I am sexually active, i have been skipping my period since Nov., about a week and a half after the 1st missed period should have come, i had a test taken at planned Parenthood, it was negative. I took a second a week or so later, also negative. 2 weeks ago, since my period still had not come, i took another, test, follow by a fourth this week, all negative. I had been experiencing normal PMS symptoms, especially this last month, then about 5 days ago, i started having vaginal dischage with dried blood, then a couple days later, it was like an end~of~period flow. Nothing for a couple days, then going back to the flow. I don't think I'm preg., 4 tests have told me no. I am bipolar, and have been under a lot of stress the last 4 months above and beyond the typical life of a college student. I also have had a history of projecting my emotional pain into somesort of physical ailment (not intentionally). I have been on my current meds for quite a while, however my diet has been really crappy lately, and the blood started when I started eating better and drinking a women's tea. (Yogi moon cycle) What do you think?
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