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I am sexually active, i have been skipping my period since Nov., about a week and a half after the 1st missed period should have come, i had a test taken at planned Parenthood, it was negative. I took a second a week or so later, also negative. 2 weeks ago, since my period still had not come, i took another, test, follow by a fourth this week, all negative. I had been experiencing normal PMS symptoms, especially this last month, then about 5 days ago, i started having vaginal dischage with dried blood, then a couple days later, it was like an end~of~period flow. Nothing for a couple days, then going back to the flow. I don't think I'm preg., 4 tests have told me no. I am bipolar, and have been under a lot of stress the last 4 months above and beyond the typical life of a college student. I also have had a history of projecting my emotional pain into somesort of physical ailment (not intentionally). I have been on my current meds for quite a while, however my diet has been really crappy lately, and the blood started when I started eating better and drinking a women's tea. (Yogi moon cycle) What do you think?

2007-02-09 08:42:36 · 1 answers · asked by speechpath6 1 in Health Women's Health

Added to say that i do use condoms with my boyfriend, haven't had any breaks.

2007-02-09 08:43:57 · update #1

1 answers

You are probably not pregnant...especially after all those tests. Women's periods vary in amount of flow and in color...anywhere from bright red to dark brown. This is all normal. Also, women can skip periods, have early periods or have delayed periods because they are affected by so many things: stress, exercise, weight changes, medications, illness, etc. Chances are you are out of sync due to the change in eating habits and the stress. I think your period is just affected by all that is going on in your life right now. If you continue to have problems though through the end of next month, see your doctor just to put your mind at rest and to be sure that there isn't some other issue going on.

2007-02-09 15:26:47 · answer #1 · answered by ilse72 7 · 3 0

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