If your not taking 'the pill' Norethisterone tablets can be prescribed.
The dose is 5mg three times a day starting 3-4 days before a period is due. It can be continued for up to 2 weeks or so until you want to have a period.
The period will normally begin 2-3 days after stopping it. Norethisterone is normally safe to take.
Some women have side effects such as bloating, stomach upset, breast discomfort and reduced libido (sex drive).
How does this work Norethisterone is a progestogen HORMONE Progestogens are hormones that sustain the lining of the uterus. Normally at the time before a period there is a fall in the level of progestogen hormone in the body. When it falls below a certain level the lining of the uterus is shed as menstrual period. By taking norethisterone tablets (progestogen) the lining of the uterus is sustained until the tablet is stopped.
2007-02-09 08:21:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Technically you don't have to start the pill on the first day of your period... if you start it at other times, it just means the protection is not as good for the first cycle. In any case I wouldn't suggest it for you, since starting the pill midcycle often causes breakthrough bleeding.
But to answer your actual question: no. There just isn't. One thing you may try if you are going for some romance on V-Day is the Instead Cup. This is a menstrual cup that is sold in the tampon aisle. It provides very good blood blockage AND can be worn during sex.
2007-02-09 16:23:36
answer #2
answered by MissA 7
there are pills u can get of ur DR (utovlan i think) but u have 2 take them a month or at least two weeks b4 ur period, but one thing is u must take the medication regurly if u miss a pill ur period starts the following day, hope this is helpful
2007-02-09 16:34:02
answer #3
answered by Ascetic 3
you can only delay it by taking the pill without a break in between
2007-02-09 16:22:09
answer #4
answered by shayla x x 2
other than you already being on the pill i can not think of any other way of delaying your period sorry
2007-02-09 16:21:49
answer #5
answered by tracy w 3
There is no other way to do it, just the pill.
2007-02-09 16:21:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
there is an injection u can have from your doc that stops your periods for six weeks at a time its really if you don't want kids at the moment because it can take a few months to get out of your system if u were to want to try for kids its called depo-provera
2007-02-09 19:34:18
answer #7
answered by knowlesy 3
get urself stressed and then u will either miss a period or be late.
thats the only other way im afraid.
2007-02-10 08:30:05
answer #8
answered by Mrs Chad Michael Murray 3
the only way is the pill no other way unless you get pregnant
2007-02-09 16:22:54
answer #9
answered by jinx 5
try 2 get stressed out i no it sounds silly but it works
2007-02-09 16:32:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous