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Injuries - April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries


2007-04-10 06:04:24 · 2 answers · asked by Mrsdonjuan 2

My friend is young 23 years old, and he broke his tibia/ fibula.

He had a cast to fix it (although it should only 80% alignment), but the doctors said after 10 days that he will have to go for surgery.

What could have gone wrong? Was the cast not made properly? Or did he put pressure on his right leg when he was told not to do it?

2007-04-10 02:40:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

lack of oxygen in infants

2007-04-09 12:36:45 · 3 answers · asked by j 1

I have cut ny wrist for 2 mounths now and i can't stop. what can i do to release my stress in a good way. and what can i do 2 heal the scars!!!!plz help

2007-04-09 09:55:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was hand cuffed and lead around by the officer pulling upward on my hands (very painful). Now I have constant pain in my shoulders and the doctor said it was rumatoid artrius caused by shoulder injury. I wondering if any one elese had simular problem and if I should sue the police.

2007-04-09 09:42:29 · 1 answers · asked by south of france 4

2007-04-09 09:17:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've just gotten a scar redone on my stomach, and I was wondering if anyone knew what it was like if you'd pop it open or open it up. I'm so worried I'm going to open up mine and I wanted to know any signs to tell that you've opened it. [ theres a patch over it so I dont know when it opens or anything ]

2007-04-09 07:16:27 · 4 answers · asked by tarynnx3 1

2007-04-09 07:13:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

So far II was diagnosed with spinal stenosis of L4-L5. I am not sure if they are related or not. After seeing numerous surgeons and MRI's for last 24 years I am still confused if I should go for Laminectimy which means cuting off 2 vertabrae to give breathing room for compressed spinal cord at L4 and L5. Last surgeon that I saw he says I have clearly two different problems. First prob is back pain due to stenosis if pain gets intolerable he would perform Laminectomy, but for 2nd prob he has to do some tests etc to determine why my right leg was atrophied gradually over last 24 years. In fact since I cant walk too much or may be due to spinal stenosis my left leg has also just started getting atrophied. I have good insurance from Medicare but cant find a great surgeon who would take medicare and perform minimally invasive surgery rather then laminectomy. I shall be highly obliged if some one give me advise how to correct this disabeling disease.

2007-04-08 22:06:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hurt my L knee running up a hill in Nov. Almost the worst pain I ever felt-like something was tearing. One doctor told me it was bursitis and told me to take 600 mg ibuprofen 4x per day. My stomach literally started bleeding. The 2nd person I saw was an orthopedic PA. He wasn't sure what it was and thought it might be a meniscal tear. After a cortisone injection failed to supply any relief, he sent me to see an orthopedic surgeon. He thought that it was plical syndrome and gave me a 2nd cortisone injection.

Here's my problem: The last injection that I got was about 2.5 months ago. I was relatively okay for those 2.5 months, but now it's really painful again. I assume that I'll have to beg for another injection, but am I just going to have to keep doing this every 3 months or so?

2007-04-08 17:25:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not being wierd, it's just that I was giving my buddy crud the other day because he was talking about how when he would go he would end up wearing just his boxer shorts. I went for several different reasons and never took anything off. FYI - not that it matters, but his doctor happened to be gay...Do people normally undress for the chiropractor?

2007-04-08 09:57:07 · 7 answers · asked by Wesleystock 2

The pain occurs only when i come back up from crouching position, i don't do alot of running and im not sure why they are hurting.

2007-04-08 09:53:43 · 3 answers · asked by Dan 1

I was in an accident (Feb. 06) where I was completely stopped. A vehicle 2 behind me slammed into the car in front of him causing THAT car to hit me. I was far enough behind the semi that I didn't hit it, but I hit the steering wheel pretty hard. Now I have SEVERE migranes (lasting days sometimes)and severe neck pain, occasionly to the point of nausea. I'm still going thru all the bs associated with insurance/work comp (I was on the clock on the way to a meeting) so needless to say, treatment has so far consisted of 10 or so PT sessions and a stream of painkillers (none of which seem to work). What really scares me is that recently (past month or 2) Ive been noticing all my fingers/toes will go completely numb & turn purpleish or completely white. They feel like Im standing in the snow with bare feet. I'll put them in warm water/use an heatingpad to make them feel normal, but sometimes it takes awhile. Could this be due to whiplash/nerve damage? Is this dangerous? Any fix?

2007-04-08 09:46:05 · 4 answers · asked by Barb P 2

My husband dropped a huge wrench on his toe nail, he was wearing only socks..I mean a huge wrench a 10-12 inch cresent wrench so its heavy anyway his toe nail the next day was lifted up just a little and is just this awful black & blue type green look to it, he thinks its going to fall off (Toe nail) now if it does, what happens to it? does one grow back? or what..? thanks for reading would love answers soon

2007-04-08 05:35:38 · 9 answers · asked by Gina 4

I recently cut my wrist...wednesday...during my shower...I was just messing around like a cutter and It cut me...Stupid to do I Know. But I have been experiencing tingling sensations in arm...off and on. The cut it self is over my vein. It isnt very deep im not sure if it got the vein or not. It was VERY red around the cut for the first evening. The next day it looked better. I was in the E.R with my mom....(she was the one in there not me) and i asked the doc about it he said it seemed ok...didnt look infected. but the cut is really red. Its about an inch long going horizontal across. not very deep tho. I have been puting anti bacterial ointment on it and have been cleaning it...but the tingling has stayed...It bled pretty decently after but cotted after about 3min or so. Should I see doc or sumthing? it isnt pain full...Any ideas?

2007-04-07 19:29:49 · 4 answers · asked by matt 1

My daughter has a bet with my brother and this is her research, she has 4 more tries.

2007-04-07 13:33:30 · 3 answers · asked by seven2ndstofire 2

Hi can anyone help me, an elder relative of mine fell off her mobility scooter about 3 weeks ago. This resulted in her landing on the curb, and then the mobility scooter falling onto her leaving her in much pain and discomfort. She had a hip replacement around 6 years ago but at the time of surgery the surgeons noted that she had a crack in her hip, as she had fallen some years previous resulting in a hairline crack.

Over the last 3 weeks, there has been symptoms developing increasingly, and she has noted that she has pubic bone pressure, unable to walk without a stick, has trouble walking steady and is walking lopsided, as though trying to avoid pressure on the hip joint in question.

We have been trying to get her to go to the hospital recently, but she seems to have convinced herself that it isn't anything serious and so I was wondering if anyone would be able to shine any light on any possible damage that has resulted as a consequence of the fall.

2007-04-07 12:55:11 · 16 answers · asked by Asherz 3

There is a bit of pain, a tiny bruise and minor minor swelling (you can barely even tell). I've been icing it but it seems to be getting kinda worse...what should I do?

2007-04-07 12:07:38 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-07 10:45:47 · 3 answers · asked by Serious1 1

Please tell me! In usually,when a patient dose a lumbar puncture, which time he may do it again as soon as possible?

2007-04-07 08:45:43 · 1 answers · asked by MeMe 2

She doesn't have a cast on, just a brace and crutches to help her move. i dont know if it is broken as much as fractured. the girl fell down four iron stairs on to a concrete floor before i pushed her, she moved maybe three inches when i pushed her and she was not wearing shoes. what do you think is the cause of the break? my push or her falling down the stairs in heels? The reason i'm asking is that she assaulted me that night, gave me two black eyes and cuts all over my face, and she is running around telling people i broke her foot when clearly she did it from the stairs. there is no guilt involved. just want to prove her wrong

2007-04-07 07:13:27 · 4 answers · asked by staceygtothee 1

He is an SCI in a special hospital for spinal breaks. I know what all the stuff he's having done is. Halo traction etc. But what are T and C parts of the spine? I know that the lower the number - the higher up the break. What does complete mean? Incomplete? Where are the 'T's? The 'C's?

2007-04-07 06:16:00 · 3 answers · asked by falloutboy_rocks_mysocks 2

I broke my the bone on the outside of my left ankle about 15 yrs ago and now I have pain in the same stop and it hurts to walk normal now in the last few days. Friends say it is a bone spurs. I don't know what that is? Any help from anyone? Before I call the doctor.

2007-04-07 02:29:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's still not getting any better. I haven't been completely off it because my motto in this situation is if you don't absolutely need crutches to walk, don't use them. What should I do??

2007-04-07 02:15:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-06 21:22:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a second degree burn on my right hand. I got my burn on the 25th of March, and the doctor said that it should heal around 10 days - 2 weeks. He prescribed to me Flamazine and some painkillers and gave me homecare. By yesterday, all the nurses said that it's healing rather nicely...but today a nurse didn't come due to it being Good Friday. My mom changed it [all the nurses taught her] but when she was cleaning it, we saw these really unpleasant little spots...Yesterday, my mom was also the one to change it but with the supervision of a nurse and she said that she was doing it correctly...We haven't had the chance to go to the doctor yet, and so I'm kind of nervous about this. The little spots won't leave so I'm wondering if it's an infection. Please help T-T.

2007-04-06 19:52:11 · 1 answers · asked by minty710 2

He now has post tramatic migraine syndrome

2007-04-06 16:18:10 · 14 answers · asked by sheree b 1

Should I put ice on it. It is sorta small but I am going to get my hair cut tomorrow and it will be easter and I dont want anyone to see. It happened earlier taday and I want the swelling to go away. What should I do?

2007-04-06 15:27:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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