I've got a pretty new Heatline Vizo Condensing Combi Boiler. Everything was fine for the first couple of months and pressure held steady at 1.5 when cold, and rose to around 2 when the heating was on. Over the past few weeks, the water pressure drops below 0 turning the boiler off regularly. I can refill to 1.5 before going to bed, and it will be back below 0 in the morning. When I refill to 1.5 and have the heating on, the boiler pressure now rises to the maximum of 3. When the heating turns off, the pressure will drop again, eventually to below 0 within the space of maybe 8 or 9 hours. Whats going on? I cant find any obvious leaks (although the plumbing is underfloor), and there is no air in any of the rads. Ive drained and refilled the entire system a couple of times, but this has made no difference. Help! Its cold in the mornings and I cant afford a plumber!!
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Maintenance & Repairs