I am personally sickened by 'Shrubs" approach to foreign policy. It is unbelievably sad that his arrival as PM has marked Canada as an on going target in this "war". His callous comments about the Israel and Lebanon conflict, in my opinion, precipitated a double digit death toll of Canadian soldiers since. With world awareness reflected by the tag of "The worst president ever", I find Shrubs compulsion to jump in bed with the USA at this juncture to be one of the biggest mistakes our country has ever made. Furthermore, I do not believe his foreign policies reflect the average Canadian's beliefs one iota. The man scares me, from his gestapo approach to his own cabinet ministers(gag orders), to beefing up our military to fight a 'war' that has nothing to do with us. Come on Big Red, get it together and pick a party leader so that Canada can be saved from Bush's little shrub!
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Other - Politics & Government