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Pets - 3 November 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

They have super good noses and if they sniff drugs all day, won't they get high?

2006-11-03 11:44:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

i have a horse named katarina, after katarina witt the olympic ice skater. well i would like to have a name to do with ice skating or figure skating can anyone help?

2006-11-03 11:33:44 · 21 answers · asked by Amanda K 1 in Other - Pets

I have 3 chickens (frizzles) 2 & 1/2 months old and 2 (silkies) that are 1 & 1/2 months old. How can I get them to get along so they can all live in the same coop?

2006-11-03 11:31:11 · 9 answers · asked by feather 2 in Birds

Ilost a child when I was 4 months pregant. Ihave wanted children ever since. My current boyfriend can't have children. We both come from broken up marriages. Neither of us are divorced but it doesn't matter. We love each other and that is all that counts. Boyfriend and his ex wife have a pitbull that he isn't allowed to see. I have a retired guide dog that lives with us. I got the dog from my dad when he passed away. My boyfriend and I both want to get a pitbull puppy from his friend that just had puppies. We live with my mom. I asked my mom if we could have a puppy. She said no because we have to move again after the holidays. I just feel that if I got a puppy it would fill the place of having children. I don't want to leave my boyfriend but really need to have children of my own. I have younger children in my life that I consider my own when I have them with me. Do I just bring home a puppy and go from there? Any suggestions?

2006-11-03 11:28:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

He is very sweet. All black except for a few white hairs on his back. Thank you.

2006-11-03 11:18:45 · 45 answers · asked by dracaspitfire 1 in Cats

well i alooking at pigs or dogs as a new family pet i would love to have a black lab but my momsy is saying that we have to many cats to have a dog we have six cats and two are in there 20s and they arnt doing to well and i can talk hr into a pig but not a dog i may be able to talk my dad into a dog but i dont think i can so i live in new york and if u know of a good place to get a pig or dog just tell me please thank you

2006-11-03 11:17:36 · 6 answers · asked by bowser011 2 in Other - Pets

I really like Italian Greyhounds, they look cute.

2006-11-03 11:16:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I am doing a research on Peregrine Falcons and need as much information as possible. This is a huge grade about 200 points. Tell me everything you know about them.

Where do they live? List landform (mountains, valleys, tundras etc.) and the country/city/continent.
What do they eat?
Do they eat fish at all?
How can they dive at such atitude?
At what height do they dive?
How easy are Peregrine Falcons are hunted down by humans? Other animals? List the species able to.
Describe their feather patterns. And coloring.
How do pairs mate?
Should I say Peregrine Falcons or peregrine falcons in a sentence like this: Rivka was one of the first of the (Peregrine Falcons/peregrine falcons).
How long does it take for a new egg just out from the mother falcon to hatch?

If you have any other information, please post it. TRY TO ANSWER EVERY QUESTION PLEASE.

2006-11-03 11:15:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

Why is he so damn nice, goofy, silly..all of the above! will he grow out of his hyper activity? Oh jumps up on anyone when he wants to play with them. He gets so excited he doesnt listen. He is almost 2.

2006-11-03 11:10:56 · 18 answers · asked by Nastassia 2 in Dogs

if they didnt have any would it matter?

2006-11-03 11:08:30 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

Ducks read my mind all the time. Give evidence of your claim one way or the other.

2006-11-03 11:07:02 · 12 answers · asked by The Voice of Logic 2 in Other - Pets

They get injured all the time and euthanized when they don't heal right away... I think it's wrong to race horse's also cause it burns the energy out of them, and theyr'e feet get worn out very fast

2006-11-03 11:06:44 · 9 answers · asked by sogullablegurly 3 in Other - Pets

want to get one for my daughter for x-mas.......well and for me too! lol

2006-11-03 11:05:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-11-03 10:59:33 · 7 answers · asked by ady 1 in Dogs

I read somewhere and understood that it could, but the article doesn't say so explicitly. Anyone had experimental results? =) And by the way, is the plural form starfishes or starfish? Is it a matter of British and American English?

2006-11-03 10:57:33 · 16 answers · asked by espers_cypher 2 in Fish

brown and black thruout.

2006-11-03 10:52:41 · 6 answers · asked by Larry-Oklahoma 7 in Dogs

why be

2006-11-03 10:52:06 · 3 answers · asked by josem0808 2 in Reptiles

I am fostering a cat and she is so scared that she won't come out from under my bed. She only stays in my room where she has all of the essentails. I have gotten her out from under the bed once long enough to pet her but she just ran right back under when I let her roam around.

How can I get her to come out from under the bed without ruining any possible progress I've made. I don't want her to just stay under and not make any progress. But I don't want to make her more scared than she already is.

2006-11-03 10:44:56 · 11 answers · asked by sassafras_tea_66 1 in Cats

2006-11-03 10:41:24 · 4 answers · asked by missy42335 1 in Dogs

r,pets more important than immigrants.? do they do R,dirthywork,for us,or,immigrants doit for us.?........

2006-11-03 10:31:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I *LOOOVE* long dogs, but I only know of these two. Are there others? And also, what's the correct term for a "long dog"?

2006-11-03 10:31:38 · 19 answers · asked by espers_cypher 2 in Dogs

I have these stupid 3 stray cats that keep on pooping right in front of the door to my job office. How can that be stopped? The humane society wont come get them either.

2006-11-03 10:25:55 · 21 answers · asked by Tinkz 1 in Cats

Ok..... just for a frame of reference... when do puppies stop chewing everything in site? God help us if we drop the remote control or anything else plastic. He has TONS of chew toys of all variety. He is 6 months now....

Using the old bait and switch has not been working either because he quickly loses interst in the switched item.

2006-11-03 10:22:43 · 16 answers · asked by Lil Miss Answershine 7 in Dogs

My puppy might have a hernia and his hind legs dont move....he drags himself with his front legs...he is only 3 weeks old...what can be wrong?

2006-11-03 10:20:14 · 14 answers · asked by Maria M 1 in Dogs

Declawing is not like a manicure. It is serious surgery. Your cat's claw is not a toenail. It is actually closely adhered to the bone. So closely adhered that to remove the claw, the last bone of your the cat's claw has to be removed. Declawing is actually an amputation of the last joint of your cat's "toes". When you envision that, it becomes clear why declawing is not a humane act. It is a painful surgery, with a painful recovery period. And remember that during the time of recuperation from the surgery your cat would still have to use its feet to walk, jump, and scratch in its litter box regardless of the pain it is experiencing. Wheelchairs and bedpans are not an option for a cat

2006-11-03 10:14:50 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

jus got some african chiclids got dem all set to temp now for some reason two of da four keep swimmin from the top to da bottom of da tank contunously been about an hour I have had otha kinds of fish never seen dis behavior should I be worried what should I do

2006-11-03 10:11:40 · 9 answers · asked by Real Chilla 2 in Fish

I heard dogs barking @3:30 in the a.m., so I looked outside, & there he was standing there while his dog took a big healthy crap in our yard by the road. When I turned on my porch light, he hurried up & walked the dog back into the house. Never even cleaned it up. Should I bag it & set fire to it on his porch?

2006-11-03 10:09:12 · 43 answers · asked by ? 3 in Dogs

i know there is a dog called a yorkie but i would like one that is smaller do they have one called a toy or teacup yorkie? and if so how big do they get?

2006-11-03 10:08:32 · 8 answers · asked by crazyme 5 in Dogs

I just counted the pets I have and an shocked!
I have 10 goldfish, 1 cory, 1 dojo loach and 5 snails in a 55 gal fish tank
7 hermit crabs in a 29 gal tank
2 fire bellied toads in a 20 gal tank
1 childerens python in a 44 gal tank
2 cats (both fixed and loose in the house)
1 dog (also fixed and loose in the house)
I am a stay at home Mom with 3 kids and preg with #4, does anyone else have a mini zoo too?

2006-11-03 10:05:23 · 37 answers · asked by pharfly1 5 in Other - Pets

My dog is about 13 years old (human) and is a full bred collie. About a week ago is back legs gave out. I can only assume is becasue of arthritis. He can still walk barely, but he has to do alot of force and now I try to feed him by spoon as much. Today he started drinking water and he started drooling alot. Do you guys think it better to let him rest in peace now or should I find a way to make his life more easier?

2006-11-03 10:01:38 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

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