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alot of people on this site seem to think i have a problem with the soldiers in iraq because i said that rape and murder of innocent women and children are a daily occurence, i don't, this is a problem caused by certain individuals and i said it because nothing was being done about it at that time. my problem is with the american goverment and those who are too ignorent to judge information from a third party, or others who are merely triing to inform people of what they know. i do not have a problem with those who support the goverment even if they have taken the time judge this information, not just dismiss it for what ever reasons they may have. i do not believe that the war in iraq is legitimate in any way, however this does not reflect my opinion of the men and women fighting in iraq, they are sent there and execute orders, they have no choice at that point. most of these people are honorable, courageous individuals, whome i have alot of respect for
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