I've got a house with an attic conversion that was done before I moved in. So far I've been using it as storage, but after living here a year I know that the attic room is an icebox in winter and a sauna in the summer, regardless of the temperature of the rest of the house.
I take this to mean that the attic is not insulated properly? The conversion looks like an amateur job and it doesn't look like it was finished before the house was up for sale.
What do I need to buy and do to insulate the attic properly?
What kind of insulation do I need?
What it looks like I've got is the actual sloped roof itself, with plasterboard panels nailed to the beams, creating a cavity. In the cavity is what looks like plain old polystyrene. Yes, that's right, polystyrene. I'm not aware that polystyrene is a good insulator. What do I buy to replace it with? And is it that simple to put the right kind of material in the cavity, or is there more to it than that?
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Do It Yourself (DIY)