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Other - General Health Care - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Other - General Health Care

My fiance has a metal hip, he had his hip replacement when he was 16, he has to have it replaced at least every 10 years, he is 22 now and every 5 years his hip has to be checked he has an appointment with the dr on the 31st (8 days after his 23rd birthday) and he's been having a lot of pain in his artificial hip lately I'm afraid that he'll have to get it replaced again, he has a fear of hospitals and surgery I work full time I can't work and care for him at the same time, also we're planning kids for the future and his Mum told me that by the time he's 35 or 40 he may end up in a wheelchair as there are only so many hip replacements he can have, I feel bad that each time we have sex he gets pains in his hip but there's nothing I can do I'm scared and I feel helpless

2007-10-11 19:45:15 · 7 answers · asked by ? 3

I've heard that the artificial sweetner in diet sodas can cause migraines and maybe siezures in those who are suseptible to seizures. Has anyone else heard of this?

2007-10-11 18:33:05 · 12 answers · asked by Tommy Thompson 4

2007-10-11 18:21:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what is wrong. I am 14.

Every time I stand up from sitting down I get extremely dizzy, and loose my vision. And sometimes I can feel my face go pale. Like I can feel the blood leave my face.

What happens with my vision is...the best way I can describe it is its like static on a TV. It goes all "staticy" and the farther I try walking the more vision I lose. And eventually it goes completely black. But my vision always comes back really quick after that. But during all of this im really dizzy. The other day I even fainted because of this.

Its always worse after I watch TV or stare at any screen and then get up.

If I need to give more details just ask. But please. Any help is appreciated.

2007-10-11 16:52:26 · 6 answers · asked by trixiepuff05 1

Ok, for some reason, when I am jam packed with a lot of homework to do, I start working on it and get really tired. Then I'll sit down to cool off and just fall asleep. Even when I study I'll fall asleep. I am pretty sure it's the fact that I am looking at the massive amounts of homework as opposed to the one small individual assignment. This has occured very frequently lately, and I keep falling asleep during the day as opposed to at night, forcing me to stay up pretty late, and thus making it even worse.

I also fall asleep in class, which isn't good. When we are reading a story out of the text book, I find it hard to keep up with the speaker, because I either read too fast or too slow. And because I can't listen and read at the same time, it's hard for me, so my body completely shuts down.

It's gotten really bad lately, and I am not finding time to do what I need and want to do, and a bunch of time just slacking off and wandering.

Anyone have any suggestions?

2007-10-11 16:07:52 · 14 answers · asked by exo_kopaka 2

I eat right, exercise 4 days a week, meditate...the whole deal, yet I cannot sleep at night from worry. Can someone please inform me of any over the counter sleep aids, or inexpensive prescribed sleeping pills that could help me. I used Trazadone for a while, but it gave me sinus troubles...completely congested me every night, which would in turn keep me awake. Help, once again :)

2007-10-11 15:34:50 · 5 answers · asked by peaceseeker 2

Does coffee give you excessive diarrhea? I love my morning cup a joe, but the last few years it sends me running for the toilet at least 3 or 4 times!! I tried not using milk or sugar, but still got the runs. I can't let go of my morning joe! Conversely, other caffeinated drinks don't do this to me, like coke or red bull. What's up?? I've had a colonoscopy, and DREAD ever having to do that again. I fear talking to my doc about it, since I think he'll suggest another colonoscopy. YUCK. I woke up during the last one and cursed everyone in the room out. They were shocked!!! I mean, you're NOT supposed to come out of the twilight sleep. Leave it to me....lol. So what can I drink besides coffee for an early morning jolt that's hot and sweet?

2007-10-11 13:13:32 · 6 answers · asked by bijou 4

Just yesterday I had a really annoying dose of hick-ups and i was just wondering what causes them.

2007-10-11 10:34:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I tried it last week and felt like crap. My memory was weaker and my movements were sloth like. I'll never do that again, I'm back to 8 hours now and feel really refreshed after. How about you?

2007-10-11 10:11:18 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well when i go swimming I try and stay underwater for a long time i know this can be dangerous and you can pass out but i know my limit but soemtimes when i come up and have maybe pushed myself too much e.g 2.25 seconds i start to see black and my jaw goes funny i feel sleepy and extrmely light headed i was wondering of this is damaging my brain and whether it has any dier concequences?

2007-10-11 09:53:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not sure if it is even wax but there is something clogging my ears! :( How can I treat it at home?

2007-10-11 09:12:20 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous


yes or no to glasses,do i need them
blurrie eyes
cant see that much far away
eyes hurt

2007-10-11 08:52:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had to get a urine test today at the hospitable today for a bladder infection. Will they know that I smoked weed last night?

2007-10-11 06:54:13 · 26 answers · asked by sadjflkasjflsajfasflsajfdas 1

I'm thinking it'd be like getting a check-up about as often as you change the oil on the car, more health and nutrition counseling, working with one physician who knows you well, etc. Rather than "hey, I'm in agonizing pain, what's up?" like we usually do.

Not sparking a political debate here... just thinking about how prevention is cheaper than cure...

Your thoughts?

2007-10-11 04:13:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has now been 6months since i was raped by a stanger and i cannot deal with it. Three weeks ago i moved into university accomodation and am living with people who i dont really know. Do i tell them about the rape or shall i just carry on pretending nothing happened? I dont want to make them feel awkward around me but i cant stand it when they joke about things like rape. If they knew then maybe it would be easier, but at the same time it could make it 10times harder. What are your thoughts of what i should do?

2007-10-11 03:59:36 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-11 03:41:17 · 11 answers · asked by Troy 6

a) What kills more people religion or cancer?
b) What kills more people religion or shark attack?
c) What kills more people religion or car accidents?
d) What kills more people religion or AIDS?

Answering (R) for religion or (O) for other
What do you think?

2007-10-11 02:15:08 · 3 answers · asked by Mad n Bad 3

It has been going on for about a week now. Several hours after I wake up I find that I am somewhat sleepy again, and I usually give in and go to sleep. Today I slept about 14-15 hours. I'm becoming concerned, why so suddenly am I always tired? What could be causing this, and should I be worried? Thanks. :)

2007-10-10 18:16:59 · 10 answers · asked by Mizzy 3

And a Man wearing all black clothing about looking like a *homeless man* was laying on the ground! smelled real bad I mean really bad. Well I know he has a mental illness.

2007-10-10 18:14:32 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Arab. and/or Chinese?

2007-10-10 18:00:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

explain every detail!!!!!

2007-10-10 17:01:44 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do they really contain ingredients equal to those that you need a prescription to buy?

2007-10-10 13:11:38 · 2 answers · asked by errbyleerby 2

I have non-epileptic seizures.They are similar to grand-mal seizures.The doctors have told me i cannot drive until i am seizure free for at least 6 months.Which also means,i cannot work because i dont have a way to get to a job,if i cannot drive.Am i wrong to apply for disability benefits until i can drive again? So many ppl abuse the disability system that dont need it.I just want to know if i should apply or not?

2007-10-10 11:13:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

These past two days I have been extremely tired. So tired that i have had to take a nap on my lunch breaks the past two days. I have never done this before. The moment I wake up to all day i am tired! I have gotten my eight hours of sleep the past two nights so its not like i am lacking any sleep. i am not on any medications exept for Clomid (fertility drug). Sleepiness is not one of its side effects and even if it was it is to late for side effects now. Any ideas what this could be if anything???? Please help.

2007-10-10 09:47:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

morning confirmed that. I only felt a little dizzy and weak when I woke up, but I had a few sips of orange juice and almost immediately, I began to have that nauseous puke feeling. It was bothering me so much, I stuck finger down my throat to make myself puke. Sorry, if this is disturbing. Anyway, that worked. I drank some water, and I know I should eat something. I haven't eaten since 9 last night. Am I just feeling this way because it's my body's currently messed up way of saying it needs food, or should I wait until it goes away to eat? Right now, just looking at a cereal bar makes me sick. Do I force myself to eat and drink and not wait for any feeling to kick in? Also, since this is the first hangover I've had, how long can this torture last?

2007-10-10 08:51:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 08:38:00 · 1 answers · asked by ¤Elva¤ 4

I am supposed to be having blood drawn for tests (diabetes and thyroid tests). It is supposed to be a fasting blood draw. The last time I had blood drawn I was 4 years old. I don't remember it well. How is the procedure done? Is it painful? How long does it last? Anything else I need to know? For some odd reason, I am apprehensive of having it done in the inside of the elbow and i don't know why.

2007-10-10 08:10:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the last 2 weeks I've been sleeping for virutally 10 to 12 hrs a night. At first I thought it was because for a week my job was making me work the 3pm to 1:30am shift and my body had gotten so used to sleeping at 2am. but i thought I shifted it back to sleeping at 10pm wiht sleeping pills. What's going on? I have to force myself to get out of bed. On a typical day, my mom or my alarm clock wakes me up at 7am. I think I'll sleep for another 5 minutes. When I wake up it's 10 or 11 and I still want to sleep. This is the first time I've ever overslept. I went through high school and college and was able to survive on as little as 4 hours of sleep a night.

2007-10-10 08:08:22 · 3 answers · asked by christigmc 5

I have a ,shower once a day ,put deodorant on, clean my teeth etc
I seem to sweat lots :P
I still seem to smell!

Anything i could do to stop smelling like sour cream!!!

2007-10-10 06:43:56 · 9 answers · asked by rebecca_the_spaz 2

Answer these questions.

1. How many cigarettes are in a pack?

2. What end of the cigarette do you suck on? The white or the brown end?

3. Does smoking make your lips pale or dark?

4. I have smoked for 2 days now. I have been on and off in the past. I started smoking again and I smoked one cigarette one night, the next night, I smoked two, and now on the third day, I am craving to smoke a cigarette or more. Am I addicted?

2007-10-10 06:08:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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