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Pets - 31 December 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

My satin hamster, Porsche, gave birth to 12 babies on Christmas morning. Their father is ScarFace. One baby died. Now we have 11 baby hamsters. What are some good names for the babies?

2006-12-31 12:36:37 · 3 answers · asked by intelpentiumchic 2 in Other - Pets

I was reading and that occured to me. I have never had a persian or a long haired cat till now and he grooms himself ALLLL the time. He has not had matts or tangles. I am just asking because i am curious. Kids get tangles,and so do long-haired cats,so i was just wondering...

2006-12-31 12:35:55 · 10 answers · asked by Dragonflygirl 7 in Cats


I got a 6 yr old Saint Bernard and she will not eat dog food ???? and then she dont like her ears messed with ??? and she isnt that fat like other female saints she doesnt eat or drink alot ?? i dont unerstand i just got her.... and she sheds alot.....

2006-12-31 12:34:34 · 9 answers · asked by Amanda Seager 1 in Dogs

at what point can you start feeding a gremlin again ???

2006-12-31 12:32:39 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

So I am at a party, and there are some kids, a dog, and alot of candy! I am worried that if my dog eats chocolate, does he die soon. He has some years to live and I don't want him to get hold of chocolate. Can someone help?! Is it true, will he live if he does? I mean not forever, but can he still live his life?

2006-12-31 12:29:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have a lovebird at home but whenever I go near them, they like go wild and they dont love me=( so when I see people like going to Rite-Aid with a bird in their shoulder, I get jealous!! How do they make the bird get used to you and not think of me as a bunch of things trying to kill it...Help!!

2006-12-31 12:21:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

i have a miniature pinscher and i got him from the newspaper so my family is wondering if he is really a full breed or not

2006-12-31 12:20:19 · 32 answers · asked by Eliza Z 1 in Dogs

I want to get my kids a boston terrier, Is this a good idea? How can I find breeders in my area I live in lorain ohio?

2006-12-31 12:19:19 · 8 answers · asked by costa_ricas_finest 2 in Dogs

Is anyone here a breeder located near northern California? I am also interested in Newfoundlands, Mastiffs, and Old English Sheep dogs. If anyone has experience with any of these, let me know! We have a toddler and I'm looking for a pup!

2006-12-31 12:19:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

We bought her a Dog Christmas stocking and it had two packets of treats and a ball, but she doesn't want to play with it. Is something wrong? Is there any way to convince her to play with the ball?

2006-12-31 12:17:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-12-31 12:17:37 · 11 answers · asked by prettyqbee07 1 in Cats

2006-12-31 12:17:05 · 11 answers · asked by Psalm91 5 in Cats

I was thinking about getting a snake soon, and need a little help deciding what species to get. I know that I do not want a large snake, like a python, boa, or even corn snake. So what kind of snake is available that does not get very big, and is fairly cheap to feed?

2006-12-31 12:14:17 · 13 answers · asked by Bree_zy 2 in Reptiles

people said baths are bad for cats and will dry their skin out (i don't get why since the water would wet it down?), so i decided to listen to that and instead i tried to vacuum them clean. they kept running away and it took me a while to corner them with the vacuum cleaner, but i finally got them into the closet and used the rug attachment because their furs like shag carpeting. it worked real good, except that mr. snickers got his tail caught in it and he screeched real loud, but i pulled it out and most of the fur's still on it so he's okay.

anyway, my question is: later on i got the vacuum out again just to clean the drapes. i wasn't even paying no mind to mittens and mr. snickers but they started yowling and running around the house like crazy cats!!! why are they so afeared of the drapes being clean?

2006-12-31 12:09:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

2006-12-31 12:08:47 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have had them since October, and one grew from quarter size to 4inches across, the other is about a 50cent piece size. I feed salmon frozen and Reptomin. What do others feed theirs and the most important, mine will just keep eating after giving him 1/8"x2"very thin strip of fish. I feed this 3 times a day plus 4 Reptomin stix with it. How much should I allow to eat and how ofter? The Turtle sites don't tell much.

2006-12-31 12:08:24 · 6 answers · asked by Faerie loue 5 in Reptiles

my dog had 6 puppys i intend to keep one not sure what sex yet and i cant think of names. There mum is called Keira

2006-12-31 11:56:27 · 52 answers · asked by Belinda E 1 in Dogs

make a chattering noise when they are happy, well both of them make the chattering noise, but I swear I saw one of them mating with the other, Do you think that, that rabbit is being gay or there is a female and a male????

2006-12-31 11:54:14 · 16 answers · asked by jamisondanny 1 in Other - Pets

i have two beautiful seven month old jills and they couldn't be any sweeter if they tried, only problem is that when ever they eat wet food they make this noise that sounds kind of like snotty nose sneezes, its almost like a sticky cough sound. it only ever lasts for about ten / fifteen mins but i'm still worried. is it normal or should i get them look at?

2006-12-31 11:54:03 · 9 answers · asked by Barbigirl 1 in Other - Pets

I am going to Florida in the end of January and will be back in the beginning of February and I don't know what to do with my dog. Should I put him in a kennel, but I heard that dogs can get really sick in there.

2006-12-31 11:52:05 · 25 answers · asked by ♥JoJo♥ 2 in Dogs

2006-12-31 11:51:30 · 16 answers · asked by angelgril@verizon.net 1 in Dogs

2006-12-31 11:51:09 · 4 answers · asked by lilmisstickletoo 3 in Birds

Has anyone else had problems with hamsters from there?

On boxing day my boyfriend got me a black bear female. She only weighted 1/3rd what she was suppose to, was very sick and unhealthy and died this morning. We took her to a vet last night and she stayed there until she passed.

Where is a good place to get a new one? I'm thinking Animal House, how are they?

I will NEVER go to petsmart again. they just treat the animals horribly and selling an animal that was sick was just rude.

Also they have signs saying the hamsters are approved for sale and healthy....that is such a lie or else mine wouldn't have died 4 days later.

2006-12-31 11:50:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

2006-12-31 11:46:02 · 23 answers · asked by Heather 3 in Dogs

cat may have hairballs,buildup to when they build up enough,the hard food helps her vomit it all up,any suggestions?

2006-12-31 11:45:04 · 23 answers · asked by rodfcutler 1 in Cats

The vets are shut today because its new years day, My cat isnt look that crash hot, his eyes are swollen, and this morning i noticed his lower jaw looked swollen, and when i felt, he has to very large hard lumps under his chin on his neck which appear to be swollen glands, He is lethargic and not himself. He is on tablets for a fungal infection but he has been on them for 6 weeks, but I have started him on a vitamin and mineral supplement and some cod liver oil. Is it possible for cats to get Vit A overdose? I am very worried, will book him into the vets asap tomorrow morning. But in the meantime, does anyone have any advice!!!

2006-12-31 11:43:33 · 4 answers · asked by Emilie25 2 in Cats

thats it

2006-12-31 11:43:22 · 35 answers · asked by Sobekk 2 in Cats

My cocketeil, Alfred, is out right now and the door to his cage won't stay open, this always happens, I tried a tie, but he chewed on it and I don't know what to do next. The door has springs, so it won't open when he is on it, but what if he is out?

2006-12-31 11:37:26 · 17 answers · asked by Sonja 2 in Birds

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