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Women's Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

I had my son nov 28th and at my 6wk appointment my ob said that i was still healing bc i still had a lil skin tag left..Its been almost 11 wks since the birth and i still have that "skin tag" & it doesnt seem any diff than at my 6wk checkup.. ive read that it should be healed by now unless it was a serious tear and it wasnt. should i call my dr 2 c if she can fix it or should i wait and see what happens? whats the average time frame of it completely healing?

2007-02-09 05:03:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 6'0", I got into modeling at the age of 17, I weighed 133 pounds, lets just say i wasnt eating right. After my modelling aspirations grew tiresome, now at the age of 21, I assumed REGULAR eating habits. My weight sky rocketed to 189lbs. The heaviest I've been in my life. My weight soared and my self confidence plummeted. I didn't eat unhealthily either. Did my meabolism change as I got older? Can it really slow down THAT much? I started a food journal that really helps me, I do cardio about 3 times a week, and barn work and riding my horse about 5 times a week. I'm active, always on the go, I never sit around doing nothing! I STILL didn't lose weight. So, I went to the doctor and advised I do this food journal. I did. She found nothing wrong with how I eat and said I'm not losing weight because I don't need to. What an answer. So now, I'm starving myself, abusing laxatives and the weights coming off. WHY cant I lose weight like normal people with diet & exercise? =(

2007-02-09 05:03:13 · 5 answers · asked by chickingirl19 2

2007-02-09 04:58:05 · 2 answers · asked by gyspy 1

ok well first off my breasts dont hurt just my nipples and its not too painful just irritated and its not another 10+ days till my period. I have been on birth control for 2 years now but my insurance company screwed up and cut me off without notice to send in my transcripts. So I have been without any birth control this month waiting for them to fix everything. What I am wondering is this just an effect of not being on bc anymore or could I be pregnant now and showing signs before I even know if I've missed a period? My bf didnt use a condom so thats why I'm worried. If you know any websites where I could look into this that would be great too.

2007-02-09 04:51:21 · 4 answers · asked by Jess 4


2007-02-09 04:48:02 · 12 answers · asked by ARELY 1

2007-02-09 04:47:49 · 4 answers · asked by dooper94538 1

i just got a IUD and need to know how long i should wait before i have sex the doc recommended i wait until my next period?

2007-02-09 04:46:41 · 5 answers · asked by Toni H 2

I've been having alot of Indigestion and heart burn the last 2 days. I've also been feeling very bloated and having cramps. I've taken some medicine and it doesn't seem to help. I'm not due to get my period for another 11 days. I had intercourse with my boyfriend 3 days this week and each day I was ovulating. Is it possible that I could be pregnant? If so, is it too early to find out?

2007-02-09 04:42:38 · 11 answers · asked by Sara 1

The other day, I was doing my girl in the butt. I pulled out and my weiner was all brown and greasy. Is that normal?

2007-02-09 04:42:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-09 04:40:49 · 10 answers · asked by lucious_babez69 2

i have started taking my microgynon pills again after a two month break. i started two months or more ago and have not stopped for the 7 day break since then. i have just began to have very slight and faint bleeding and so i stopped the pill. now the bleeding has increased like a period.there is a slight discharge. is this a side effect of not breaking from the pill as instructed or could it be something else. going to the doctors soon but just thought to ask.

2007-02-09 04:40:20 · 3 answers · asked by gg 1

around 10:30. Was there enough time for the pill to absorb? Do I need to take two today?

2007-02-09 04:35:37 · 3 answers · asked by **** 1

hi , my fiancee got a family history of cancers & tumers with her uncles and her grandpa , last summer she got so sick with headache and had an operation to remove mass over her brain , and now adays she got a Jaw abcses and she'll remove it tommorw, is there anything should i be worry about when we'll get merry ?! .. she's telling me that she's afraid that she'll make my life miserable with her disease.. but i love her ! how can we avoid this disease ?

2007-02-09 04:14:03 · 6 answers · asked by DrA7mood 1

does it hurt to have sex???

2007-02-09 03:58:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-09 03:57:20 · 6 answers · asked by annegirl725 1

and how do you deal with it? What if after all the yrs. it's started to really make u angry and hard to tolerate?
What if u've already communicated in many fashions that you wish NOT to be treated like a mere child? You know expressed this wish both assertively, aggressively, during an argument and/or just in a calm manner repetively? am i being oversensitive?I'm just wanting to build my self-confidence and personal development and this behavior seems to get in the way. wondering if somehow I can IGNORE it???
For ex. he'll say, "Honey make sure you wear your seat belt", "watch out for traffic", "is the car running alright?" "is there anything about the car your not telling me"? go get me this and that, I wait on him like a maid when he comes home from work, and even though I'd love to work FT, everytime I do, it seems like he's happy, but then again not happy because I can't be here at all times for him.IN public it's embarrassing and much more.it's ALL THE TIME

2007-02-09 03:41:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

She's south Asian, do south Asian (Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi) women have thin hair generally?

She had thick hair as a child. Started thinning as she did exams 16-20, stress related.

Can she thicken her hair again? Can it grow back (if she destresses)? Or is it downhill from now?

2007-02-09 03:36:25 · 2 answers · asked by radical_edward 1

I just can't believe this......2 maybe or three not 15..LB

2007-02-09 03:29:19 · 14 answers · asked by ladyluck 2

My friend is sending me a bra from aussie (i live in england) but Aussie's way of measuring are different. How do I convert Australia to English bra size?

2007-02-09 03:21:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have had a problem with profuse sweating all my teen years. im going on a walk today and i know i will get all sweaty. i have tried all diffrent kinds of antipersprents. are there any home remedies or suggestions? its sooo embarassing bu ti cannot help it. what color shirt will it be less noticeable? what about sleveless? does it make a diffrence?

2007-02-09 03:13:12 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are you one of those people who does not use public restrooms because you are afraid of germs? If so, what do you do when you have to go to the bathroom and you're away from home?

2007-02-09 03:11:21 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

since i had my sterilisation 3 days ago i keep getting pain that takes my breath down my right side going into my groin

2007-02-09 03:07:20 · 6 answers · asked by chabbs 1

I asked a question the other day and a couple of answers metioned Endometriosis and Fibroids, what are they?

2007-02-09 02:57:49 · 9 answers · asked by Easy Rider 2

Ok so i have a 2 mm kidney stone they told me it was supposed to have passed by now but it doesn't feel as though it has! My physician reffered me to a specialist (urologist) well i went usually they say we need to do a pelvic exams but the urologist wording was i need to check your privates! That made me feel uncomfortable they don't talk like that, anyways i have him the benefit of the doubt need to take care of this well he sent me home with a appt on march 27 i called them yesterday and said look i'm in a lot of pain i feel as though i am being scrapped up inside my pelvis area this hurts!!! Can i get an appt sooner and get adecuate pain relief till then the nurse said she would call me back, they did an hour later saying he will not call you in a pain prescription you shouldn't be in that much pain if i was hurting that bad to go to the ER or back to my doctor i've done these things and they said i need to see a specialist, i told her there being unprofessional, opinions please

2007-02-09 02:48:49 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

What percentage of married couples use condoms as their long-term primary form of birth control? My wife says she is undecided about children, but I am pretty certain that they will never fit into our lifestyle or plans. She won't use any other form of birth control, but I'm getting tired of using condoms. They are distracting and inhibit spontaneity. The thought of using them for the next decade is depressing, frankly, but she forbids me from getting a vasectomy "because it's too decisive." I'd like to know what proportion of married couples might be in this situation. I'd also like to know how to resolve this. Thoughts or online references are appreciated. Comments not attempting to address this specific issue will be deleted, so don't waste your time if you don't have a real answer. Thanks!

2007-02-09 02:41:01 · 10 answers · asked by fluvial_shell 2

hi ya, i have been off depo a month and i was due for my next 2 days ago altho i havent had it. i had cramps and backache a wk ago so assumed my period was coming, now i'm getting white mucuos discharge and again thought period was on way but i've been having that about 4 days and its not an infection, doesnt smell and i'm not itching, this month i did getb a case of thrush tho so i took 2 pregnancy tests and both were negative. i also have sore nipples but they r the only pregnancy symptoms i have, i'm waiting to start pill, should i wait for a period or start it anyway. what else could this b?

2007-02-09 02:40:15 · 9 answers · asked by tonih81 2

i missed my period last month, it was supposed to come at the 25th but it haven't come yet. is it possible that i'm pregnant? i never had sex with my boyfriend. But he's penis kind of touched my vagina with he's undies on but it wont causes pregnancy would it?

2007-02-09 02:21:28 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know, I know! I know that most people are going to say that diet pills only work when combined with diet and exercise. I understand that. But my biggest problem is over-eating. I have heard that these diet pill stop your desire to snack and make you feel full so that you don't eat as much. My problem is that even when I am trying to cut down, I have no will power when I feel hungry, so I eat and eat till I feel full. I am about 20-25 lbs. over weight right now, and really want to loose it. I have cut out all sodas from my diet and also have begun watching the amount of carbs and sugars in and food I eat. I work for a dr and he told me that it is not about counting calories and that studies have shown it is better to count carbs and sugars. But I need something to curb these cravings and the need to over eat.

2007-02-09 02:11:43 · 47 answers · asked by LittleMermaid 5

Does clomid shorten periods?

2007-02-09 02:11:16 · 1 answers · asked by Zoraida R 2

I know this is not a women's health issue but I know I've gotten some good advice here before so I figued I'd try....

Ok...This may be petty but here goes:

EVERY time she's around other people and we are on the phone..she hands the phone to someone for me to talk to! She does this w/ people I don't even know! I can easliy name 6 off the top of my head she has done this with. Granted I know 2 of them but still! Here...talk to so and so!!!!!!! OMG

She just did it and I predicted it! Granted the person I was "FORCED" to talk to I know and I told him...I hate when she does this...He agreed!

I know maybe it's just a friendly thing but I hate being forced to talk to someone I have no clue what to say to them! It's like she gets off on it! Thinks it's hysterical! UGH!!!

I have told her I hate this and she does it anyway.

2007-02-09 02:06:37 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

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