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Women's Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

2007-02-09 02:06:03 · 3 answers · asked by sandy 1

Do they have to drain the breasts or remove the implants before they begin cutting?

2007-02-09 01:49:48 · 2 answers · asked by angrysandwichguy2000 3

Is it an infection, its really weird :S ?

2007-02-09 01:42:08 · 23 answers · asked by SeaSide,x 2

i heard its at the crest of the labia. is this true?

2007-02-09 01:41:50 · 3 answers · asked by gamer nerdy man 2

always seems like the teens that get knocked up early are the ones with big cans. your thoughts?

2007-02-09 01:38:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi, Im eighteen and going in for my first gyno visit soon, Im not worried about the actual visit, just wondering whether there is anything special to be done beforehand, you know grooming/cleanliness wise.Before I visit the denstist I always shower, brush, floss, use a mouth wash etc. Before a doctors visit i always shower, shave, brush, clean my ears. Is there anything special I should be doing for a gyno visit? Also I usually keep myself shaved down there, is there anything wrong with doing that the day of?

2007-02-09 01:18:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

all of the lymphnodes in my body are swollen and they took an ultrasound and bloodwork and the lymphnodes are swollen and big but the bloodwork came back as normal bloodcell counts, so what is wrong with me? i already have a doctors appt on saturday so dont tell me to go there i need to know if anyone has any ideas

2007-02-09 01:00:35 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just had a little girl on October 2nd 2006. I bleed alot when she was born and had blood clots. I went to the doctor for my 6 week check up and everything was fine. I got put on a birth control pill called camila. I haven't had a pierod at all. not since before I got pregnant!? I am breast feeding and some people say that if you are breastfeeding you don't have a pierod is this true? Could it be my birth control? Or could it be something else? I mean I get stressed once in awhile and I am a little easyer to piss of now. I get cramps once in awhile but have gas quite often. What could be wrong? why aren't I haveing a pierod? Why do I seem easyer to piss off?

2007-02-09 00:41:19 · 3 answers · asked by The H 3

This is a follow up to my last question

2007-02-09 00:33:54 · 18 answers · asked by Summerbreeze 2

My periods are arriving every 2 weeks and one of my breasts keeps getting sore but i cant feel any lumps. Ive made a docs appointment but just wondered if anyone has any clues???

2007-02-09 00:24:04 · 8 answers · asked by Summerbreeze 2

are there times during the month when you just dont want to make love to your partner, even though he soooo wants to.

2007-02-09 00:08:38 · 18 answers · asked by allgiggles1984 6

has anyone had a pill for stopping heavy periods?
is it side effects

2007-02-08 23:50:02 · 10 answers · asked by cheeky8k 1

i aint wanna go doctors they giv u pills which are dangerous n may stop u bleedin

2007-02-08 23:44:50 · 10 answers · asked by cheeky8k 1

I was on the pill for years and stopped for 3 months, I lost 12 lbs and noticed that I have bony ankles. I am starting the second week of active pills and have noticed that I am gaining weight back, and my ankles are swollen, however my lifestyle has not changed, I eat healthfully, drink a lot of water and exercise 5 times a week. Should I change birth control...or start a strict diet and increase my strength training and cardio?

2007-02-08 23:44:25 · 22 answers · asked by missdawn824 1

i am having sudden urination,but i feel like my period is jus gonna ***..u kw that feeling sometimes like ur period is jus there but dosnt come..n m having gas problems..m six days late so does it mean i am pregnant?? i did have sex..but m we both are sure that nothin went in...shud i take a test..and if i am not pregnant wat are the ways to get my period soon..cuz i feel it is gonna come but dosnt..m worid is i m pregnant or not...???

2007-02-08 23:43:07 · 4 answers · asked by navash 1

1 of my work mates said that coke is really bad for women why is it and is this true. i dont drink alot of pop very often but cola is my fav.

2007-02-08 23:42:54 · 20 answers · asked by shell 5

I've been having periods once every three months for the last 2 periods and the currently is yet to come after 3.5 months. I seem to gain weight easily around the tummy area. I'm not pregnant and I haven't had any hormone problems before. What are the likely causes? My periods go through a period of stability and then instability. I'm a bit sick of it. ~___~

2007-02-08 23:31:19 · 11 answers · asked by wendywei85 3

I had it first time
Used condom
Didnt burst
Was opened from a seal box so no holes
& definately no leakage
Any chance of me getting pregnant still???

2007-02-08 23:27:29 · 17 answers · asked by joseph 1

Ok, i noticed about a week ago that i ahve got lots of little spots on the bottom half of my breasts they are not red or and theing but they are visible and then when i got out of the shower today i noticed they had got worse, it is like every pore is blocked and has a little but of puss in, i know this sound disgusting but just wanted some advice instead of pestering the doctor. I exfoliate regularly so wouldn't have thought anything like that would help. Hope someone can help. cheers

2007-02-08 22:22:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my period was on time this month but for some reason its really heavy..its never been this heavy..why is it so heavy? ive been haven truble getting pregnant but i dont know if this has anything to do with it

2007-02-08 22:22:00 · 3 answers · asked by BedTymeBear 1

I am on ortho cyclen and I am supposed to get my period right before Valentine's Day. I am wondering if it would be ok to delay my period by continuing to take the active blue pills? Is it safe?

2007-02-08 21:58:59 · 5 answers · asked by superflygirl 2

I saw an obgyn for the first time today. I told her that I have itching in my vaginal area every once and a while and she told me that it could be due to the dryness of the cold weather, or a yeast infection. However, when she examined me she said that I could possibly have herpes so she prescribed a weeks worth of Valtrex, gave me two sample tablets, and told me to get my Bloodwork done to test for herpes. Then she told me to come back in two to three weeks (I made an appointment for March 1).

However, after I got home I was wondering why she gave me the medication before having the blood test. Should I wait for the blood test results before taking the medication??

I ask this because I've never been sexually active before my current boyfriend, he claims that he doesn't have herpes, we always use condoms, and I think that I had this itching before I was with him.

2007-02-08 21:42:41 · 3 answers · asked by CR 2

2007-02-08 21:13:15 · 3 answers · asked by shanell 2

I am thinking about getting mirena, it has been the best BC from everything I've read. I haven't gone to the doctor yet to ask them any of my questions, just looking to get some more personal experience answers. I haven't seen anything that has answered this question, so any answers would be appreciated.

2007-02-08 21:07:20 · 11 answers · asked by Mk0925 1

So...do you get stretch marks if you get fat or if you lose weight?
What are stretch marks really? Are there any strtch marks resources available online preferably?

2007-02-08 20:31:00 · 6 answers · asked by Q&A 1

2007-02-08 20:22:50 · 9 answers · asked by Dan 1

Hi everybody,

I would like to start taking the birth control injection, Depo-Provera and would like to know if anybody here uses or has used it? What was your experience with it? Any side-effects? I've read about it from the internet but would like info from anyone who can uses/has used it.


2007-02-08 20:05:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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