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I'm 6'0", I got into modeling at the age of 17, I weighed 133 pounds, lets just say i wasnt eating right. After my modelling aspirations grew tiresome, now at the age of 21, I assumed REGULAR eating habits. My weight sky rocketed to 189lbs. The heaviest I've been in my life. My weight soared and my self confidence plummeted. I didn't eat unhealthily either. Did my meabolism change as I got older? Can it really slow down THAT much? I started a food journal that really helps me, I do cardio about 3 times a week, and barn work and riding my horse about 5 times a week. I'm active, always on the go, I never sit around doing nothing! I STILL didn't lose weight. So, I went to the doctor and advised I do this food journal. I did. She found nothing wrong with how I eat and said I'm not losing weight because I don't need to. What an answer. So now, I'm starving myself, abusing laxatives and the weights coming off. WHY cant I lose weight like normal people with diet & exercise? =(

2007-02-09 05:03:13 · 5 answers · asked by chickingirl19 2 in Health Women's Health

5 answers

Because you abused your metabolism when you we're modeling. Eating is essential to having a fast metabolism, if you weren't eating it slowed waaaay down. So now when you eat "regularly" it is all stored as fat.

2007-02-09 05:09:50 · answer #1 · answered by Lisa P 4 · 0 0

When you were modeling your body mass index (BMI) was 18, which is underweight. Now your BMI is 25.6, slightly above healthy. Starving yourself is the worst possible thing to do to lose weight, it slows your metabolism down. Your body knows it is starving so is know holding on to everthing you eat. Your doctor was right, there is nothing wrong with how you eat and nothing is wrong with you.

Losing weight take time. If done correctly, you should lost 1-2 pounds a week. If you lose more you risk harming your body.

At this point in time you are at risk of developing or already have an eating disorder. Perhaps you should see a therapist instead--you need help.

2007-02-09 14:11:52 · answer #2 · answered by T_and_the_Captain 2 · 0 0

honey you were severely underweight before your weight is perfect for your height. see your doctor why cant you lose weight like normal people because your not normal you have a disease you need to get help you are dying. you need to weigh 180 lbs to be healthy. you were never fat at 189. stop looking at the models and women like nicole richie or you will end up like karen carpenter dead. get help see your doctor now everyday that you starve and use laxatrives your killing your organs this will kill you

2007-02-09 13:09:48 · answer #3 · answered by kleighs mommy 7 · 0 0

well i know as a recovering anorexic, your metabolism slows SO much and it sucks bcuz right now i am @ 132.5 and im 5'11'' and i eat like NOTHING but im not loosing ne weight, i only can maintain... and i can barely do that. i really dont know why bodies suck so much but i really feel ur pain. i hate it.

2007-02-09 13:09:29 · answer #4 · answered by Joette Jade 2 · 0 0

Try super aboba...'Super ABOBA' is a slimming product that takes advantage of a method of slimming which targets each individual blood group. The name ABOBA is derived from the 4 major blood types “AB”, “O”, “B” & “A”.The idea to slim down through targeting individual blood groups is not new. It has proven to be extremely popular in Japan and Korea for some time.

There have been numerous researches in the last few years on how each type of food react differently to people of the 4 blood types. Capitalising on this research, Super ABOBA has been developed and formulated with food ingredients to help each blood type achieve a slimming effect.
Food and supplements contain protein called lectins. When we eat, these lectins will cause a chemical reaction between our blood and they will either be rejected or accepted by the body, depending on the pre-programmed blood types. If the lectins are incompatible with our blood type, a process known as agglutination occurs. Agglutination is the clumping of cells by incompatible lectins in the body. This may lead to an imbalance in digestion, metabolism and immune 'Super aboba' is made up of natural food product.
For bloodtype AB;
Ingredients: Soybean Extracts, DHA and Lactic Acid Bacteria. blood type AB is a special blood type. What the food suits for blood type A and B also suits for blood type AB. Blood type AB is suitable for consuming soybeans, fish and dairy products. Soybean Extracts can assist fiber of body to attract bile acid and then get down the fat. DHA supplies the essential nutrition of brain. Lactic Acid Bacteria can absorb the harmful materials from inside body and discharge to outside body.

For blood type O;
Ingredients: Chitosan and L-Carnitine.
Blood type O is suitable for consuming meat and fish. Chitosan is a natural fiber made from the shells of crabs, shrimp, and lobsters. In laboratory studies, Chitosan has been found to ionically attract and bind fat. L-Carnitine is an amino acid. It can speed up fatty acid to be burned in Mitochondria

Blood type B
Ingredients: Young Barley Grass, Bay Leaves Extracts, Lactic Acid Bacteria and L-Carnitine.
Blood Type B is suitable for consuming dairy products, meat and vegetables. Soybean Extracts can assist fiber of body to attract bile acid and then get down the fat. Young Barley Grass can advance the metabolism and discharge the junk to outside body. Bay Leaves can reduce abdominal distention and help to improve digestion-system. Lactic Acid Bacteria can absorb the harmful materials from inside body and discharge to outside body. L-Carnitine is an amino acid. It can speed up fatty acids to be burned in Mitochondria

Blood type A
Ingredients: Soybean Extracts, Aloe Powder, White Kidney Beans and Raspberry.
Blood Type A is suitable for consuming cereal grain, soybeans and vegetables. Soybean extracts can assist fiber of body to attract bile acid and then get down the fat. Aloe contains various Vitamins and it can help for the metabolism. White Kidney Beans can inhibit the absorption of starchiness (e.g. Carbohydrate), then reduce the ingestion of energy. Raspberry contains Raspberry Ketone which may boost the metabolism, nourish the skin and keep beauty. Isnt that amazing? If you would like to know more about this product or my sliming experiences email me, jess2luvmuacks@yahoo.com take care!!

2007-02-09 14:42:44 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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