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Pets - 7 July 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

2006-07-07 23:59:09 · 24 answers · asked by Dan H 1 in Cats

2006-07-07 23:49:32 · 6 answers · asked by gooblysillyputty 2 in Other - Pets

2006-07-07 23:44:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

is there such a mixture great dane+pug? or is it impossible? my dad sais a great dane female can get impregnated by a pug male but not the other way around? is this true?

2006-07-07 23:39:09 · 31 answers · asked by Tony M 1 in Dogs

my dog was out side at a three and to other dogs came in and put a big cut on the side of his back leg can i call the ISPCA ?

2006-07-07 23:36:28 · 4 answers · asked by ? 1 in Dogs

2006-07-07 23:35:55 · 34 answers · asked by Claire S 1 in Other - Pets

2006-07-07 23:34:24 · 27 answers · asked by shefu 1 in Dogs


2006-07-07 23:28:54 · 33 answers · asked by shefu 1 in Dogs

She has over 70 toys and the other day got a dogy stoller in pink.Her name is Giggles.She's a bichion frise.

2006-07-07 22:55:21 · 19 answers · asked by Jeri 1 in Dogs

i need a site to show all kinde of this fish . how to bried and how to know the maile out of the femal pls

2006-07-07 22:50:14 · 2 answers · asked by hadi 1 in Fish

My one year old boxer mix has a lump on his chest (near to his nipples) for a couple months, it is pink in color and doesn't seems to cause him pain or itch. What could it be?

2006-07-07 22:31:05 · 11 answers · asked by Dogs Mom 3 in Dogs

his hair on bottom of his back and tail is thinning wot is going on and how do i get him onto a complete dog food biscuits??

2006-07-07 22:30:21 · 19 answers · asked by pankypaxo 2 in Dogs

I have the incubator that I used for chickens, but I'm sure the temperature would be different for different bird species. Anything that you know, or a link with the info on temp and humidity would be helpful. I have tried sites about incubators, but you don't find out that info until you buy the incubator.

2006-07-07 22:27:59 · 5 answers · asked by miss piggy 3 in Birds

I would like to get a larger tank for my beta, right now he lives in a giant brandy glass (minus the brandy)He is aggressive but i would still like to add a few more fish in the new tank. What won't he go after? Or is this just a bad idea?

2006-07-07 21:48:36 · 13 answers · asked by Namooni 4 in Fish

i have a persian cat,he is very beautiful,but very slow,he can run about 38 kmph.i want to increase his topspeed to become 120kmph,may be i should amplify his feet muscles.

2006-07-07 21:31:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

her and she starts hissing and clawing at me or anyone who goes near her. is she possed? i found her in my air conditioning vent when she was a kitten and we kept her and then she just turned evil!! no joke. i dont know wat to do. someone give me some answers please! i also was thinking about selling her but i dont think anyone will want her!!

2006-07-07 20:57:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

i have a sick bearded dragon...i think. up until yesterday it was very active. when i fed them crickets, the one in question ate, but now its very docile and bloated. i have checked to see if it was possibly choking on one of the bigger crickets, but the airway is fine. can anyone help?

2006-07-07 20:52:25 · 13 answers · asked by darkangyl21 2 in Reptiles

every open area i.e. play areas, football fields, parks and beaches are never free of dogs fouling, ive had five dogs and always took them to places away from where children play, im fed up of clearing up other peoples dogs pooh so children can run and roll around without stepping in it, why do dog owners think that every area is there right to let there dogs foul and not even clear it up, they think even the cover of darkness or early morning gives them the right not to clear it up. why doesnt the council do more, not just threats on post and never do a thing? if they were charged on the spot, maybe they would have a little more respect for the area of young lads playing football, young children rolling around on the ground and all of us on the beach ! I think the council could do more and would love to know why they dont do more about dog fouling?

2006-07-07 20:46:29 · 25 answers · asked by tara 2 in Dogs

My fiance and I just bought a 55 gal aquarium. We put water into it, sand, got the filter running and everything going for about 3 days. We transferred out 8 inch Plecostomus from our 10 gal, and bought 4 gouramis, 4 sharks, 3 corys, and a peacock eel. We have a filter on one side, and two large live plants, as well as decoration plants and rocks. The heater is set to 81, but it's reading 77. We lost a gourami last night and a shark today. The water has been foggy, and the fish barely breathe or move before they die. Frantically, I transferred all the fish left but the eel and the corydoras into our 10 gal, which is warm and clear. The 10 gallon is really crowded for the night until the morning, but what could possibly be going wrong?! Is there anything I can do for tonight that will help my eel and corys live overnight? One shark and our plecostomus were starting to die, but will they be fine now?Thank you so much for any help.


2006-07-07 20:41:11 · 15 answers · asked by darker_pegasus 2 in Fish

2006-07-07 20:40:56 · 47 answers · asked by boxergirl 5 in Dogs

I'd like to ride one of my neighbor's cows at night...but i've heard stories of people trying this and they try and stomp you or something...i plan to just climb the fence and hop on...or go in and try to climb on...is it safe?

2006-07-07 20:11:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

My cat is 21 years old, she is fighting through an illness right now. She is still very active. She runs, jumps, plays and talks. She does not seem like an elderly cat.

I am curious to find out what the average life expectancy of a cat is and how old she is in feline years.

2006-07-07 20:11:02 · 15 answers · asked by puddingpop77 3 in Cats

My hamster is walking stiffly, her back is arched, and she is peeing, alot. Please help me if you know something!!!!

2006-07-07 20:05:06 · 10 answers · asked by funkygyrl_rox 2 in Other - Pets

Okay , it`s probably a silly question, and maybe someone is even thinking of Eve and the snake, and saying, "thats where our troubles began talking with animals, but I can asure you it was the disobedience that caused the problem, and the wrong choice that was made. So much for that.

2006-07-07 20:01:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

l have noticed a Pale Green Parrot hanging around our area,it's about the same size as Rainbow Lorikeet.lt has no markings on it as in "rings" around the neck or any other colors.lt's attracted to my car mirrors and doesn't seem to worry about humans unless you get within an arms length of it.
l am assuming it is a young bird as the coloring is a very pale green.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.l live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne.

2006-07-07 20:00:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

what is a good in-expensive way to keep fleas off of our cats any natural remidies or medicatiosn we should try

2006-07-07 19:58:04 · 8 answers · asked by Louie_Girl_forever 2 in Cats

Ok here is another problem I am having with dear sweet Betty-Boo. My Beagle is 2 yrs and when we got her she was house trianed, we had a few accidents to start with but nothing too bad. We were living in a rented house that she would come and go through the day in to the back yard no problem and if she needed to go through the night she would scratch at the door or jump on the bed and tell us. We have now bought a 1st floor flat and my partner is at home all day with her and takes her for long walks. Where we would let her out in the yard for 10 mins before going to bed we now both walk her round the block until she has been before bed. But 4 out of 7 mornings I get up to her having peed or pooed in the lounge. Its always the same place, and the other night I woke up to her on the bed peeing while we were in it!!!
I was so angry as it was only an hour after we had walked her. Why is she doing this and how can I stop her. She is such a sweet dog but this is driving me crazy. Help

2006-07-07 19:57:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

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