Starting yesterday i had sharp pains all over my stomach, last night they were so sharp i couldnt lay down. I was up at 5am this morning throwing up. Feel back asleep, up at 8 am with a totally different pain, it felt like my stomach was one giant pulled muscle, and alot of abdonmial pressure, its been about 30 hours since the pain started. It doesnt seem to be getting any worse, its just not going away. When i push on my stomach it hurts, no matter where i push on it. Its not unberable pain, just really sharp. My temperature is 99.3.. When i eat the pain is 5 times worse? Ive had a uti, that i was taking antibiotics for (maybe the infection spread to my kidneys). But i dont think my stomach would hurt to touch if it was a kidney infection? When im sitting its not horribly painful, but when i stand it hurts bad. And i keep getting sharp pains in my upper stomach, as well lower. When i stretch or cough my lower stomach hurts, i feel minorly constipated and im really gasy. Thanks!
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Mommy of 2 little girls<3