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Other - Health - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

I'm worried about my mom cause she only gets like 4 hours of sleep each night? She looks soooo tired all the time and I'm wondering if this can have long-term effects and could eventually lead to death?

2007-03-28 18:07:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-28 18:03:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i thought i would have to have surgery , but according to my physiotherapist my bones can fuse and i will be ok, i have never heard of this , please help , thankyou

2007-03-28 18:02:57 · 7 answers · asked by suz 2


I was sitting in a chair typing on the pc to someone. Out of nowhere an overwhelming impulse to drive a car appears. I jump up, shut laptop, grab my almost empty soda and proceed to the door. I start putting my shoes on when I notice I'm wearing pajama pants - can't go out like that! I race to my room, my heart is pounding, my body feels like it's flying. I remember it's cold and throw a sweatshirt on. I get in the car and turn it on. I wait for it to roll backwards down the small grade of cement but it's taking forever! Doh - emergency break on. Phew - problem solved. I start driving - make the first turn - under 10 miles an hour, but I can't focus right anymore. I feel like I almost lose control of the car and realize the road isn't working right. I drive about another mile, still flying. And then it happens. My eyes briefly lose all focus and it goes dark. I open my eyes again and keep driving. And suddenly, a shadow of light hits my eye. It's moving side to side in

2007-03-28 17:44:05 · 3 answers · asked by jennainhiding 4

2007-03-28 17:39:04 · 2 answers · asked by Romeo (The Original) 2

i'm 17 and i have a problem with my sweating. I sweat when it's hot or when it's cold or even room temprature. I use deodarant and it doesnt seem like it's helping. I;ve talked to my doctor about it a few times now and she said that it's because of hormones and stuff and that it shoudl go away and stuff. It hasnt at all. I dont know what to do because its a constant embarresment. Does anyone have any suggestions about any deodarants or anything??!

2007-03-28 17:31:09 · 3 answers · asked by bubblicious fun 1

2007-03-28 17:27:30 · 5 answers · asked by C D 2

How old does a person have to be to get contacts?

2007-03-28 17:23:16 · 3 answers · asked by Soon2BMrsCarlson 3

Hello! Im 21/f and I noticed I have had a lazy eye for the past month and a half. I never had this as a kid. Its not very noticeable, but one eye is not moving as fast as the other. What is the cause of this? I have had headaches recently, could this be from it? Should I not even worry about it, seemingly since its not that noticeable?

2007-03-28 17:15:46 · 1 answers · asked by Shannon T 3

I am 5'8 1/2 and 15 yrs old, at 13 i was 5'4 then 14 5'6 now 5'8 1/2.. my bro is 6'1 was 6'1 at 15 and 5'10 at 14. my parents are both shorter than me. so are our grandparents for both sides of my family. do u think il lgrow tall like my bro in a year?
my bro doesnt do much exercising, hes skinny and is the smarty pants, im the tough guy, i play football and im hoping to grow a lil bit taller over the summer to be opened to more positions

2007-03-28 17:08:24 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently stopped taking Lexapro and now I think im getting depressed. I think part of it is depression and the other part is that I am just not happy with my life. I work a minimun wage job and cant stand it. Yet, im 20, and I work with 35-45 year olds who earn the same wage as me and I just wanna like give them my money because I know they have it harder than me, with most of them having families and kids I suppose. I seriously wanna like cry over this. I not only feel this towards co-worker but anyone who is struggling in life, or has other problems. Anyway, taking lexapro kinda put all these feelings on the back burner and I didnt feel any emotion at all. I didnt like that. Some of this is probably depression but, I think alot of it is reality. What to do?

2007-03-28 17:07:52 · 9 answers · asked by Hello11 2

2007-03-28 16:53:41 · 5 answers · asked by apple juice 6

How often do people of different countries and cultures shower?

2007-03-28 16:51:31 · 5 answers · asked by clashingtaco 2

i have BAD Allergys. EVERYTHING i take it ALL makes me tired. it doesnt matter if they are perscriptions or not, they ALL do the same thing. what do u reccomend? i do have a humidifier that i turn on EVERYNIGHT and it does help, but not to the whole effect i want. any advaice would be GREAT! thanx yall

i think im allergic to the pollen. its EVERYWHERE, i moved last July to East Texas and my body isnt used to the pollen bein' everywhere. will i get used to this by next year, and the years to come? ive NEVER had allergys like this b4 till i moved here.

AND YES i know that this isnt a cold, it IS allergys Thanx Again YALL!
i have a stuffy nose, and my eyes sometimes hurt, and i have a sore thorat from all the drainage

2007-03-28 16:49:20 · 8 answers · asked by ○HiD○ 4

I have G6PD, what i can't eat and smell or etc?

2007-03-28 16:47:15 · 1 answers · asked by Joshua 1

I have G6PDA, what i can't eat and smell or etc?

2007-03-28 16:46:09 · 1 answers · asked by Joshua 1

2007-03-28 16:45:39 · 3 answers · asked by pralims 1

I've had unstoppable diarrhea for over 2 1/2 days now. My stomach is "gurgling" and now my butt is starting to get real sore. I took an anti-diarrheal, but it hasn't kicked in...what can I do? It's getting real annoying and painful!

2007-03-28 16:37:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi. Three weeks ago the doctor put a stent is to prevent the kidney stones from blocking. Today I had it removed. Whenever I go to the bathroom I see blood in urine. Is this normal? If so, for how long?

2007-03-28 16:33:49 · 1 answers · asked by Claude B 2

2007-03-28 16:30:59 · 7 answers · asked by daniella 4

I'm a girl, and I'm turning 17 in a few months
I'm 4'11 and I HATE BEING so short, its my BIGGEST Insecurity.

2007-03-28 16:26:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been on Lexapro for about 6 mo.s for depression. I don't notice a huge difference, I think it may have helped some. I still have the same anxiety.

I started gaining weight, 10lbs so far, and don't want to keep taking it if I could do without it, as I take so much other medication. I hope to get off of much of it; try more natural things, and most are very expensive.
I've heard of people taking it for a period.

I hope I can find information here about how it feels to get off of it, or even if I reduce it to 5mg. I take 10mg now.
What type of side effects, how severe, for how long. How long will I be a menace? Kidding.
I have been pretty sensitive to getting on and off meds in the past, meaning I get side effects. I can tolerate it and 'get through it' if it's not too horrible.

I forgot to take the Lexapro for a day or two in the beginning. when I was traveling. Boy did I have crying spells, which I've never had, and felt bad. I didn't make the connection until later.

2007-03-28 16:14:51 · 2 answers · asked by Marie123 3

i am doing a project on if caffiene raises people blood pressure and i have to research of how long do u have to wait to test ur blood after drinking the caffiene? help soon please

2007-03-28 16:10:16 · 2 answers · asked by anthony_jim323 1

what time on weekends? Weekdays?

Weekdays I usually wake up at about 12:00 to 2:00 (yes I get that tired)

2007-03-28 16:00:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

..hmm..my brother is a stoner.well i sswear he is,but he says he isnt.and i do know he does it cos i found his pipe.but how do you know if someone is a stoner?..is there any..clues.or whatever?

2007-03-28 16:00:03 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

could you please help my through it,I have to present a presentation about overcoming obesity. please give me some funny and creative ways, thank you

2007-03-28 15:56:49 · 13 answers · asked by m_munderlinek 1

I just donated some blood two days ago and it was my second time. The process went smoothely just as it did my last time until the phlebotomist took the needle out and told me to raise my arm up...
That's when it happened, my hand went numb when I raised it, I started getting nauseated and for the rest of the day I felt horrible and could barely eat. I would also get very tired from walking and I just couldn't climb up stairs without wanting to pass out and only wanted to sleep for the rest of the day.
I was wondering if it was because I didn't have a proper meal. Or maybe I should've waited longer before donating? I really want to donate again but now my family seems very against me doing anymore...I even want to look into bone marrow donations (if I could, I would donate everyday :D I like needles and the fact that I'm contributing).

2007-03-28 15:38:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do people actually have nosebleeds when thinking dirty thoughts? Or is that a common myth... if it is true, why?

2007-03-28 15:37:57 · 13 answers · asked by Kathy 2

i'm going 2 have a late night tonight and need a way to stay awake w/o caffeine (sp?)


2007-03-28 15:27:23 · 7 answers · asked by kbeauty 4

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