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Mental Health - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

2006-08-13 17:55:48 · 18 answers · asked by hail2mech 1

Im very insecure about what I do, you know at parties and all that. The reason I dont do things is Im so worried about what everyone else will think. I dont want to make any enemies or be thought less of. I know its a tough **** world, and that this is a common problem but I just want to know why I feel like this or how I can change it. Just hate that feeling that everyones talking behind me back, making fun of me or making **** up. It gets so bad I'm almost afraid to move sometimes. how can i shake this?

2006-08-13 17:52:33 · 6 answers · asked by John Paul Jones 2

So I've had 3 interviews in the past week and am waiting for a call back for at least one.. My credit card was stolen and now has like 300 bucks charged on it (the company basically told me "tough luck"), my best friend just went into rehab, I have absolutely no time to myself (Will be working two jobs, and going to school full time), and I'm going back to college in like two weeks in more debt than I anticipated.. What can I do to relax?

2006-08-13 17:48:29 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it sounds a bit insulting to call it a mental hospital...isn't there a more politically correct name to call it?

2006-08-13 17:41:05 · 42 answers · asked by Sarah 4

I was the sole caretaker for my mother in law when she has Altzheimer's, and my dad when he had Parkinson's. Dad developed a brain tumor, so the last month was even harder. This was one after the other without much of a break in between. How long after they passed away did it take you to deal with it all emotionally?

2006-08-13 17:27:40 · 6 answers · asked by mightymite1957 7

with a panic attack/ heart palpatations.. i didnt even know i was worried or anxious..anyways read all about the side affects and wanted to know peoples first hand experience with the drug? did it help you? did it make you suecidal? ect...just your experience . thanks

2006-08-13 17:25:43 · 7 answers · asked by Z 4

I dont drink hardly at all, maybe, 3 times a year, if any, but why do I feel uncomfortable going to drinking parties. Whenever I'm there I feel wierd, its kind of hard to describe. It seems like I have to impress, or do something to get attention, not that I'm starved for attention or anything like that, just that I feel like I gotta do something I dont think other people are looking down on me for not doing anything

2006-08-13 17:20:14 · 13 answers · asked by John Paul Jones 2

its probably my borderline personality disorder. but i hate you all so much!!! so many of you are so mean and filled with hate. and its making me be filled with hate yet i cant stop answering all your stupid dumb ignorant questions!!!! i think all of you including myself belong in a mental hospital. why is all this crap so intertaining to us??? really think about what you are doing. does it seem stupid?

2006-08-13 17:14:52 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Anyone with results? I am only about 7 1/2 inches. I would like to gain 2-3 inches.

2006-08-13 16:46:25 · 6 answers · asked by johnneedsaname4 1

I finished university last year and started work right away. I hated my job and the company I worked for, so I left after only 6 months in order to pursue something better, but turned out I had the lowest level of motivation to do that!! I have been unemployed for 4 months now, simply because I've sent out a total of 6 resumes during the whole 4 months!! (and been to one interview) I don't know what's wrong with me!! I still very much want a job, and it's not like I have money!! My credit cards are maxed out!! But for some reason I don't seem to panic or get depressed!! I somehow lack the tiniest amount of motivation!! ... Do you think I'm actually depressed and don't know it??

2006-08-13 16:45:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why am i the only one to get yelled at?
Why wont anyone listen to my side of the story?
Why dont people listen to me?
Why do people think they had nothing to do with my problems? Why do i expect people on here not to yell at me, but they do? Why cant i speak in front of people?
Why do people judge me?
Why do people make fun of me?
Why am i shy?
Why do people look down on me?
Why do people tease my red hair?
Why do people think im anorexic?
Why does everyone have a problem with me getting mad when they made me angry in the first place?
Why am i telling this to stangers who will just tell me to not be a baby, or to calm down?
Why cant people accept the fact that to calm down i yell at stuff till im calm! BUT THAT ONLY MAKES ME MORE HYPER!?
Why cant people see the real me?
Why cant people stop calling me a spoiled brat just because i have a 20 inch flat screen tv, computer, and dvd player in my room! and i didnt even want the dvd player!?

2006-08-13 16:31:35 · 16 answers · asked by . 3

"Inevitable" said our old family optician, the notes on his desk precursors of ultimate darkness.
"Find a new love" you would have said my dear Gwen, had I been there with you at the end. Your family's lasting hatred of us drove me to dispair.
Born to vision, how will I now note he little signs that marked our love?
Will my mind sink behind my eyes as will my sight.
Can I hold my darling in memory to light my lasting night till age and infirmity rob me of all?
Deeply troubled, Rose P.

2006-08-13 16:22:57 · 7 answers · asked by rose p 7

2006-08-13 16:21:48 · 5 answers · asked by Patrick 2

She's mentioned things like hating her legs and says she knows which side of her face is her "better side". Even when she recieves compliments like "you're so pretty" she answers them with things like uhhhh no i don't think so, or ahhhh no i hate my nose. She always seems to notice things like mirrors or reflections that make her legs look long, and takes lots of pictures of herself and us when we go out for fun. It seems like all her poses are slightly fake and done so that she looks her best. How can I help her feel comfortable and be herself?

2006-08-13 16:10:19 · 12 answers · asked by ~*~ 1

I seem to find almost everything funny! i never saw that as a problem, until we had to do presentations for geograhy class.
everything was fine until i had to saw the word "ob" then i burst out laughing and i couldnt stop! i laugh when i get screamed at, i laught when im mad, i laugh at things that aretn funny.....

2006-08-13 16:06:00 · 9 answers · asked by . 3

I've got obsessive compulsive disorder (no, not as bad as the guy on "Monk"). I don't freak out over cleanliness, I just have to have a lot of things places in a specific way. It doesn't bother me, but I had a dorm roommate that had to get a different room because he couldn't deal with it. I actually live in an appartment now (I can't live on the East side of the campus), but people still complain about it when they come over. Should I do something about it? See a doctor, maybe? I don't know if they can do anything, though.

2006-08-13 16:04:45 · 22 answers · asked by Sydney 2

I have to get up for the first day of school tomorrow really early, and i always have issues with falling asleep it takes like a few hours what should i eat/drink/take to allow me to fall asleep very quick within the next few hours (i already took one capsul of tylenol to maybe help me get tired)

2006-08-13 15:48:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a Philosophy, Cinema, Psychology student at NYU. Last semester my philosophy class was discussing the ethics of suicide. My class came to the conclusion that suicide is completely justifiable.

Your life belongs to you and not anyone/anything else. If a person is suffering physically or mentally, with no chance of improvement it alone would justify the cause of suicide.

I don't understand why suicide is still heavily frowned upon especially here in the United States. I can imagine a strong religious element, but that doesnt concern me at all as I dont believe in God, Jesus, Afterlife, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, ect. So why cant suffering people just go to the pharmacy - pick up some cyanide in a pill, take it while in bed and die peacefully instead of having to huddle in some motel leaving a mess by blowing their brains out with a shotgun? I certainly would take that option of suicide if it arises.

This, again, is from an agnostic/humanist standpoint.

2006-08-13 15:40:42 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

How long have you had it, what symptoms do you get, how long do they last...and how do you feel when you are supposedly feeling 'normal'. can you try and answer them all if thats ok thank you

2006-08-13 15:39:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


okay, so i was wondering if there's a name for this. i don't like it if people see me when i'm asleep. i dont know, i think its cause i dont like it that im not in control of myself while im asleep or something. i just hate the thought of someone seeing me sleeping. is this a phobia or something? is there a name for it? does anyone else feel this way? i know it's weird.

2006-08-13 15:36:55 · 9 answers · asked by softballkid4ever 2

Im taking 20mg of Lexapro and ever since I have been having extremely vivid dreams. Like when I dream about a person, when I see them in real life, I can't remember if what we did was a dream or not. I even dream things that make me cry and I will wake up crying. that's never happened to me before. anyone with similar things happen to them while taking these meds?

2006-08-13 15:29:11 · 6 answers · asked by jkeys00 3

How many of you who suffer from depression also have a hard time keeping up with the housecleaning?

Also, how many of you have a weight problem due to depression?

I struggle with both of these issues and wondered how many others do. Thanks everyone.

2006-08-13 15:23:05 · 9 answers · asked by ShineOn 4

I have a severe fear of ghosts-or really those one ghosts that can hurt you. I forget what their called but their the ones that can harm you...Just the thought of ghosts scares the crap out of me. My mom told me our house was haunted and I've always thought that but now that I know it's true it really scares me. I can't sleep at night for fear a ghost will kill me in my sleep. And at night I'll hear noises and creepy things like that and I get very freaked out. I always feel as if I'm being watched and it's turning into paranoia. Even commecials for scary movies give me nightmares. How can I make this stop? By the way I'm thirteen. {For three days now.}

2006-08-13 15:04:47 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-13 14:57:48 · 30 answers · asked by justmenotu 2

2006-08-13 14:48:54 · 9 answers · asked by firered 2

Or are you simply a sophophobic?

2006-08-13 14:34:04 · 1 answers · asked by Melissa420 2

I don't mean crazy psyco anger....but like the kind from flying off the handle, short fuses, tempers..and stuff. And how do you prevent yourself from saying hurtful and mean things when you are really ticked?

2006-08-13 14:31:55 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many out there are faking their mental illness just to get pills or be on social securtiy benefits? i know there is alot of you! but you wouldn,t admit it.

2006-08-13 14:30:43 · 16 answers · asked by lizardlover42000 4


2006-08-13 14:26:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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