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Women's Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

So my Doc tells me I have cyst in my both breast, which really hurt,.I also have cysts in my ovaries so I am taking the patch to control the cyst in my ovaries but the one's in my breast worry me...should I be worried??? Doc tells me I should wait but its been 2 weeks now and I'm still in pain? Will these go away? Please help!

2007-02-09 09:16:21 · 2 answers · asked by pink 2

It is normal to get yeast infections alot. I am on birth control pills and get abnormal discharge before my period and sometimes in the middle of my cycle. Sometimes with or without abdominal pain ( minor) does anyone else experience this ??

2007-02-09 09:16:07 · 12 answers · asked by angel_0014_2002 1

2007-02-09 09:09:36 · 17 answers · asked by Flufta Grimes 1

and how long have you used the same scent and brand?

2007-02-09 09:09:24 · 6 answers · asked by auroa26 3

do you feel secure from accidents?

2007-02-09 09:07:07 · 6 answers · asked by auroa26 3

there is this one teacher in my school and he is so f****'n perverted and he smacked my friends butt and looks down girls shirts and touches his nutts and pinapple during class. my friend transfered classes and then 2 other of my friends have transfered schools.the school is nt doin anything about it he has had the same perverted name for over 10 years! the principle knows but hasnt done anything about it wat do we do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

what should we do???

2007-02-09 09:03:26 · 10 answers · asked by unlucky bubblegu^^ 1

2007-02-09 09:01:43 · 11 answers · asked by GiGgLeS s 1

My deodorant is not working to it's full effect. Any suggestions?

2007-02-09 09:01:33 · 11 answers · asked by LP 2

yea how can i make them bigger without stuffing!or eating more?!

2007-02-09 08:59:28 · 2 answers · asked by celeste 2

2007-02-09 08:51:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've struggled with self esteem issues my whole life and I used to be really attractive but now im 22 weigh 195 and am 5'7"! Im still somewhat attractive but I just feel so low and i DONT want to be fat another summer! :( HELP ME! When I do try to diet I get mad and in like 3 days I revert and eat horrible!

2007-02-09 08:45:55 · 17 answers · asked by BLoNdE22 1

my sister in law is pregnant and she can have the baby anytime now but my prob is that she was in a car accedent today they said she will be alright but i was wondering if you guys know if the baby would be safe too (her stomach hit the steering weal)

2007-02-09 08:44:28 · 18 answers · asked by PatsLax39 2

ok on my hand my right hand right above my wrist on my thumbwat should i do i think it might be a sist but not for sure i am 13 my mom knows about it and most of my family at first we thought it was a genetic thing because my great great grandpa and great grandpa and my great uncle and my grandma but theres were all in there middle palm all of them so should i have it checked or wat because it hurts all the time it is like a dull pain so if you could pls help by telling me or if there are any docs on here pls tell me wat u think it might be ok thanks alot bye.

2007-02-09 08:44:06 · 5 answers · asked by loganlovesgod 2

i wanna go party but im taking flagyl i know it says COULD cause you to vommit or get hot flashes but anyone ever expericnce this? or no plz let me know

2007-02-09 08:43:20 · 3 answers · asked by xx00_electrik_nina_00xx 1

I have many symptoms, pelvic pain, frequent urination, absent period for almost 2 months now, bloating, pain that irridiates from the left side groin to the middle, I don't know if it is a urology problem or a gyno problem, I've seen many dr.s and been through many tests, dr. does not seem to know either, I'm leaning toward interstitial cystitis or bladder cancer, or endometrial problems, since i was diagnosed with endo in 2004, I am not preg, had a test yesterday, i am so puzzled?

2007-02-09 08:42:55 · 3 answers · asked by PAUL Z 1

2007-02-09 08:42:37 · 1 answers · asked by Melissa V 2

I am sexually active, i have been skipping my period since Nov., about a week and a half after the 1st missed period should have come, i had a test taken at planned Parenthood, it was negative. I took a second a week or so later, also negative. 2 weeks ago, since my period still had not come, i took another, test, follow by a fourth this week, all negative. I had been experiencing normal PMS symptoms, especially this last month, then about 5 days ago, i started having vaginal dischage with dried blood, then a couple days later, it was like an end~of~period flow. Nothing for a couple days, then going back to the flow. I don't think I'm preg., 4 tests have told me no. I am bipolar, and have been under a lot of stress the last 4 months above and beyond the typical life of a college student. I also have had a history of projecting my emotional pain into somesort of physical ailment (not intentionally). I have been on my current meds for quite a while, however my diet has been really crappy lately, and the blood started when I started eating better and drinking a women's tea. (Yogi moon cycle) What do you think?

2007-02-09 08:42:36 · 1 answers · asked by speechpath6 1

Well, I am going away to a 6 week dance camp over the summer and I am worried about my period. I've NEVER used tampons before...I prefer to stick to pads. I'm 14 by the way. And I'll be in a liatard[NO idea how to spell that.lol] and tights. Just that, so I can't wear a pad. So what should i do? Help!!

2007-02-09 08:41:18 · 12 answers · asked by Quin G 1

I've Been Expereinsing Pains In My Chest That GO Through To My Stomach And They Hurt When I Breath. I've Also Been Getting Pains In My Left Breast That Hurts When I Breath? Any Answers

2007-02-09 08:23:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous


This is kind of embarassing to say [lol] but I think I stink! There I said it. I put on deoderant but whenever I raise my hand and my underarm is exposed I think I smell!! It's not even like I sweat! Its just there. It SUCKS! What can I do?

2007-02-09 08:19:56 · 7 answers · asked by Quin G 1

..there is a way to delay your period? It's Valentines Day next week and typically, i'm due. I know it's possible if you're on the pill but i'm not, and to start on the pill you have to wait until after your next period - catch 22!

2007-02-09 08:18:11 · 12 answers · asked by L D 5

my soon to be Dear Husband insurance will not cover me until we are married. the wedding is still a little over a year away. in july we found out that i have endometriosis and decieded to start TTC. my periods are very irrgular. i would like to get my period regular does anyone know how i can do so with herbs or any other ideas?

2007-02-09 08:17:09 · 2 answers · asked by jjimenez113 2

It is clear, does not have a smell to it, and my teenager drinks a good bit of fluids. She is also sexually active.

2007-02-09 08:11:47 · 2 answers · asked by unknown 3

Well i'm normally very very very very regular with my periods, but just a week ago, my period ended, and today and a little bit last night, i saw blood..

what the heck is going on?

2007-02-09 08:10:09 · 5 answers · asked by noname446 4

my wife gave birth to our son and about a week after she had mastitis then she dried them off about two weeks after giving birth we started having sex again im in iraq right n ow and i have been for about 3 weeks can anyone tell me what the deal is

2007-02-09 08:08:53 · 2 answers · asked by rmyrngr713 1

i haven't went in 2 days and my back and stomach ache and hurt, i have no laxatives what can i do to just go have a bowel moviement?

2007-02-09 08:04:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think I have an obsession with panties and womens clothing. I have bought alot of thongs, v-strings and bikins from VS. They are som comfy. I am actually going to get some of the sexy little things panties. I also sleep in a VS slip st night usually with a little panty. During the day i wear panties and some times a skirt or tight fitting womens pants. (the pants and skirt arent in public) I do wear the pink jogging pants around the house. What can i do with this obsession, this is serious

2007-02-09 07:57:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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