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Women's Health - February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Women's Health

my birth control is too low i guess because i haven't had my period yet and its like the 4th pill... of where i am suppose to get it. will it still protect me? and if i keep taking it, and not getting my period...will that effect my chances of having kids or damage anything?..i am planning on talking with my doctor about this at some point

2007-02-08 12:23:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-02-08 12:18:44 · 5 answers · asked by Sarah 1

I'm in my early 30's, and recently found a lump in my breast. I went to the doctor, and she immediately ordered a mammogram. After the mammogram, the radiologist sent me to a sonogram. He came to visit me after the technician took pics to him and said he was recommending an MRI and biopsy. The lump is pretty large. Maybe one inch in diameter and 3 inches long. It is definately not a cyst, and it isn't breast tissue. The MRI isn't until next week, and the biopsy not scheduled for 2 weeks. (I'm to take all the films from all the previous tests to each new test)
I guess my question is if I should start getting things in order at work in case I have to be gone for surgery or treatment, or just start to worry after I hear from the specialists.

2007-02-08 11:58:43 · 12 answers · asked by Suzanne D 4

i just want to no so i can deside if i should/.

2007-02-08 11:46:13 · 13 answers · asked by GuNthEr'S_girl►♦♠ 2

It will be done lapro, with three incisions. I was told that it is outpatient, which honestly, kind of makes me nervous. Any info about your expereince would be appreciated. Thank you!

2007-02-08 11:43:27 · 3 answers · asked by BriteHope 4

For those of you that are still virgins like me, haven't you wondered sometimes why do people use cetain wholes and why? I'm a vigin but soon won't be becauseI'm engaged

2007-02-08 11:27:22 · 3 answers · asked by hotspiceyfoxy 1

is it normal 2 get strange cravings b4 your period........by strange i mean like 4 food you normally wouldn't want 2 look at let alone eat???

2007-02-08 11:27:13 · 4 answers · asked by the idiot down the road 4

Please! i really need a remedy or a way to prevent this, ive got a formal dance tommorrow and i want my legs to look great! can anybody help?

2007-02-08 11:22:38 · 3 answers · asked by calitexscgal 2

I noticed a huge change in my labito since starting the drug. Has others reported the same results?

2007-02-08 11:22:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

September 6, 2006

To All Concerned:

This letter is to inform the news media, general public and more importantly, women who use the birth control pill Levlite 28.

In February 2006 my wife Veronica was sent by her doctor to see an OB-GYN Dr. Diane Brinkman at the Austin Regional Clinic in Austin, Texas for imaging of a Fibroid Tumor. My wife should have not have been given this drug at her age. During my wife’s visit Dr. Brinkman recorded my wife’s medical history which aside from the tumor was very good health. My wife advised Dr. Brinkman of her complications with her monthly cycles and the doctor gave my wife 30 day samples of Levlite 28.

No verbal or written instructions given.

No verbal or written warnings of this drug were disclosed by Dr. Brinkman.

After about 3wks of using L28 my wife developed symptoms that appeared that she was in some type of cardiac distress and was rushed to the hospital. She was placed in intensive care for several hours and was diagnosed with massive blood clots in both legs and lungs. She was hospitalized for several days.

The damage now is that now my wife must remain on blood thinners for the rest of her life.

She cannot lift anything over 20lbs.

She must wear a medic alert bracelet at all times.

She is easily fatigued.

She suffers from chest discomfort and chronic leg pain.

She cannot work ever again. (She was earning over $600.00 p/w before this happened)

She has been diagnosed with Depression & Anxiety

The family discussed this matter and we decided that someone must be made accountable for this and we agreed that Dr. Brinkman in our opinion was negligent and careless with dispersing this drug to my wife. I did extensive research on Levlite 28 and all the appropriate warnings are posted online and with pharmacies that sell it. However samples are not accompanied with warnings and if that is the norm then the responsibility should be with the medical professionals that supply the product to their patients. But what is disturbing about his case is that my wife should never have been given this drug due to her age and history. My wife has never used birth control pills and was not educated properly on the risk. Other doctors and her current cardiologist agreed that this was improper.

We at this time have sought legal help from several firms in the Austin area only to be denied because of reasons that mystify us. We are told that Levlite 28 is considered a low hormone, low risk drug and the doctor is not responsible for giving verbal warnings and other law professionals are just interested in going after the drug manufacturer. And of course Texas wonderful lawsuit caps that protect health professionals from frivilous lawsuits. This case by no means is frivilous!

Whatever the reasons, my wife is suffering and her life has been changed from someone that was working, shopping, physically active with housework, caring for her grandchildren, etc. Now she mostly sits at home with extremely limited activity.

We have discussed this case with family members, friends and strangers and all are outraged and urge us to get legal satisfaction but lawyers are telling us that there is no case or they are not capable of pursuing this case. Well I will not accept this, nor will the rest of our families.

So we intend to advise the local public of Dr. Brinkman’s casual issue of Levlite 28 and the risks, we will advise all local & national news agencies and hope they will spotlight this incident and investigate any incidents that mirror the events mentioned above. And we will also spread the events in this letter on the World Wide Web especially to women’s magazines and health websites, and all blogs and bulletin boards that appropriately address medical issues for women. We will also advise all consumer groups and regulatory agencies about this matter as well. (For instance Rip-Off Reports.com)

The most important point is to alert the public so no other woman will suffer due to reckless medical consultation or practices.

I and the rest of the family would like to acknowledge and thank the staff at the Round Rock Medical Center in Round Rock, Texas for their outstanding care, professionalism and support for my wife throughout this crisis. You represent what other medical centers and professionals should strive to be across the USA!


Calvin E. Mills

A Husband & Family Declaring War!

February 2007 Update:

Medical expenses have blown to $60,000 and growing. Her health is deteoriating and it may lead to a oncoming heart attack. She needs to be seen by Vascular surgeons and ongoing cardiac checks but when money is tight or non-existent, doctors do not want to see you unless it becomes an emergency. The Texas Medical Board is currently investigating this case and in the mean time Austin Regional Clinic wants us to pay the bill for Brinkmann's services. Basically, they want me to pay them for damaging my wife permenantly! So all bills are sent back with the simple message, "Dr Brinkmann caused the damage, she can pay for it!"

2007-02-08 11:20:34 · 4 answers · asked by ? 1

I had an IUD (Mirena) inserted about a month ago. I still hadnt had a period since giving birth to my baby in November. I got my period about a week later... and it hasnt seemed to go away. I knew I would have spotting and that the first period after having a baby is a little longer, but this is ridiculous. It has been at least a medium flow constantly for 3 weeks. Is something wrong? Is the "spotting" they say you'll have for about the first 3 months just their way of saying you will have a period for 3 months straight?

2007-02-08 11:11:32 · 2 answers · asked by Coco 1

I am having my breast liposuction instead of the traditional cutting. But I want to know if you are happy with the results? What was the healing like what can I expect and if youdont mind the size you were and are now-do the reduction make a big difference in how you feel and wear clothes?

2007-02-08 11:08:52 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Latly I've been feeling a little down...I feel like no one really likes me and all of the suddent for know reason I get angry and sometimes I even yell at the people I love and I say mean things to them. One min. I will be fine and the next min. I will feel all sad and teary. And my heart it hurts, it actully hurts, like someone is squzeing it lightly and the feeling is kind of comeing up through my through. I'm being really moody to, one moment I will be like "I'm never eating again" and the next I will be stuffing my face (even if im not really hungry) I feel tired and drained of enegry I have been haveing very...uneasy thoughts...What should I do? I am only 13...is this normle?? What can I do to help this?? Nothing really bad has happened in my life for a while...

2007-02-08 11:07:31 · 17 answers · asked by Evilbunnyfarts 2

I am concerned about a family member who has recently admitted to being anorexic for almost a year. She consumes between 1200-1500 calories a day and works out for about 40 minutes each day as well. She would like to overcome this by adding more calories into her diet gradually while trying to maintain her low weight, but is very resistant to seeking professional help. While this plan may not be ideal, any help she can recieve will be better than nothing. Any suggestions?

2007-02-08 11:04:37 · 2 answers · asked by SW212 1

haveing spam in chest ,rib, leges

2007-02-08 11:01:39 · 2 answers · asked by Shirley W 1

i am very nervous to get it done. im a virgin and i am going to get on birth control to regulate my periods. i have to get a pelvic exam first. what are some things i need to know like do i need to shave or anything ( lol ) i am so weirded out about having this exam done i am very nervous please let me know what you think ok

2007-02-08 11:00:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I have my sex change I want to save samples of sperm in case I find someone who likes my weird butt in that way.

2007-02-08 10:58:42 · 2 answers · asked by AngelKidd+JeffKidd 3

2007-02-08 10:57:30 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 9 month post-partum, and would like to look into a hormone-free birth control.
How are they put in? How long do they work for? How effective are they? What was your experience with it?

2007-02-08 10:55:22 · 2 answers · asked by naenae0011 7

..and im going to an out of town swimming party after work. is it ok if i swim? is it bad? pls. help. serious answer only.

2007-02-08 10:43:43 · 14 answers · asked by rea del rosario 3

I am 13 and i have had my period for over 2 years now. According to Teenhealth.org a girl should have her first appointment when they first start their period. Should I be going? Or is it no big deal if i don't go. My mom has never brought it up to me about going.

2007-02-08 10:40:20 · 12 answers · asked by Lotsofquestions 2

what do doctors do on the physical before a 12-year-old girl goes into middle school?

2007-02-08 10:31:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-08 10:31:18 · 9 answers · asked by blishkabloff 1

I have recently started using tampons and can easily insert it, but after about 10 minutes it startes to be uncomfortable, like it falling down. Do i need to push it in more? Or try a bigger size? Thank you for the help!

2007-02-08 10:28:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am getting married and the wedding falls on the end of this month, exactly when my period has been happening, how do I delay my period by a week, so I can go on my honeymoon and not have not having to have my period on my wedding day?

2007-02-08 10:26:06 · 5 answers · asked by Rose 4

mine is 80/60 and i dont know what to think now after reading information on the sites.

2007-02-08 10:23:26 · 11 answers · asked by janine e 2

Is it normal for an OBGYN to give a breast exam with a woman's shirt on, and bra on without them going underneath and actually feeling for lumps or no lumps? I have had exams in the past where they physically check under bra, but this time OBGYN did not, she just said it was fine, I don't understand that. Appreciate all adult women to answer.

2007-02-08 10:22:47 · 8 answers · asked by MochaAlmondgt 1

2007-02-08 10:18:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it have to do with your period? or what please answer:)

2007-02-08 10:10:02 · 5 answers · asked by Incredible 3

I've rekindled a relationship that ended ten years ago since my recent divorce. We live now 2 hrs away from each other. I inherrited a lot of money about eight yrs ago that my boyfriend knew about before we rekinled this relationship. He has a problem gambling and I have given him thousands of dollars. We have been together on and off a year now, on and off because he wanted to go back to his ex about six months ago that lasted a few months between them and we are back together now. I fear that his ex has a hold on him emotionally and he is only with me so I can help get him out of debt. He says he plans to move here but obviously hasn't yet. He says he loves me but I don't know if I believe him. So do you think he is using me or does he really love me and do you think he is going to want to go back to his ex that he has cheated on me with before that I fear he may still have feelings for?

2007-02-08 10:02:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

fedest.com, questions and answers