I'm waiting to hear on if I got into graduate school. It's online but I will be on campus for two weekends of residency. I have to send my immunization records before I'm on campus. I know I had all the shots they check for before I went for my undergrad degree, but that was 9 years ago. I didn't have a primary physician, so I went to a walk-in clinic either in my town or a surrounding one depending on where I could get in the easiest. But now I don't know what clinic has them, and I really don't want to have to call every center in the area. I'd be on the phone for weeks! My work hours don't mesh with most clinics, so getting information is going to be hard enough because of HIPAA regulations (most places won't leave voice mail).
I don't know what would be the best method to go about tracking this information down; it seems impossible.
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