites and books to get my info from. So if you know anything good, let me know. Thanks.

2006-10-17 07:50:27 · 18 answers · asked by Lacey Gold 1 in Other - Politics & Government

by this i mean in terms of training, equipment, experience not size

2006-10-17 07:50:02 · 22 answers · asked by supremecritic 4 in Military

Can someone tell me the difference between the situation in North Korea now and the situation faced in Iraq a few years ago?

From the way i see it:

* Iraq was accused of developing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Saddam denied it, got invaded in order to prevent a WMD strike on peaceful nations and nobody ever found a WMD.

* North Korea is saying they develop nuclear weapons (a WMD), is doing nuclear tests and is even threatening to use a nuclear bomb on its neighbours or the US.

The US however has no intentions of invading North Korea even though they are right now a bigger threat than Iraq ever was.

Can someone tell me why? Is the US scared of North Korea? Are they just ignoring them because they have no oil? Or is there another reason i'm not aware of?

Please Americans, help me.

2006-10-17 07:50:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Does anyone know forreal if illegal immigrants are allowed to compete on the US team in the olympics? I am a good runner and swimmer. Will they give citizenship to me if I bring home the gold?

2006-10-17 07:46:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anti-illegals are out to get me 2 in Immigration

Why are these women allowed to scam their way into someones pocket by having a child? There are just as many dead beat moms as there are dead beat dads if not more!!! So why is it harder for a man to get custody of his children than a woman? If they are not married, the man has to prove he is the father if he wants custody...but no proof is necaccary to take a hefty chunk of his paycheck. And then you are lied to because they say you have the right to a free paternity test....but that rarely works out, not to mention if it is negative you don't get your money back!!!! that is robbery last time I checked? When is someone going to do something about it??? good men are losing every thing they worked for because of iresponsable women!! contact me at antiunfairchildsupport@hotmail.com If you have any Ideas as to how we can fight back and do what is right for the kids!

2006-10-17 07:45:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I am thinking about joining the military. I am 27 yrs old, No wife or children yet. I am considering joining for 1. Direction-After working in so many differant professions, banking, carpentry, bartender, restaurant mangement etc.., I still have not found one to be considered a career. The margin for a career is closing in on me with age. 2.To just visit differant regions of the U.S. and the world. I live in the bible belt of west Texas so getting a change of scenery would be nice. 3. Gi Bill....I would like to finish shool and what better way to finish than to have the Gi Bill take care of a percentage of it.. Please help if you can.

2006-10-17 07:42:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I need links for info on past performance and platform of each .
I LOVE my State,and want to make an informed decision.

Thanks for helping a Hick from the Sticks.

2006-10-17 07:41:23 · 1 answers · asked by Farnham the Freeholder 3 in Elections

Should everyone just mind their own business and get their own houses in order before interfering in other countries affairs?

I say this because its 2006 and in the UK we still have homeless people, children living in care, people that are too poor to live any sort of reasonable life, no care for our elderly people and people dying because our hospitals can't keep up with demand.

Would it not be more sensible to sort ourselves out first and then look at helping other countries?

Yes, by modern standards we are a relatively affluent country, however, sometimes I still think we're still living in Dickensian times when it comes to some of our unresolved social issues.

And, before anyone jumps on the PC bandwagon about "at least we have running water and food" etc etc ask yourself this - if your child needed an organ transplant, would you bypass them to give the only available organ to someone from another country? Or would you put your own before someone else?

2006-10-17 07:38:48 · 11 answers · asked by Witchywoo 4 in Politics

2006-10-17 07:33:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I was just curious how is life of a Military Police officer in the USAF? That's what I was thinking of going into, that or if I can make the score, a Pararescue Apprentice, or possibly even EOD, but I don't want to go deaf :| Is it dangerous at times? Boring i'd assume? Though it seems like one of the jobs where it'd be beneficial once you're out, maybe if you plan on going into a career in Law Enforcement? I'm just into the kind of exciting jobs, here's the list I made that interested me off the USAF site.

(Not in any specific order)

*Aerial Gunner*
*Military Police*
*Pararescue Apprentice*
*SERE [Survival.Evasion.Resistance.Escape]* (I don't think i'm hardcore enough for this job honestly.)
*Aircraft Loadmaster Apprentice* (This interests me, but it says you have to be good in Math, which i'm not =\)

I will enlist soon, and i'm just curious as to what people think of these jobs. I also would like to settle with a family sometime, not wanting to be out ALL the time

2006-10-17 07:31:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

From Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones - to pages and prostitutes. Who were the politicians and what were their "crimes"? (Note: crimes is in quotes - the focus is on scandals not convictions)

2006-10-17 07:29:43 · 3 answers · asked by Republican Mom 3 in Politics

2006-10-17 07:29:33 · 3 answers · asked by Marian 1 in Elections

to wear something star wars related?

2006-10-17 07:24:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

In past history and now has anybody ever changed or shifted their ideologies from one belief to another? Why would they do so if there is? Also if there is someone who has changed their belief are they the only person who has ever done this or have more people?

2006-10-17 07:23:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

I am going to my first with my soldier husband. What do I wear? Anything else I should know before? How long are they usually?

2006-10-17 07:22:08 · 4 answers · asked by katbeek 2 in Military

Is it figuratively speaking or a new definition ?

2006-10-17 07:12:39 · 1 answers · asked by idave147 1 in Government

2006-10-17 07:12:38 · 1 answers · asked by Adv. Badgujar 1 in Other - Politics & Government

It's not like he can make any decisions regarding the legality of it. Politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle use this as a hot button topic. Are we as americans too stupid to know what a president has control over, and what he doesn't? Or is this issue so emotional that people will use it to make their decision, in spite of the fact that the president can't control it? And I'm aware of the Supreme Court appointee argument, and BUsh appointed them, and still no victory over abortion...

2006-10-17 07:02:59 · 7 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

An incident where a man was charged in the state for possession resulted in the federal government picking up the charge and when he refused to enter a plea of guilty the federal threatened to indict the wife and although they did not pursue that matter they filed a superceding indictment furtherment of drug activity with a firearm. There were no ammo for the guns; the guns did not belong to this person and there was not federal officer present. And the officer at the date of incident cited that there were no state violations of the guns being on the premise.

2006-10-17 06:58:51 · 1 answers · asked by lseward2005 2 in Law & Ethics

1. Even if I whip myself into shape, will the military (any branch) accept me if I wear glasses AND have a 40% hearing loss (I also suffer from depression, too)? This is out of mere curiousity; I'm not joining the military.

2. I notice that there are academies for the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and Coast Guard but not for the Marines. Why not? I know the Marines get their officers from other academies as well as ROTC programs but how come there's no Marine academy?

2006-10-17 06:54:49 · 4 answers · asked by chrstnwrtr 7 in Military

If war combatants incarcerated at Gitmo are granted rights based on the U.S. constitution, should illegal immigrants also have rights under the constitution?

I'm hearing some (usually liberals) saying they want it both ways. I believe that both should be given human rights but have no U.S. consititutional rights. What are your thoughts?

2006-10-17 06:54:25 · 1 answers · asked by ggraves1724 7 in Other - Politics & Government

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