My dog, Monty, who is a little over a year and a half has in the past few months, starting in March or April become increasingly aggressive. He was always very well socialized, taken to the dog park several times a week, taken to the pet store, had my friends come over and visit, took a puppy class to socialize with other puppies, everything we could to make sure he'd be a socialized, friendly dog. He used to be a very sweet dog, but now he barks angrily at strangers and at the dog park will go off on a dog for no real reason. We can't take him to the park anymore because he is frightening due to his size. We got a new puppy in the middle of May, but this was after his aggression began, the puppy and Monty get along fine, but Monty is still very aggressive. Last week at the dog park he bit a puppy (didn't pierce the skin), but for no reason at all. He sometimes will get along with the dog or person then after a few seconds go off on a barking tangent. Can this be changed?
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