Have you had a medium TCA chemical facial peel??
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4 days ago
kevin? They give the face a "controlled" 2nd degree burn. It swells up oozes and all of the skin scabs up and falls off to reveal a beautiful glowing new layer of skin. Sounds crazy right? They are 1700 dollars and they are done every day for aging. I have scars from an accident. I am scared, but who does not want to look better, especially when it is already paid for .
They give the face a "controlled" 2nd degree burn. It swells up oozes and all of the skin scabs up and falls off to reveal a beautiful glowing new layer of skin. Sounds crazy right? They are 1700 dollars and they are done every day for aging. I have scars from an accident. I am scared, but who does not want to look better, especially when it is already paid for .
4 days ago - 1 day left for voting - 2 answers - Report Abuse
1 answers
asked by
sweet pea