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Politics & Government - 4 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am personally sickened by 'Shrubs" approach to foreign policy. It is unbelievably sad that his arrival as PM has marked Canada as an on going target in this "war". His callous comments about the Israel and Lebanon conflict, in my opinion, precipitated a double digit death toll of Canadian soldiers since. With world awareness reflected by the tag of "The worst president ever", I find Shrubs compulsion to jump in bed with the USA at this juncture to be one of the biggest mistakes our country has ever made. Furthermore, I do not believe his foreign policies reflect the average Canadian's beliefs one iota. The man scares me, from his gestapo approach to his own cabinet ministers(gag orders), to beefing up our military to fight a 'war' that has nothing to do with us. Come on Big Red, get it together and pick a party leader so that Canada can be saved from Bush's little shrub!

2006-10-04 05:12:02 · 9 answers · asked by freefloatingelectron 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I am doing a paper for a linguistics class and would like to know your opinion on this topic. Should America claim English as its official language or maybe "American English" can become an altogether different distinct language that we can claim. Your thoughts?

2006-10-04 05:11:10 · 26 answers · asked by collegemom0215 1 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-04 05:11:07 · 3 answers · asked by Pixie 1 in Military

My sister is petitioning her husban to become a US legal resident, the papers have been in for about a year and still no residence card or anything. She just found out she is six weeks pregant and she has no insurance, no job, no nothing. Can she apply for medicaid or any other state help, without interuppting or damaging her husban's immigrantion papers? Any help/advice will help. Thank you.

2006-10-04 05:09:39 · 12 answers · asked by lightthenight 2 in Immigration

...to allow them to serve a third term.Who would you vote for?
Clinton (proven liar) or Bush (proven idiot)

2006-10-04 05:09:31 · 14 answers · asked by rosbif 6 in Other - Politics & Government

When several states sued the tobacco industry, they won huge amounts of money. I thought that it was to offset the cost of healthcare for smokers that are eventually gonna get sick. This is all that I know. What ever happened to the money?

2006-10-04 05:09:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

There are a lot of people out there keep saying that "we need to leave Iraq". I want to know, what is your exit strategy? (If you bring up a problem, you better bring a solution with it)

2006-10-04 05:06:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Of late, elected officials with Republican Party labels have been innovating or supporting a number of social welfare programs. Is this because of the infusion of socially moderate religious constitutencies, or are the two political parties beginning to rethink the nature of their values?

2006-10-04 05:06:06 · 2 answers · asked by vegetarian 2 in Government

Why can't we survive without money is my question.

2006-10-04 05:05:55 · 16 answers · asked by Yani 2 in Politics

I got a parking ticket for my scooter in Manhattan. My plate cover conceals the first digit which the officer failed to notice. Should I respond or just not acknowledge it?

2006-10-04 05:04:40 · 19 answers · asked by wonderaaron 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

I know they have split the country,
I know they have alienated America from the world
I know even Republican senators are looking for a way out,

for FOLEY to try and blame the Catholic Church and other Christians for his disgusting actions is just too much for me.

2006-10-04 05:04:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

bomb on a plane, no nothing like that they responded, later told i was bought a ticket to NYC, refused it. thats one day of work. probably was july 2001 thereabouts
it was first time i heard of al-qaeda
later 9-11 happened and guess my insticts about al-q were correct. so yes i guess i am a rat but they were warned i once apply to become a winnipeg police officer and also was "so good hell itself spat Me back out" thats another true story.
but cause i wanted to write a book the trinity of crime MADE MEN, AL QAEDA, HELLS ANGELS probably won't let Me make a dime off my stories. glad i didn't take the ticket or it could have been my head slamming into a tower. and they censure alot of things in the press cause i got no love for the media either.
Good luck Todd bless.

2006-10-04 05:02:26 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

this wall is to keep people out and from breaking our laws, the berlin wall was to keep people in,, huge difference, i know its all the illegal supporters could grasp at

2006-10-04 05:02:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I heard them read on Fox news last night, but I can not find them online.

They are not sexually explicit, so that may be why none of the thousands of liberal blogs out there aren't posting them.

2006-10-04 05:01:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i mean come on people tell me honestly, mexico really has no politcal agreements with the usa that will financialy hurt us if they close the border because of the wall,, they will be the ones hurt economically

2006-10-04 04:59:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

And of course this is assuming you can't capture him.
And let's avoid the "where exactly are you?" question

2006-10-04 04:59:15 · 23 answers · asked by doggie 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Heres' the website to explain this truly INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT ON OCTOBER 5 (tomorrow--THurday) to literally DRIVE THE CRIMINAL BUSH REGINE and its torture, lies and betrayals from power.

The website is: http://www.worldcantwait.net -- that is http://www.worldcantwait (dot) net -- I use (dot) and spaces because Yahoo often drops the last letters of web address for some reason.

Are you participating? Are you aware of the downtown gatherings of American citizens who HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF BUSH AND HIS GANG and who want him and the world BOTH to know that Americans DO NOT SUPPORT TORTURE, WAR CRIMES, BLIND SUPPORT OF ISRAEL AND ITS MISDEEDS, WAR ON CIVILIANS, LIES AND BETRAYALS.

Do you know that Bush is trying to merge the USA into a union with Mexico and Canada in which we have only one of three votes in the goverring tribunal and the US Constitution will become a city ordinance?

Visit the website and then state here what you are going to do on October 5 in YOUR hometown. OK?

2006-10-04 04:57:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Do you think Dick Cheyney will go brid huntting this year?

2006-10-04 04:56:43 · 8 answers · asked by thekid2064 2 in Government

Definately the best film I have seen on daily life on the Afgan border.

2006-10-04 04:54:02 · 10 answers · asked by Skull&Bones 2 in Politics

I was born in a hospital in a town near my parents home. So I lived with my parents in one town but the actual event of my birth was in another.
When asked on official forms, job applications, etc. which birthplace is correct: the city of my parent's residence, or the city in which the hospital sits?

2006-10-04 04:53:37 · 15 answers · asked by michael941260 5 in Law & Ethics

We are just reinventing the wheel. The country should be run like an MNC to ahieve time bound targets. The politicians have lost public confidence and now it is too late to wait for them to deliver and get out of the mess. Our electoral system should elect the best leader / contractor to run the nation. Our IAS system can produce very good project managers and the public can monitor the progress because the contract document and deliverables is available for the public

If we adopt this model, then definitely by 2020 we will be a super rich superpower.

2006-10-04 04:52:56 · 8 answers · asked by liketoaskq 5 in Other - Politics & Government

I cant wait to hear how it "all the democrats fault". I'm guessing a
whole slew of right-wing apologists will say,in this scandal soaked election year,why it is ALWAYS the liberals fault for maoral hypocrisy on the far out Right.

2006-10-04 04:51:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

one of her students multiple times, but we should tar and feather Foley for e-mail and IMs?

I'm not defending his actions, but we need to have a serious overhaul of our system, huh?

2006-10-04 04:51:02 · 11 answers · asked by jasonzbtzl 4 in Other - Politics & Government

Someone i know applied for dependents visa for his parents by making an appeal in the court and was allowed to get one. Can the home office contradict or challenge the court decision? How much authority do they have to approve or dispprove of the court decision?

2006-10-04 04:50:54 · 4 answers · asked by Nonika11 1 in Immigration

2006-10-04 04:49:47 · 6 answers · asked by williamlee6 1 in Politics

He chose to drink and kept drinking until it got him into trouble. He now "claims" that he was molested. Boo-hoo.

2006-10-04 04:49:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Terrorists seem to be people that refuse to believe in any other culture or way of life based on information provided by one book and a mentor. Isn't that the similar to our own home grown conspiracy therorists (ct's) who claim the government sponsored the 911 events? Isn't a CT's evidence based on kooks and limited or fabricated information?

Of the information I've read or heard about regarding conspiracy, those hundreds of professors have to be the worse. They all say the same lame thing they same way. I wouldn't let them carry my groceries out!

2006-10-04 04:49:36 · 5 answers · asked by ggraves1724 7 in Other - Politics & Government

If some of the super-libs got their way and everyone in America walked around with a quarter-ounce of weed in their pocket.

Or if some of the super-cons got their way and everyone in America walked around with a semi-automatic handgun on their belt.

2006-10-04 04:48:45 · 17 answers · asked by JonFugeEverybody! 2 in Law & Ethics

fedest.com, questions and answers