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Other - Health - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

I am 13 years old and I get stomach aches like everyday and I have had them every since I can remember(and its not mi period because i can tell when it is and when it isnt) can anyone please give me some home remiedes please or anything I can do during school because sometimes it starts hurting in school also thank you so much!

2006-12-02 06:58:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Will taking one be bad? I'm not sure if I took one this morning because I take it a 4:30am. I'm afraid that if I did take it and not know it, that taking another one would be bad.

2006-12-02 06:57:39 · 4 answers · asked by Nessy K 2

Ive had a head cold for the past week and my winter formal is in 6 days so i need to get better by then. I have a temp of 101.4 and my head feels like it wants to explode. That and I can't eat anything or I get sick...what can i do to feel better?

2006-12-02 06:53:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my lil sister who is 9 were in the bathroom and I was doing her hair and she started telling me her stomach hurt and then she said she couldn't see anything and I kept asking her ? and she fainted on me and I picked her up and she started throwing up in the sink then she was fine.....now she is a lil pale but she is up playing again....

The dr. said a while back that she was going to be starting her period soon...could that be a result?

2006-12-02 06:44:52 · 12 answers · asked by atchisons2006 2

My Dad's 5'9, My Mom's 5'6.
My concern is because of athletics (height means a lot in sports) and I'm not certain I can rely on genetics. I'm the tallest in my whole family (extended too). I haven't gotten my full facial hair yet so I'm assuming that I'll still grow at least some. I lift weights and I've heard things such as weightlifting can stunt growth, although I've read no conclusive information concerning this. It does seem possible since it puts pressure on the spine. I want to be extremely tall. Julius Irving grew from 6'1 at my age to 6'6 at 25 so I use that as an inspiration but I know thats only his genes.

Question...how can I, by physical means (stretching, meditation, visualization...anything!) , maximize my potential height?

2006-12-02 06:38:58 · 5 answers · asked by J M 2

will i have healthy skin, hair etc? wot will happen? in other words, wot r da benefits from it?

2006-12-02 06:27:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-02 06:14:10 · 13 answers · asked by Pook 2


what is the best way to get rid of intigestion? i get it alot and it lasts for hours! please help!

2006-12-02 05:23:30 · 11 answers · asked by Claire 1

... what is one thing that can guarantee to buckle your knees, and have you serve up offerings and sacrifices to the porcelain god?

2006-12-02 05:20:05 · 5 answers · asked by raydeeo_face 2

today i blacked out when i got up adn fellinto the couch and im only 14 this happens alot and like if im up adn i think about getting dizzy and **** it jsut happens wtf wis going on here this isnt normal

2006-12-02 05:07:09 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I lost my voice. I have a cold and I had to talk loud in a club last night (music was soooo loud) so I really strained my voice. Today my voice is practically gone. How can I get it back?

2006-12-02 05:02:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I go to the eye doctor (not sure how to spell the correct name), will they say I need to wear glasses? I see perfectly fine when both of my eyes are open, and have no more trouble than anyone else seeing anything on the boards at school.

If the doctor says I do need glasses, could I get contact lenses, and just wear them in my bad eye? That's what my dad does, and it seems to work fine for him.

(I'm 12, if that helps at all)

2006-12-02 04:54:05 · 9 answers · asked by Supernova 4

Please help me... I need free, easy techniques to keep me calm in the face of a mad house.. I left uni and all my friends this year, am currently looking for a job, I have four very needy dogs (chihuahuas) around my ankles (only one of them is mine), living with a father in law that I can't stand and am looking for a way to calm down and ease up on it all... please help me!

p.s. I know so many others have it far worse than me but it doesn't stop me feeling stressed to the max :S

2006-12-02 04:47:50 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think my friend is taking Ritalin when she doesn't have a ADHD condition. What does this do for people that take it that do not have the condition?

2006-12-02 04:28:24 · 5 answers · asked by Britni Gayle 2

was it worth it? how much did you end up paying? do you put drops in your eyes everyday? any side effects?

best answer gets 10 points!

2006-12-02 04:16:09 · 1 answers · asked by bob888 3

For the past several months I have had what seems to be fluid in my ear. When I turn my head a certain way or if I am upside down working on something the fluid will move and I hear popping and my hearing is considerably diminished in my right ear. I have tried warm water, alcohol, qtips, vinger and alcohol mixed. I still have not been able to correct the problem. To regain my diminished hearing in my right ear I have to pinch my nose and blow to make my ear pop. I dont have insurance and I dont want to go to the doc. Anyone have any solutions?

2006-12-02 04:09:12 · 5 answers · asked by cdoubie 1

I feel awful!!!!! Any tried and true remedies? Favorite over the counter medication?

2006-12-02 04:06:48 · 2 answers · asked by curious 1

2006-12-02 04:01:43 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i've always wondered,what causes hiccups???

2006-12-02 03:55:07 · 12 answers · asked by ~~♥♥♥~~ 2

Im 22 years old student and I wonder If I should get glasses...

My situation is like this: I see bad with my left eye. With bad I mean that I can not read the text in the books if I only use the left eye. Everything is very blurry -like a transparent plastic is in front of my eye.

While with my right eye I see perfect. So when Im reading I think that I use both eyes.

Should I get glasses or lenses or what do u recommend dear yahooanswers users?

Do you think this problem can give me some problems with consentration?

2006-12-02 03:52:29 · 6 answers · asked by Evgeni 2

I asked this in another cateogory too because I wasn't sure where to put it.

2006-12-02 03:52:24 · 1 answers · asked by alexis 2

2006-12-02 03:39:53 · 8 answers · asked by Joyce D 2

I dont know if Non English folk have heard of this so its best to move on!
i am just very curious how it penetrates and relieves pain!

2006-12-02 03:33:51 · 4 answers · asked by ☺Everybody still loves Chris!♥▼© 6

2006-12-02 03:25:15 · 2 answers · asked by paresh p 1

im also a bit breathless. Any ideas what could be wrong with me. I went to a doc and they put me on anti depressants. im not depressed i just feel like crap!

2006-12-02 03:22:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am "healthy," 24 years old, and without health insurance...

I am tryin to figure out waht has been up with me.

EVERY day for about a month now I get a pretty annoying headache... around where my neck meets my hair line... the pain is mostly on the bottom of my head and my neck.

In addition to this (and this is what scares me most) I am lightheaded and borderline "dizzy" most of the day as well. It seems the only time I have relief I am asleep. Its almost as if my equilibrium is off. It appears to be particularly noticable when I'm driving, when my eyes are closed, or at night.

I have no idea what this is... I am going to an eye doctor Monday to see if maybe my RX is outdated... I am seeing a Chiro today... friends say maybe a sinus infection could do this... but I'm usually only stuffy when I wake up, and its been over 30 days.
I am not going to go to a DR. unless I absolutely have to; if that happens I'll get insurance first... so they can cover MRI etc. Thoughts?

2006-12-02 02:43:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

will it not bring side effects or contraindications?

2006-12-02 02:25:37 · 1 answers · asked by maydy217 1

Has anybody else had this winter viral thing:

Aching body parts
Loss of voice
Pounding headache
No taste
No Smell

How long does it last? Ive had it since Tuesday..... and its not going away. Just when you think it has it comes back again.
Any tips on what I should be doing to feel better?

Doc won't give antibiotics because its viral. So just be taking paracetamol (painkiller) cough syrup and inhaling.

Feel like Cr...........................p!

2006-12-02 02:20:28 · 4 answers · asked by lollipoppett2005 6

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