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Women's Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

I'm just wondering if you women out there NEED your purse, or if it can be lived without.

The reason I ask is because I'm writing a novel, and am thinking about having a female character who doesn't use a purse... but I first want to know if it's something that can be lived without, or if there are needs (like the menstrual period) which demand having one handy.

So, the question is, do you *need* your purse? And, if so, what are your *needs* for which you use it? Thanks. :-)

2007-02-08 20:02:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

CERVIX-chronic non specific cervictis ENDOMETRIUM-proliferative edometrium MYOMETRIUM-adenomyosis FALLOPAIN TUBES-acute on chronic biletral salppingtis OVERIES-unremarkable

2007-02-08 19:24:51 · 2 answers · asked by anjee 4

Well my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex around 4 months ago. I got pregnant and had a miscarriage. [save the lecture, please] Ever since the day after we "did it" it started hurting when I urinated. It dont hurt as bad anymore, and stops completely when I'm on my period or just extremely "wet". Either way, it hurts pretty bad. I honestly dont know whats going on with me. I've googled everything possible and nothing I've found has matched up. Someone please help me, it'd be greatly appreciated.

2007-02-08 19:09:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was on birth control for 2 months and quit taking them because they were just screwing me up...I started my 3rd pack but only took it for 3 days before I decided to quit...I started bleeding about 4 days later and it only lasted 3 days but it was extremely heavy and painful..Well that it ended a few days ago, and I already feel like I am PMSing again!!! does anyone know if this is normal?? My low back has even started hurting again like it does before I start...I have pretty much ruled out pregnancy because of that horrible period I just had...so is it normal to have one again? this soon? ovulation possiblity?

2007-02-08 18:15:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

does it lead to pregnancy if boy ***** a gal wit a gap of 15 mins without any protection but not ejaculating inside vagina..? please answer reply..

2007-02-08 18:02:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My thyroid level shows 0.19. I was told the average level should be between 0.4-5.2 . My doctor said it can be lowered or higher during pregnancy. Is it true? Nurse called and left the messgae that my blood test result was okay except the thyroid hormone. ANd when I called them back to verify with doctor. Doctor says okay. I feel like I am decieved some point... Any idea???

2007-02-08 17:50:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 17:36:27 · 14 answers · asked by Farah 2

2007-02-08 17:32:57 · 11 answers · asked by rennie 2

I'm a 26 year old female with no other medical problems. For 2 days, I've been experiencing itching and an overall irritated feeling "down there". I also feel like the outside is swollen and inflammed, and when I look at the inside with a mirror, it appears blood red!! I haven't had any discharge but noticed a slight strange odor. I'm not worried about STD's as I've been monogamous for 6 years with the same person. I'm very worried, especially about the swelling. I have a dr's appt, but it isn't until next Wednesday.

Has anyone ever experienced anything similar, or know what might be causing these symptoms?? Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide.

2007-02-08 17:32:56 · 11 answers · asked by Mr.&Mrs. GreatMindsThink 1

I'm currently sick and don't know how it happened. All I could think of is stress because I'm planning a really big 21st bday and work is probably a factor as well. Plus school on top of it all.

I might be draining myself out, but do you think stress is the factor?

2007-02-08 17:30:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know it is not the same now as it was then.

2007-02-08 17:29:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've heard that there are a lot of advances in IUDs, I haven't had any kids yet but I want to not be on birth control anymore. I am tired of the side effects and have tried several brands without any luck. Is there anyone out there who is or has been on an IUD prior to having children? I'm open to any comments or suggestions. Thanks!

2007-02-08 17:17:59 · 3 answers · asked by luvlygrl 2

It seems like after having had lots of it over time, I can't hold my urine that well... Like the penis pushed into my bladder walls or something... Anyone know anything about this?

2007-02-08 17:14:45 · 2 answers · asked by LB girl 1

Recently, I heard a news report that some state legislators are trying to pass bills that would allow pharmacist to refuse to sell birth control for religious or ethical reasons. Religiously devout people said that the pills prevent conception from taking place and it is a bad thing because couples should always be open to the possibility of conception. IIt is a stupid idea b/c you have to ban other things that prevent conception like condoms, sponges and diaphragms and tubal ligations and vasectomies. What about infertile couples? Should we ban them from marriage because they cannot have children? Let's just say that they pass a birth control ban in a state and women can not use any type of artificial birth control. Are women going to be sucessful with more natural ways to prevent or start pregnancies like the rhythm method.
Besides procreation, sex is to unite the couples souls and for hem to become one body. Certain methods work better for some people. What do you girls think?

2007-02-08 17:09:07 · 7 answers · asked by ? 2

I am very self conscious about my area and am obsessive about keeping it clean. I have always had sex with condoms in the past and I know that with a husband I shouldn't care about this but somehow it bothers me. Does the sperm leak out of you afterwards and for how long? Does it leave a smell? The whole idea sounds discusting!

2007-02-08 17:05:57 · 2 answers · asked by dfische7 2


I am getting a ultrasound tomorrow and I need any advice on how to prepare. One website says drink lots of water one says dont drink anything. Any answers would be highly apreciated.


2007-02-08 16:54:04 · 4 answers · asked by cquintanilla07 1

I tried it because my reaction to the Facial Toner Proactiv made me claw at myself I was sooooooooooooooo itchy. So even though I was seeing results after first week of using it, I couldn't bare the itching. It felt like I had succomed to poison ivy!

My question really is, has anyone tried Pore Perfection? I tried it and it works great, and it smells like Aloe Vera, and I don't seem to have any noticiable reaction to it, however... some hour or so after I have gone through the Cleanser, Toner, and Cream, my face turns a nice "I've just spent and hour in the sun!" colour, and it scared me. Nothing itches, and nothing burns, but why the heck is my face turning that red~?!?

Have you, or do you know someone who has had a similar experience?

Supposedly they both have the exact same ingredients, but my reaction btwn the two brands differs considerably.

2007-02-08 16:47:12 · 2 answers · asked by Autumn Sangria 1

Last year I had a breast reduction, I went from a 44DD to a large C or small D, depending on the brand of bra I buy (very happy with the results). But a year later I'm experiencing hardness/heaviness of the breast and wanted to know is there anything that can be done other than massaging? If you have had a reduction or know of any methods to relieve this feeling. I've gone online, but nothing really speaks of this issue.

2007-02-08 16:31:52 · 2 answers · asked by Sharron_63 1

For the past couple weeks, I've had a VERY odd smell from my discharge. It almost smells like bread but not quite? It looks the same as usual but the odd smell is very obvious. Right when I pull my pants down, BOOM the smell hits me. The last time I visited my boyfriend he went down on me twice and never mentioned anything, and we're very open with each other so I'm assuming it tastes normal as well. (Nice to know, I'm sure)

I've never had intercourse, plus I've been on birth control for years, so I can't be pregnant. Also I've only messed around with my current boyfriend, so I doubt it's an STD. He isn't a virgin, but we've gone out for months so something STD-related would have shown up by now. Could it be a yeast infection?

2007-02-08 16:20:09 · 7 answers · asked by Roni L 1

2007-02-08 16:20:00 · 13 answers · asked by SUPERMAN 4

I have had thyroid and weight problems for the majority of my life. I exercise regularly and eat well. Should Armour help me get thinner?

2007-02-08 16:19:08 · 39 answers · asked by holdmedown087 2

2007-02-08 16:17:27 · 11 answers · asked by Leeann L 1

1 month ago I had a radical hysterectomy. I was finally taken off the foley cath after 3 long weeks...I passed "potty training" by only retaining 65mls, but now my problem is I am having urinary retention and I feel like I must strain and push to go at all. Will this get better or is this my new life?

2007-02-08 16:11:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just curious, because i tried using tampax, and it really hurt, like it burned. Why? and what brand is the easiest in insert?

2007-02-08 16:03:47 · 11 answers · asked by Marie 3

I want it for my birthday, just some collagen or restelyn.

2007-02-08 16:00:46 · 5 answers · asked by Jayme 2

its like 7 days before i get my period.. but im all cranky and possesive with my bf... the way i usually get when i pms... ughh do u think its pms or is it too early?
what r ur symptoms

2007-02-08 15:42:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi i am wondering because i am getting fed up with my period. I just wanted to know if there is anyway that you can stop your body from bloating if so plz help me and please anything i can do or drink i dont want to use pills i am only 13. lol

2007-02-08 15:32:02 · 19 answers · asked by gabby 1

I have been bleeding between periods for about 3 months now. I am 20 and just had a normal pap 1/2007 and i didnt just have an abortion, my blood tests were all normal in 1/2007, i havent taken any new birtch control or stopped any, i have been off since about late 2005. I just had my cycle jan 20's 07 and today once again i started bleeding...
Does any one know what this might be, should i be worried? It starts as a brownish color, which i know from working in the medical field it usually means its old, but it also switches from brown to red and its not excessive but lasts a few days?
Anything? THANKS

2007-02-08 15:31:21 · 7 answers · asked by eRicA 2

I'll be 33 in July, but I'm not ready to have a baby yet. Will I be too old to have a baby at the age of 36?

2007-02-08 15:31:06 · 4 answers · asked by Angelina 2

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