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Mental Health - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

2006-08-05 23:57:56 · 10 answers · asked by iffy for u 1

2006-08-05 23:31:16 · 11 answers · asked by Eric Inri 6

some persons can get on disability who are bipolar and some are turned down. Why is this?

2006-08-05 22:52:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im depresed. I dont know what to do. I have recently and through out my whole life been through alot.I just had my b/f brake up with me then meet another guy who only has one thing on his mind. My family is going through alot and im feel sad and i always cry about stuff. Im not sayin i want to take my life i just need someones advise or how can i get over this. I dont feel like the same person inside anymore i want to change that but i dont know how. So please help.

2006-08-05 22:27:17 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

scheduled for Colonscopy. Dr. had me lie back & he pulled down my pants & felt all over my belly WITHOUT a nurse or anyone in the room; i got to thinking AFTER arrived Home-- Does Male Doc supposed to have female present in Room when he did THAT? OR IS IT supposed to be only WHEN doing pap-smear, or/etc.?
Just curious? -- comments? 50 plus yr. old female in Ga.--USA.

2006-08-05 22:00:22 · 11 answers · asked by Brown Eyed Susan 2

2006-08-05 21:49:49 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 21:41:47 · 5 answers · asked by Brown Eyed Susan 2

every time i want to get hard for the old lady, the only thing that makes me hard is to pour warm pepto bismol all over myself while im thinking of hop-scotch and pringles, do i have a problem? can it be generic pepto bismol? shÄt is spendy.

2006-08-05 21:15:41 · 12 answers · asked by soberobest 2

I was just sitting in the living room the first time it happened watching tv.....my female cat Janine walked in and I got an erection...but lately it's been happening more and more often ...do you think maybe it's something else and maybe just a concidence or do you have think I have a thing for my cat???

2006-08-05 21:03:00 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you say to yourself if you were George W Bush and you were standing in front of a mirror, shaving?

2006-08-05 20:53:52 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my problem is when i started reading my book after some minutes i fall asleep. i am not able concentrate on my studies .some unwanted imagining come in my mind.(i.e)thinking about my career .also i have problem of inferiority complex,and lack of self confidence,fears to speak with high officials ,my aim is to study well but i am suffering with this big problem.SO KINDLY SUGGEST SOME GOOD IDEAS TO CLEAR THESE PROBLEM . I WILL BE THANKFUL TO THE PEOPLE WHO SUGGEST IDEAS THAT SOLVE MY PROBLEM. looking for yours answer eagerly

2006-08-05 20:08:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm really becoming aged. I have one year of my 30's left. I'm looking for answers from old people (40+) about how to handle leaving my 30's and entering old age. If you are under 30 you are too young to answer this.

2006-08-05 19:55:11 · 20 answers · asked by mitten 5

does anybody take trazodone my pain management dr prescribed it to me to help me sleep.im scared to try it can anybody tell me the good or bad efects it has.thanks

2006-08-05 19:53:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-08-05 19:39:17 · 2 answers · asked by ... 3

ive been in recovery from incest for the past 10 years. i am a female and i was molested by my father. im in therapy, taking meds for my depression and have done many a 12 step meeting.

im not able, however, to make 12 step meetings like i used to due to my work schedule. can anyone suggest any tools for continued work? i know about the courage to heal; ive never had the concentration to do their companion workbooks. i guess im just looking for some new resources - websites/books/groups. i feel like ive seen everything, you know? ive done well but more work is needer, of course. thank you. by the way, if anyone is interested in checking out a 12 step meeting for incest survivors - highly recommended - go here : http://www.siawso.org/index.html. if theres not one in your area, start one or try al-anon, as the principles translate well : http://www.al-anon.alateen.org/english.html

2006-08-05 19:27:41 · 3 answers · asked by 296.33 1

I may have mispelled it, but it's when the Doc looks up in the Colon with a light ? any answers appreciated! also - how long did it take and what preparations before it? like: eating only broth? and clear liquids and enema ? laxative ?

2006-08-05 19:22:07 · 11 answers · asked by Brown Eyed Susan 2

2006-08-05 19:18:32 · 10 answers · asked by Brown Eyed Susan 2

my parents keep yelling at me even though i told them i cant sleep no matter what! is there a way to fall asleep without seeing a doctor or medicine, cause nothings working?!

2006-08-05 19:13:17 · 7 answers · asked by . 3

2006-08-05 18:25:56 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like wont leave my house until everything is perfect ! Is anyone else like this? Also I keep checking and counting things.

2006-08-05 17:54:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

my seven year is hyperactive in my eyes,recently he went to see the school paedtrician,they said he scored low on his school teacher questonaire :(we did the conners one:),but he said on the questnaire that i did he scored high points on oppostional behaviour and scored low points on inattention behavoiur , and borderline on hyperactivity,and adhd index can someone please tell me what this means as i don't understand fully what he his saying,, if he is hyperactive or not the letter don't make sense to me,,,, thanks its much apprecited ,,,or if anyone has the same probs with there child please tell me what it means ,,,

2006-08-05 17:45:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

So, its pretty evident that I am seriously depressed. Im not real sure how to explain it. Im 19 and I wanna know how I go to get some kind of help, whether just medicine, or a therapist or something. I have no insurance, b/c all that sh!t is screwed up, so what can I do. What exactly do I tell a doctor. I think im depressed or what!???

I just want to not feel like this!!


2006-08-05 17:41:00 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf wants to take me on a nice romantic vacation, but I refuse to fly. I'm soooooooo scared. On 9/10/01 I had a dream I was in a plane and suddenly a fireball shot from the cockpit into the cabin and I died. I think it was a sort of premonition of 9/11. Now I'm way too scared to fly. Is anyone else super scared to fly?

2006-08-05 17:20:46 · 5 answers · asked by summer_ella_06 2

what would you do if you keep going to dirty sites addiction but u REALLY want to STOP it...

i always promise to myself that i won't go in any but i still keep going there,,

i don't wana go in any dirty sites :(

2006-08-05 17:16:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 33 years old. I weigh 340lbs and only 5'7". I suffer from borderline personality disorder, which means I hate myself, I feel lost and alone all the time, and I cut myself to feel better, and as a punishment as well, because I'm not good enough for anyone: not my parents, my brother, friends, or God. I have over $10,000 in credit card debit. I work two deadend jobs which don't pay for crap. I'm so tired all the time from all the psych medication I take for my problems (much of which don't seem to work) and I can't afford therapy right now and I haven't had a date or anything else with a woman in over 4 1/2 years. Can someone please tell me why I should get out bed in the morning? And don't give me a religious answer. Where was He when I was molested as a child or ignored by my parents or felt so alone and in so much pain and just wanted to die as a teen . Can someone please give a me a reason, please? Because I can't really think of one.

2006-08-05 17:09:32 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 33 years old woman .i have baby daughter who is 5 .
im divorced and i feel guilty for her .i cant be close to any guy
im afraid if i do this never can find myself ,i cant make decision to come back and live just for my girl,i didnt love my ex and i even unable to have a sex with him,please introduce me if u know someone who can help me ,thanks

2006-08-05 16:41:52 · 15 answers · asked by Kathie 2

I was diagnosed with ocd and someone I know says she understands, but she dosen't know the half of what goes on in my mind. Can people that don't have it really understand? I feel like I'm alone and no one knows what I'm going through. Does anyone else with ocd feel this way??

2006-08-05 16:39:53 · 11 answers · asked by bookworm1885 2

I get really annoyed at everyone. People in stores, people in parking lots, people at school.. Do I just have anger issues? I never say or do anything rude to people. I'm very polite and nice. In fact I am very non confrontational. So why does nearly every person drive me crazy??????

2006-08-05 16:37:50 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean have you ever been so mad out of control with venom spilling out of your mouth. Only to regret your behavior and feel like you werent yourself during your episode of anger. Do demons play games with humans entering in and out... Is there degrees or levels of being possessed like mild and severe? What does it mean when people say "they saw red"

2006-08-05 16:18:08 · 17 answers · asked by smilingontime 6

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